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  1. A

    Please help--running two databases --1 for eod & 1 for realtime

    I am confused now with databases..Anyway what I would like to do is having to separate databases one for EOD data and one for realtime.. The EOD I have through Amiquote ,so no problem with that...I have the plugin from IB and works but I can`t add symbols because the symbols exist in my EOD...
  2. A

    Afl code help

    Thank you so much! Basically I want to use just for scanning not backtesting. Thanks again!
  3. A

    Afl code help

    Just was wondering if someone could help me on the following scan criteria. I want the price let`s say 10% above or whatever % above the 200EMA and vice versa whatever % bellow the 200EMA. Thank you in advance !