Trading options near expiry


Well-Known Member
Near expiry, delta of options near to one.

The bait
This gives tremendous leverage opportunity, often my entire 2 months trading profits could be achieved in the last 3 days of options expiry.

The Hook
In reality my biggest losses come from near expiry options trade.
Obvious reason is over leveraged position...

Every time I dream of the delicious bait and open my mouth, I end up with painful hook in my throat :( and recovering for next 2 months!

One obvious way to solve this problem is limiting the position size to allow only 10-25% of loss of my equity.


is there a way to eat around the bait escaping the hook :D??

What are your near expiry options trading experiences?

I have seen options expiry break traders and blow up their accounts...
are there any positive experiences with options expiry?

Pls do share your experiences and thoughts!
It seems market has its recurring April fool trick for greedy & dumb options traders near expiry :D every month :D
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Well-Known Member
Near expiry, delta of options near to one.

The bait
This gives tremendous leverage opportunity, often my entire 2 months trading profits could be achieved in the last 3 days of options expiry.

The Hook
In reality my biggest losses come from near expiry options trade.
Obvious reason is over leveraged position...

Every time I dream of the delicious bait and open my mouth, I end up with painful hook in my throat :( and recovering for next 2 months!

One obvious way to solve this problem is limiting the position size to allow only 10-25% of loss of my equity.


is there a way to eat around the bait escaping the hook :D??

What are your near expiry options trading experiences?

I have seen options expiry break traders and blow up their accounts...
are there any positive experiences with options expiry?

Pls do share your experiences and thoughts!
It seems market has its recurring April fool trick for greedy & dumb options traders near expiry :D every month :D
few questions:

are you referring to the last week of trading or just the last day of expiry.
is your trading strategy about buying options or is it about selling options
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Well-Known Member
You have selected the perfect smiley (my fav) for the topic. :D

Trading the last 3 days however more often than not causes the reverse expression/emotion :eek::D
haha :)

yeah... options expiry has always been fun time.

Options expiry has always been a 'character building exercise' with huge fees :)
* don't be greedy, don't give in for temptations, don't forget position sizing math etc.

but some part of my brain screams... "screw... this caution and lets juuuuuuuuuump in"
and you know the rest of the story :)


Well-Known Member
few questions:

are you referring to the last week of trading
is your trading strategy about buying options or is it about selling options
yeah... talking about last month...

I bought 1500 NIFTY14MAR6600CE @ 48.35 in morning on march 26, 2014...
market went sideways for entire damn day... and it was trading around 40-48
and suddenly after 2:00 PM ... pay back time started... option price dropped to 19...

that was quick and sharp loss... easily I could have avoided it with caution...
May be I will try scaling in... next time... or some other trick... but won't leverage this much!
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yeah... talking about last month...

I bought 1500 NIFTY14MAR6600CE @ 48.35 in morning on march 26, 2014...
market went sideways for entire damn day... and it was trading around 40-48
and suddenly after 2:00 PM ... pay back time started... option price dropped to 19...

that was quick and sharp loss... easily I could have avoided it with caution...
May be I will try scaling in... next time... or some other trick... but won't leverage this much!
How comes you buy 30 lots at once on one level in one day with no clear plan how to react when ****** up? Are you a pure gambler and what was your plan in case some thing goes wrong?
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Well-Known Member
How comes you buy 300 lots at once on one level in one day with no clear plan how to react when ****** up? Are you a pure gambler and what was your plan in case some thing goes wrong?
yeah... that was gamble unprepared trade.

Was expecting to exit with small profits around 55... and somehow I was convinced its going to touch 6650 or more... It touched next day, pretty much 100% as my expectation... but before that the position got screwed :)

Its very true, that's not a model trade (may be a bad model trade on how not to trade ;) )...
yeah... that was gamble unprepared trade.

Was expecting to exit with small profits around 55... and somehow I was convinced its going to touch 6650 or more... It touched next day, pretty much 100% as my expectation... but before that the position got screwed :)

Its very true, that's not a model trade (may be a bad model trade on how not to trade ;) )...
If you can trade 30 lots, stay cool and do not shoot around like a stupid or no risk knower. You ask for any tricks. Fine. Since how long do you trade the amount of 300 lots in Nifty and how many trades did you make the way you explained?
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