Today's Buy Levels

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Normally on a 200/= stock one can expect a Rs 1.00 profit.As in this case the earlier trade was Loss,which could be recouped with slight profit by the 2nd Trade & am exposed to few other counters,hence got out .

As to your question;say one has Rs 10 k he can get an exposure of 1 Lack (min)in Intraday,now if the Stop is nearby the Qty is more.


Well-Known Member
In trading is a profit of 0.25-0.50 paise OK.
If Yes, then approx. how much quantity one should buy?

Sorry if I sound too dumb ... just a scared new investor.
hi angel, this types of trading methods are very risky if traded without proper knowledge of real time price activities & t/a, if you are a newbie then try to avoid this method & learn some real time analysis. saint, uasish have great skills on it.


Well-Known Member
Normally on a 200/= stock one can expect a Rs 1.00 profit.As in this case the earlier trade was Loss,which could be recouped with slight profit by the 2nd Trade & am exposed to few other counters,hence got out .

As to your question;say one has Rs 10 k he can get an exposure of 1 Lack (min)in Intraday,now if the Stop is nearby the Qty is more.
in that case, what should be your stop loss or risk?
Normally on a 200/= stock one can expect a Rs 1.00 profit.As in this case the earlier trade was Loss,which could be recouped with slight profit by the 2nd Trade & am exposed to few other counters,hence got out .

As to your question;say one has Rs 10 k he can get an exposure of 1 Lack (min)in Intraday,now if the Stop is nearby the Qty is more.
Makes a lot of sense now ...
I'll read thru' this thread at leisure to get a clearer picture.

Thanks a ton !!!
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