Making a living trading Copper

praveen taneja

Well-Known Member
But this sudden spikes can trigger out stop-losses, isn't it? If that is so, then where is commodity safer than equity.

And regarding EU problem, it looks like it's a list of never ending problems.:mad:

I am asking just as a novice. Plz, don't get irritated with my silly questions.
Bro sl is meant to be eaten by smart money they have softwares and can pick them up easily thats why tell every one make sl in mind not on odin:)

EU countries are major user of commodities with EM but all are slowing down thats why commodities can try to go up but for coming down later thats called bear rallies:)

Bro all are novice telling you what I think and more chances are that my thinking can be wrong so listen but take advice from any intelligent traders use lots of mini profit and loss all in control:thumb:


Well-Known Member
Bad ... don't worry it will come back ... An advice though ... Nickel is fast moving with spikes of 3- 4 rs quite common along with Silver and Natural Gas .. if you want to trade them and are confident in your trade ... try to keep a bigger stop loss ....
Dont you think 2Rs sl is too less for an item of 940Rs:confused::confused:
This is my problem, I don't understand how far I should place my SL. Chakkar a jata hai. :eek:

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