Music for Traders

As a sports person in my you get days, I know that most athletes and sports persons listen to music before they go out there to compete..

We traders go out there and compete against each other on nearly a daily basis.. But do we listen to music to prepare ourselves before each trading morning?

How many of us do the above on a regular basis?
Before as such.. nooo... but yeah music is always on during trading hours ;) Helps in this boring job :D
I was just thinking yesterday.. I was listening to music before my daily workout trying to psyche myself before I begin.. Why don't we do the same before trading session too?

Not exactly to 'psyche' ourselves.. But to get the motivation levels high
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Well-Known Member
I was just thinking yesterday.. I was listening to music before my daily workout trying to psyche myself before I begin.. Why don't we do the same before trading session too?

Not exactly to 'psyche' ourselves.. But to get the motivation levels high
Yep.. music can be used anytime anywhere.. for nything :)

I usually just watch some headlines.. read news (nothing related to market :D).. then just sit at my computer browse here there.. check TJ sometimes.. eat a nice breakfast... etc dtz all I'm all set for the market.

From pre-opening till 9:30... no music since I try to focus on the opening to see wht possibly can be the day like... then youtube is on.. or radio app in d phone is on :D


Well-Known Member
I never watch TV in real time. Have few online Trader frnds. Chat with them.

Love Music. Classical, Film Songs. Prefer Hindustani Classical.

9.00 AM to 3.30 passes very easily.

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
I listen to songs by Madonna while i trade. Definitely helps my trading :thumb:

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