Association of Technical Market Analysts: Inauguration

Association of Technical Market Analysts has been inaugurated formally, from the Rotunda Trading Hall of the Bombay Stock Exchange on the 29th September 2010.

A library of Technical Analysis and related books has been inaugurated at the BSE as well. An elibray has been inaugurated as well that can be accessed from the website of ATMA India. To begin with each and every issue of the Annual Journal of the MTA has been loaded up on the same in e-book format. Over course of course there would be good titles available in the e-book format as well along side the physical library that is being put at the Cama Building in Dalal Street.

ATMA Charts, a comprehensive Technical Analysis platform has been inaugurated as well and is accessible to all members from the ATMA India website. Apart from EoD data from BSE & NSE, intraday data is plugged in as well, though with a 15 minute lag right now.

ATMA membership enjoys networking of the next generation through its website. Utilities that encapsulate the better side of facebook and linkedin features are incorporated into a unique networking setup on the ATMA website and christened ATMA NETWORK. Members can do live chats in groups or one on one. Those into client facing roles and using much of the social media marketing websites such as linkedin, facebook, twitter, diggit, delicious, diggit etc. can at the mere flick on one single button post their status bar messages from ATMA NETWORK on to upto 20 networking sites at a go!

We are evaluating providing video chat facilities to our members in the near future.

CMT exam information is available to non member areas on one hand and a rich community of CMT candidates from all over the country is discussing meaningful exam prep strategies from within the DISCUSSION FORUM in the logged in area.

WEBCASTS and PODCASTS from a wide range of Global Gurus are regularly added to the multi-media library on the website. Shortly, local Indian practitioners will begin contributing to the same.

In the very near future, live classes to be conducted through a technology we are acquiring where upto 1000 people can participate simultaneously on video-casts is coming through for CMT candidates and for other Continuing Education Initiatives of the ATMA.

Our office is at 110 Jeejeebhoy Towers (BSE Building), Dalal Street.

Student memberships are available for those who are enrolled into full time university or college degree programs at a meaningful 75% discount to regular membership.

The future at the ATMA is exciting and memberships are growing rapidly. Much more will come, step by step, in time.

Sushil Kedia

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