Thought for the day


Well-Known Member
From Homeless to Multimillionaire
Chris Gardner

Christopher Paul "Chris" Gardner is an American entrepreneur, investor, stockbroker, motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist who, during the early 1980s, struggled with homelessness while raising his toddler son, Christopher, Junior.

Gardner worked as a research lab assistant at UCSF and at the Veterans' Hospital.Since his salary was not enough to support his family, after four years, he quit these jobs and doubled his salary by taking a job as a medical equipment salesman.

Gardner gained a position in Dean Witter Reynolds’ stock brokerage training program which he realised later on that it offered no salary to him.

Apart from selling medical equipment that brought in 300-400 dollars a month in the early 1980s, and with no savings, he was unable to meet his living expenses.

His wife left him and his son. He was taken out of his apartment and he even spent one night in the restroom of a metro station. He usually took refuge at night in a church shelter with his son.

Eventually, he worked to become a top trainee at Dean Witter Reynolds.
Gardner was recruited by Bear Stearns & Company in San Francisco.

In 1987, Gardner established the brokerage firm, Gardner Rich & Co, in Chicago, Illinois
Today, he is a multi millionaire.

After Gardner sold his small stake in Gardner Rich in a multi-million dollar deal in 2006, he became CEO and founder of Christopher Gardner International Holdings, with offices in New York, Chicago and San Francisco.
He sponsors many charitable organisations.

He published his autobiography The PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS, in 2006.

He has a now become a motivational speaker too.

His story was shown in the Gabriele Muccino directed movie, the PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS, released in 2006.

The movie, starring Will Smith, Thandie Newton and Smith's son Jaden Smith, focused on Gardner's nearly one-year struggle with homelessness.

The secret to his success as told by him:
"Passion is everything. In fact, you've got to be borderline fanatical about what you do. Be bold enough to find the one thing that you are passionate about. It might not be what you were trained to do. But be bold enough to do the one thing. Nobody needs to dig it but you."

Source::: Many sites/forums/blogs have this but above article is from q u o r a by mr yashvendra singh
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Well-Known Member
Sunitha Krishnan:
[Fighting The Scourge Of Human Trafficking]

A victim of gang rape herself, Sunitha Krishnan has risen from the ashes to rescue others from trafficking. The tasks she has on hand are just too enormous. Her organization has been instrumental in rescuing and rehabilitating thousands of women and children.She has a blog titled “Sunitha Krishnan: Anti-Trafficking Crusader” where she recounts her experiences of rescue. Actually, her blog is not an easy read. It is very difficult to read about small girls (as young as four year old) being raped by fathers, uncles, brothers, cousins and neighbours. Her blog posts can just shame us all out of our peaceful existence. The least we can do is spread awareness about the scourge of trafficking.

We are a very proud nation, boasting of our glorious past and our current status of being an ‘economic giant’. But we seem to brush under the carpet the sins committed by us. Trafficking is increasing at an alarming rate and no one is spared. Girls are brought in from Nepal and sold to brothels all across our nation. The alarming part is that people who are involved in all this are the ones who are trusted by victims.The condition of the victims is worse than that of slaves! The victims are subjected to the worst form of sexual abuse often accompanied by violence. It leaves the victims emotionally as also physically brutalised. The victims have to keep catering to many clients and end up with HIV/AIDS. Then, they are just discarded as they are now useless and cannot bring in any returns for their owners.

Sunitha’s organization ‘Prajwala’ has been rehabilitating the victims after rescuing them. Shelters have been built and a factory has been opened where skills like carpentry, welding, etc. are taught to the girls. Prajwala also tries to unite the victims with their families. Sometimes, the victims are not accepted back by the families owing to the backwardness of our views on women. At such times, Prajwala takes full responsibility of these victims. Some women and girls are also married off by Prajwala in its endeavour to integrate the victims back into society. Prajwala also takes care of the last rites of the victims who pass away. In all these tasks, Prajwala faces stiff opposition from our society.Prajwala works with police and other law enforcement agencies in this job of fighting commercial sexual expolitation. The organization never seeks publicity for the rescue of the girls, letting its work speak for itself.

Prajwala and Sunitha have won many awards for their exemplary work. They are now sought after the world over by programs for rescue and rehabilitation of victims of trafficking. Even State governments are listening to Prajwala and Sunitha in effecting measures for the prevention of trafficking. All this will surely help in minimising this crime.

Sunitha has said time and again that the silence of the society towards human trafficking has to change. Let us become aware and appreciate Prajwala.

One can become a follower by joining Sunitha Krishnan’s blog, or ‘Like’ Prajwala on facebook to get updates on their work.

Also read about Sonali Mukherjee who survived a devastating acid attack to now fight violence against women.

Vasudha Rao is a wannabe lawyer who worked in a PSU for nearly 16 years before calling it quits. She is presently a home maker, an avid blogger, an upcoming baker and a book worm! She stays in Mumbai.

Read her blog:

#Respect #WomenPower #HumanTrafficking #Salutes
Quits and drinks dead water only ... dukes soda blunt no sugar no caffine

Salute : A Teacher Who Swims Across A River To Be On Time

Teaching is a noble profession. Add to it the determination to wade through neck-deep, filthy water to reach school on time, without a day of absence. Well, we will have a teacher who has taken this nobility to new heights. Respect is a word which falls short of describing him.

A T Abdul Mallik has been teaching in a Muslim Lower Primary School at Padinjattumuri in Malappuram district of Kerala since 1992. He used to be late for school when he would change two buses and walk about two kilometers (total 12 km) to reach the school in three hours. Hence, he decided to swim across river Kadalundipuzha every day to reach his school on time. It takes him 10 minutes from his house to reach the riverbank and three minutes walk to school after he crosses the swirling river. With an average salary of around Rs 25 000 a month, he manages to save Rs 30 a day.

Above is Bald Guy :xD
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