Making a living trading Copper

You can get it from International forex brokers in mt4. There are some who provide commodities as well.It is against USD not INR. I use GCI. Just search for GCI mt4 and take a demo. Demo is not time stipulated.

Ihave downloaded the GCI mt4 Demo. Iam getting charts 4 currency pairs. Can we get Commodities also like Copper


Well-Known Member
My Long is going to crash and burn in all probability :mad: .Spot is crashing like anything. I will continue to hold on to it though. No point in making a system if I discard it at the first adverse reaction. :annoyed:
S/L hit.... got out at 417.50.....Short two lots from the same price.... One lot is for covering the loss made and the other lot is for the profit target.
S/L 419.75
T/P 1st lot - 415.65
T/P 2nd Lot-414.85

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