how much return you expect from commodity market

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Well-Known Member
I'm short in lead.

Any tips on how to spend the day without always looking at charts?

I have a bad habit of always looking at the screen and squaring off too early. Eg, Enter short for lead October at 104.6, square off after losing nerve at 104.1 and then short lead at 103.45.

I'm not looking at Gold till the end of the month since the volatility does seem to be heading to a break out as per the chart:

Silver EOD chart,
looks like headed for a big breakout,
which side will it be ?

I'm short in lead.

Any tips on how to spend the day without always looking at charts?

I have a bad habit of always looking at the screen and squaring off too early. Eg, Enter short for lead October at 104.6, square off after losing nerve at 104.1 and then short lead at 103.45.

I'm not looking at Gold till the end of the month since the volatility does seem to be heading to a break out as per the chart:
once you have entered in a trade wheather long or short,take help of rsi at one hour time frame,it will keep you buzy through out the day and u will be in the trade till it is not matured
if you were short in lead,u should have closed lead,once rsi at one hour gave ,to go long signal
in this way your trading will become mechnical and it is a must to controle your greed and fear


Well-Known Member
I really need to be more mechanical. Today when I went long at 113.6, I exited at 114.1 and within 1 hour of exit, prices continued to 114.6

EOD Stoch seems to indicate downward for lead so I was short yesterday. It seems that 1 hour RSI is more important since it did indicate a long opportunity. 4 hour stoch (LEADU1#I on Broco Trader) also indicates long.
Dear Ashwani,

Guided by your writings in this thread, I have made something like an MTS which works on EOD prices. As suggested by you, it is based on concept of bulls & bears; support & resistance. Attached excel contains details of entries & exits for leadmini for eight months. You will immediately understand all the rules on seeing the excel. From 19th Jan 11 to 23rd Aug 11, it gave a profit of about 28 points. Actual will be lower as commissions are yet to be minused.

Kindly compare these with your system and tell your views about the accuracy of entry/exit points.

Now the problem is that some of the trades are of very short duration and whipsaws also. Is there any way of avoiding at least some of them? Another problem is that there were 20 trades in seven months, which appears too many to me.



Ps: All on EOD and near month leadmini.


Well-Known Member
I'm short in lead.

Any tips on how to spend the day without always looking at charts?

I have a bad habit of always looking at the screen and squaring off too early. Eg, Enter short for lead October at 104.6, square off after losing nerve at 104.1 and then short lead at 103.45.

I'm not looking at Gold till the end of the month since the volatility does seem to be heading to a break out as per the chart:
I think u need to read articles on, "Exit Strategies", just Google for the same.
Also human psychology plays a big game here.
Hence try using Trailing stops to exit any position.
It has worked for me.
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