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  1. K

    Fundamental picks

    Dear Ahmed, Please re-write all your calls list according to current market price there is a lot of confusion when people demand some scrips to be watched upon by you abd then you post new calls hearty request to post your calls on seprate thread with your previous calls section so that...
  2. K

    Fundamental picks

    Dear Ahmed Marksans Pharma - Shall i Hold ?? Modern Steel Shooted Up - Cheers Regards Kappil
  3. K

    Fundamental picks

    Thank You so much Ahmed For being patient enough on explaining me the basics Whats your Call on Marksans Pharma - Shall i Hold ??? Modern Steel Jumped 6% - Cheers for Success Please do mention the Target Prices and the Trading type for the New Calls as well as Revised Calls, would be really...
  4. K

    Fundamental picks

    Dear Ahmed modern steel target ? do suggest the stocks which i can enter at current levels ... comment on the fall yesterday if any idea.. sorry but a newbie .. cmp - ? UC - ? and what are ur evaluations procedures for these recos Regards Kappil
  5. K

    Fundamental picks

    Thank you Ahmed Marksans was a great tip I experimented for first time and was sucessful Thanks and keep up the great work Kindly mention the trading type for KCP,MODERN STEEL, Kamdhenu Short term or long term Regards Kappil