Traderji said:
Unsuccessful and frustrated traders want to believe there is an order to the markets. They think prices move in systematic ways (Elliott Waves) that are highly disguised. They want to believe they can somehow acquire the "secret" to the price system that will give them an advantage. They think successful trading will result from highly effective methods of predicting future price direction. They have been falling for sureshot methods and systems since the beginning of civilization (or when markets started trading).
Frustrated traders are constantly looking for some secret that successful traders use to make money. The only secret is that there is no secret.
The truth is that the markets are not predictable except in the most general way. Luckily, successful trading does not require effective prediction mechanisms. Successful trading involves following trends in whatever time frame you choose. The trend is your edge. If you follow trends with proper money management methods and good market selection, you will make money in the long run. Good market selection refers to selecting good trending markets generally rather than selecting a particular situation likely to result in an immediate trend.
There are two related problems for most traders. The first is following a good method with enough consistency to have a statistical edge. The second is following the method long enough for the edge to manifest itself.
Exactly my sentiments Traderji!
When I started off in trading/investing I was convinced by a salesperson of a well known data service provider company to purchase Advances Get by giving me some BS on how the top traders and investors used this software.
I forked out 160K to purchase this software and tried UNSUCCESSFULLY to make any profits out of this for over 2 years. I lost money!!
I realized that the program changed its wave count every time a new price bar was added. Of course if anybody saw just that it looked very good but if you traded the system one would not know what to do. The only thing good about this software was is MOB levels.
After losing money heavily I followed my friends advise and subscribed to a trend trading newsletter from (about 6 months back). Subscribing to this newsletter has changed my life. I have now recovered my past losses and hopefully should be in the GREEN once again.
I use the trend trading newsletter and also the swing trading newsletter with great discipline. One thing good about this newsletter is that they give you proper money mangement rules that has helped improve my trading confidence.
I love their swing trading newsletter. Which gives short term trades. I devote 60% of my capital to Trend trading and 40% to swing trading.
I was a frustrated trader looking for some secret to make money in the markets, but now I know better...