60 min Flow in International Commodities.

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I think NCDEX data is in KG or 10gram , MCX data is in lot

Generaly trading NCDEX in actual weight while in MCX it is in lot

Definatly volume in MCX much more than NCDEX.. .. in international comm.


I was just checking the open interest data of some popular commodities on NCDEX and MCX. Some figures at around 9:30 pm today were as under:

All are current month contracts

NCDEX Gold100MUM 65,400
NCDEX CopelCMUM 4,99,000 (this is electrolytic copper cathod)

Rest on NCDEX are pathetic

MCX GoldM 21,170
MCX SilverM 17,677
MCX CopperM 17,637

Rest all figures on MCX are lesser than these.

Now if we compare Gold and Copper, NCDEX seems to be having far more volume than MCX.

Then why are people here trading in MCX and not on NCDEX in these two commodities?



Well-Known Member
Price increase without increase in OI can be fake/trap. See what has happened now..fell like anything...so be cautious in such cases..and keep an eye on price, volume and OI all 3 together...and learn to interpret their various combinations...

Abhishek we are following the 60 min. Flow method so we dont need to be cautious, all we need to do is see our Pivots and move stoplosses accordingly.

Copper had given a Buy signal at 154.45 and another ADD at 162, for those following 60 Min. charts, we would have exited at around 170 and would be still short.

That was just for explaination, I am following Daily Chart Pivots only


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much for the Charts DNJ


Active Member
dr.ranaji please give levels for gold ,silver as explained above for copper on eod levels sir to follow and learn new bies like me . Thank you.
dnjadeja, may i know the SAR for the current short in GOLD ? is it today's high + FIlter.. i was trading in minigold ,so don't have the data for gold. (as u know ODIN diet doesnot have the capability to backfill the data) . for minigold SAR seems to be 14075+filter. Plz correct if am wrong..

ps. From tomorrow will follow GOLD's chart.
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