Is there any way to bypass the LRS of RBI?

It is clear that trading FOREX is not permitted under the 'LIBERALISED REMITTANCE SCHEME OF USD 200000' as mentioned on RBI's website. But, is there any way to bypass the act or any loopholes in it? I just want to be on the safe side while trading FOREX. Also, is there any way to legalise the earnings from FOREX? Is there any way that my bank or anyone else will know whether I earned the money trading FOREX? If so, is there a way to make it look like it wasn't earned trading FOREX?


Well-Known Member
If you clarify following point then i can try to give you some idea on this matter.

Are you looking for a way to bring USD 2,00,000 (two lakh $) to India which you earned by trading forex in abroad account?