The first formula is "Darvas High" which identifies new period highs followed by three lower highs.
Name of Indicator: Darvas High
Periods:=100; { this is the only place the number of periods is set}
If((Ref(H,-3) >= Ref(HHV(H,Periods),-4))
AND Ref(H,-3) > Ref(H,-2)
AND Ref(H,-3) > Ref(H,-1)
AND Ref(H,-3) > H,
Ref(H,-3), PREVIOUS );
Name of Indicator: New Darvas High
dh:= Fml("Darvas High");
def:=IsDefined(dh) AND IsDefined(Ref(dh,-2));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0) + (dh AND Ref(dh,-1)<>dh);
Name of Indicator: New Darvas Low
dh:= Fml("Darvas High");
ndl:=(Ref(L,-3) < Ref(L,-2) AND Ref(L,-3) < Ref(L,-1)
AND Ref(L,-3) < L AND Ref(H,-2) < dh
AND Ref(H,-1) < dh AND H < dh);
def:=IsDefined(dh) AND IsDefined(Ref(dh,-1));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0)+ (ndl AND (Ref(ndl,-1) < 1))
Name of Indicator: Darvas Low
If( Fml("New Darvas Low") , Ref(L,-3), PREVIOUS);
Name of Indicator: Darvas Box End
end:=BarsSince(Fml("New Darvas High")) <
BarsSince(Ref(Fml("New Darvas Low"),-1));
def:=IsDefined(end) AND IsUndefined(Ref(end,-1));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0)+ (end AND Fml("New Darvas Low"))
We are now in a position to plot the High and Low of the Darvas box.
Name of Indicator: Darvas Box High
dbe:=Fml("Darvas Box End");
dbhi:=If(dbe AND IsDefined(Ref(dbe,-1)), Fml("Darvas High"), PREVIOUS);
Name of Indicator: Darvas Box Low
dbe:=Fml("Darvas Box End");
bl:=If(dbe AND IsDefined(Ref(dbe,-1)), Fml("Darvas Low"), PREVIOUS);
Next we need to develop the Sell Indicator. First we look for possible sell signals.
Name of Indicator: Darvas Poss Sell
dsl:=L < Fml("Darvas Box Low");
def:=IsDefined(dsl) AND IsDefined(Ref(dsl,-1));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0)+(dsl AND (Ref(dsl,-1)<dsl))
Name of Indicator: Darvas Sell
sell:=BarsSince(Fml("Darvas Box End")) <
BarsSince(Fml("Darvas Poss Sell"));
def:=IsDefined(sell) AND IsDefined(Ref(sell,-1));
((def AND Ref(def,-1)=0) + (sell = 0 AND Ref(sell,-1)=1))
Name of Indicator: Darvas Buy
dc:= Fml("darvas sell");
{ change the following line to H>Fml("Darvas Box Hi") .. for Classic Darvas}
db:= C>Fml("Darvas Box Hi") AND
(BarsSince(Fml("darvas box end")) < BarsSince(Fml("darvas sell")));
dto:=If(db AND PREVIOUS=0,1,If(dc,0,PREVIOUS));
dto AND (Ref(dto,-1) =0)
Using these formulas it is simple to create a new Metastock Expert Advisor for Darvas. Create a New advisor, call it Darvas and fill in the following tabs
For the Trends tab I used the somewhat arbitrary
Bullish C >= Fml("Darvas Box Low");
Bearish C < Fml("Darvas Box Low");
For Symbols tab use
Buy: up arrow graphic, formula Fml("Darvas Buy")
Sell: down arrow graphic, formula Fml("Darvas Sell")
For Alerts tab use
Buy: formula Fml("Darvas Buy") and some suitable text message such as "buy on next open"
Sell: formula Fml("Darvas Sell") and some suitable text message such as "sell on next open"
The first formula is "Darvas High" which identifies new period highs followed by three lower highs.
Name of Indicator: Darvas High
Periods:=100; { this is the only place the number of periods is set}
If((Ref(H,-3) >= Ref(HHV(H,Periods),-4))
AND Ref(H,-3) > Ref(H,-2)
AND Ref(H,-3) > Ref(H,-1)
AND Ref(H,-3) > H,
Ref(H,-3), PREVIOUS );
Name of Indicator: New Darvas High
dh:= Fml("Darvas High");
def:=IsDefined(dh) AND IsDefined(Ref(dh,-2));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0) + (dh AND Ref(dh,-1)<>dh);
Name of Indicator: New Darvas Low
dh:= Fml("Darvas High");
ndl:=(Ref(L,-3) < Ref(L,-2) AND Ref(L,-3) < Ref(L,-1)
AND Ref(L,-3) < L AND Ref(H,-2) < dh
AND Ref(H,-1) < dh AND H < dh);
def:=IsDefined(dh) AND IsDefined(Ref(dh,-1));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0)+ (ndl AND (Ref(ndl,-1) < 1))
Name of Indicator: Darvas Low
If( Fml("New Darvas Low") , Ref(L,-3), PREVIOUS);
Name of Indicator: Darvas Box End
end:=BarsSince(Fml("New Darvas High")) <
BarsSince(Ref(Fml("New Darvas Low"),-1));
def:=IsDefined(end) AND IsUndefined(Ref(end,-1));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0)+ (end AND Fml("New Darvas Low"))
We are now in a position to plot the High and Low of the Darvas box.
Name of Indicator: Darvas Box High
dbe:=Fml("Darvas Box End");
dbhi:=If(dbe AND IsDefined(Ref(dbe,-1)), Fml("Darvas High"), PREVIOUS);
Name of Indicator: Darvas Box Low
dbe:=Fml("Darvas Box End");
bl:=If(dbe AND IsDefined(Ref(dbe,-1)), Fml("Darvas Low"), PREVIOUS);
Next we need to develop the Sell Indicator. First we look for possible sell signals.
Name of Indicator: Darvas Poss Sell
dsl:=L < Fml("Darvas Box Low");
def:=IsDefined(dsl) AND IsDefined(Ref(dsl,-1));
(def AND Ref(def,-1)=0)+(dsl AND (Ref(dsl,-1)<dsl))
Name of Indicator: Darvas Sell
sell:=BarsSince(Fml("Darvas Box End")) <
BarsSince(Fml("Darvas Poss Sell"));
def:=IsDefined(sell) AND IsDefined(Ref(sell,-1));
((def AND Ref(def,-1)=0) + (sell = 0 AND Ref(sell,-1)=1))
Name of Indicator: Darvas Buy
dc:= Fml("darvas sell");
{ change the following line to H>Fml("Darvas Box Hi") .. for Classic Darvas}
db:= C>Fml("Darvas Box Hi") AND
(BarsSince(Fml("darvas box end")) < BarsSince(Fml("darvas sell")));
dto:=If(db AND PREVIOUS=0,1,If(dc,0,PREVIOUS));
dto AND (Ref(dto,-1) =0)
Using these formulas it is simple to create a new Metastock Expert Advisor for Darvas. Create a New advisor, call it Darvas and fill in the following tabs
For the Trends tab I used the somewhat arbitrary
Bullish C >= Fml("Darvas Box Low");
Bearish C < Fml("Darvas Box Low");
For Symbols tab use
Buy: up arrow graphic, formula Fml("Darvas Buy")
Sell: down arrow graphic, formula Fml("Darvas Sell")
For Alerts tab use
Buy: formula Fml("Darvas Buy") and some suitable text message such as "buy on next open"
Sell: formula Fml("Darvas Sell") and some suitable text message such as "sell on next open"