Beware of Left's Move

Recent statement of Mr. Prakash Karat of CPI Polit Buero on the Policies of Congress can effect the Foreign Invetment. Post Budget days could be highly disturbing for Stock Market.
Members comments will be highly appriciated.
Left can only bark but not bite.
Trust Congress on foreign investment.
They are the ones who started liberalising the economy.
And with Manmohan Singh and PC at the helm I see no danger for the Indian

There is a possibility of aggressive posturing and chest beating as and when the next assembly elections in West Bengal where Congress is in direct opposition to the Left, is scheduled to be held.
Untill then I see a smooth sailing for the Indian economy.

Taking into consideration the recent hike in FDI cap in telecom sector to 74% and the much touted modernisation in the aviation sector nothwithstanding the opposition from the Left, I see no setback to FDI

But then one has to be on one's guard, as anything is possible in politics.