Software for Trend followers on Mac

I am searching for a software to study trend following and have zero understanding how these programs run. I came across a mac software at which might fit the bill.

Only problem is - I am not sure if this software can be used with Indian Data. I wrote to their customer support and this is the reply I received -

If you have an end-of-day source of Indian data in text or ASCII format we can read and interpret it.

Can trendsoft be used for Indian markets ? I need a software for Mac which should be similar to TRADINGBLOX for PC's
I am searching for a software to study trend following and have zero understanding how these programs run. I came across a mac software at which might fit the bill.

Only problem is - I am not sure if this software can be used with Indian Data. I wrote to their customer support and this is the reply I received -

If you have an end-of-day source of Indian data in text or ASCII format we can read and interpret it.

Can trendsoft be used for Indian markets ? I need a software for Mac which should be similar to TRADINGBLOX for PC's
Rishikesh_M - You need a software to study stuff like Elliot wave, Gann. IMHO you dont need a "software" to study Trend Following. What you need is an attitude. Trend following is a way of thinking (about life and markets) rather than a packed set of indicators or plats that will map trend for you. Any basic TA software that can be used to define trends. The challenge begins after this. Check Ed Seykota's

If you are talking about "systematic' trend following and you dont want to be writing code for these systems but rather just drag-drop plug and play, then Metastock has a few pre-installed trend following systems. TradeStation has about a few million of them. So do forums using wealthlab and AmiBroker.

Curtis Faith's TradingBlox is also available for Mac's. Have you used Trading Blox? I'd appreciate a post on your experiences on using TradingBlox. Me and a bunch of freinds are planning on getting it.

Trade Well. Trade Wise.

I had written to tradingblox and this is the reply I had received. Price is a bit forbidding, so I might buy it later, when I have studied this system more properly. I am actually a complete newbie to TA software.

Hi Rishikesh,

Yes, you can run on an intel based mac using Vista/XP running on
Parallels software. That is what I use as well.

Yes, we have a number of customers using Trading Blox for the Indian
markets. I'm not sure what the data source is offhand, but if you can
get the data into a text file you should be fine.

Best regards,

Tim Arnold

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