how can i get health insurance ?

Hulu Girl

Active Member
You can check your choice of insurance policy on policy bazar website. There you will find so many options for insurance. If you still dont know how to get one for you, contact any local insurance agent, they will help you more about it.
I got a policy last week so I can tell you that buying for health insurance, you will have to understand your requirements first. A plan which is best for me may not be best for you as our requirements are different. Hence, carry on with your own research, understand your needs in terms of sum insured and benefits. Then, look out for plan which fulfills those requirements. I am sure with some research you will be able to get the best plan.
All the best.
Very Generic Question.
First ask yourself few questions like
Do you need health insurance?
What amount? etc.
I personally bought insurance by keeping few points in mind like highest claim settlement ratio, word of mouth, benefits.
If they offer coverage, you can get health insurance by researching and purchasing a plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace, a private insurance provider, or your employer.

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