Please share your arbitration experience if any and in which city arbitration take place?

If anyone had to go through arbitration - please share the experience - obviously it would be unpleasant but give details like
did you have to travel from your city to Mumbai or ??

Who pays for this travel if you win the award?
If you won the award the broker gives it right away or drama?

Do you get any money for agony you had to go through ..also time and energy?


Well-Known Member
If anyone had to go through arbitration - please share the experience - obviously it would be unpleasant but give details like
did you have to travel from your city to Mumbai or ??

Who pays for this travel if you win the award?
If you won the award the broker gives it right away or drama?

Do you get any money for agony you had to go through ..also time and energy?
Arbitration by the exchange is name sake. Now its online by Zoom.