Simple AFL to draw pre-defined lines


Well-Known Member
Thanx for all the help from Forum members

I have one more request

Can someone post an AFL for the foll condition

-- Draw Lines (dashed) for last 3 days Highs and Lows (Brown, Orange and Darkgreen)
--Line (dashed) for Yesterdays Pivot Highs and Lows (Turquiose)
--Line for today's High and Low, formed at that point of time (Gold).
--Floor pivot lines for current day(3 Resiss and 3Supps+1pivot) (Violet)
--Values to be mentioned at the right side for each line
--Can a text be displayed just above each of the lines mentioning what line it is (eg: 1st day High, 2nd day Low, Yday Low, R3, S1, Pivot, YdayIntermediateHigh etc)
--Plz do not shrink the chart to make all the lines visible. Lines can be visible when price travels to that point.

I bet this wud help others as well

Thanx again


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So nice of u Vidyasagar....u have a big heart to help people here in this forum.

Thanx again :thumb::clapping:

Just have a look at this pic for my humble feedback

Also help me out on this, if u can....

Plz have a look at the feedback picture and help me with revised AFL to suit all my requirement.

Hope these are minor changes that are to be made in the existing AFL sent by u

Thanx again


Well-Known Member

And also can we make use of this code, which i took from library, for plotting today's High and Low??

isRth = TimeNum() >= 084500 & TimeNum() <= 085959;
isdRth = TimeNum() >= 084500 & TimeNum() <= 160000;
aRthL = IIf(isRth, L, 1000000);
aRthH = IIf(isdRth, H, Null);
aRthLd = IIf(isdRth, L, 1000000);
DayH = TimeFrameCompress( aRthH, inDaily, compressHigh );
DayH = TimeFrameExpand( DayH, inDaily, expandFirst );
DayL = TimeFrameCompress( aRthLd, inDaily, compressLow );
DayL = TimeFrameExpand( DayL, inDaily, expandFirst );
Bars = BarsSince(TimeNum() >= 94500 AND TimeNum() < 095959);//,BarIndex(),1); // AND DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum());
x0 = BarCount-LastValue(Bars);
x1 = BarCount-1;
DayHline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(DayH),x1,LastValue (DayH),0);
DayLline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(DayL),x1,LastValue (DayL),0);

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