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  1. V

    Group Dissection and analysis of a company

    It seems to be a great idea. As I am also a new to the market and believe that a good FA done on a company is the best way of valuing a company. Studies on different sectors in the economy is the best way to go forward, but its time consuming.
  2. V

    Interesting analysis - Reliance Power

    A good analysis on the company. post listing the share is trading 17% below Rs 450. The market has factored in that on paper it all seems very rosy, but it wont be until the end of 2010 before it will show a physical asset. Being a utility company with no asset to show as of now, it would be...
  3. V

    Basic fundas of all cos in 1 excel sheet

    File removed from Is there any other alternative. Could u please send it by mail.
  4. V

    Comparative Table of Brokerage Charges of selected brokerge firms.

    The comparative brokerage doc is of greatb help. Thanks for posting it.