Trading With CrossOver And BB

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Well-Known Member
hi priyank.

thank you for your kind words. just trying to share what ever I have learnt and learning here. the credit must go to savant ji, for guiding us in this method.

As regards your query, I prefer nifty only. may be on some days it may not give any trade and on some other the trade may go into loss. but, I feel it is easy to manage nifty in Intra day.

If, you still want to trade in stocks, go through the list of stocks mentioned in the poll board of " live discussions of saint's 60 min.flow" thread.



Hi Prasadam,
Firstly, heartily thanks for sharing your trades here and making us learn from it. You, Savant and Doc are the people for whom humanity word is made. You ppl are helping others with out any interest and that is very rare in today's world. Really really appreciable. :thumb: Thanks a million again.

I have one query: On what basis should we chose the stocks to trade intraday. As I only trade nifty and from some days it is not giving any clear crossovers on 15 min charts and is also very volatile.



Well-Known Member
Hi Prasad,

Your Closing Of Long Is Correct & Going Short Should Have Happened On Completion Of The Small Red Bar At The Same Time

Remember BB Rule Green Bar Piercing Followed By A Red Bar Piercing Or Not Should Be Close Of Long Trade & If Appetite Permits Go Short At The Same Time.

Overall, The Chart Looks Excellent.

Happy & Safer Trading


today's trades.

savant ji. any suggestions.?



Well-Known Member
thank you sir.

so, need not wait for confirmation of piercing to close the position.

got it.

Hi Prasad,

Your Long & Going Short Should Have Happened On Completion Of The Big Green Bar.

Remember BB Rule Green Bar Piercing Followed By A Red Bar Piercing Or Not Should Be Close Of Long Trade & If Appetite Permits Go Short At The Same Time.

Overall, The Chart Looks Excellent.

Happy & Safer Trading



Well-Known Member
Hi Prasad,

Am trying to learn this system. I have a few questions

Can you pls explain what you mean by " no clear cross over" and what is "overlay of price bar on averages"?

Once you see a piercing of the Bollinger along with a cross over is one supposed to wait for another candlestick for confirmation of reversal or take a short / long postion immediately?

What should one do if the piercing is followed by another one or two in the same direction?

Thanks in advance. I know you heard this before but great work at helping others learn trading!!

posting the charts of suzlon, sail & hdil. on 15 min.TF, purely based on 4&5 SMA crossover.

bule= 4 sma, red= 5 sma, maroon=9sma.



Well-Known Member
Hi Savant,

I am following this methof of trading for some days now. I follow the Nifty charts. Being a professional working full time out of an office it becomes impossible to monitor min / hourly charts.

Do you suugest appying this to daily / EOD charts?

Should I change the paramerts for the SMA and Bollinger if I apply on daily charts?

How safe do you think is it to apply on trading the F&O segment?

I am sure there are others who face similar issues. Your suggestions will help us all.

Thanks! ( As I still do not have a thank you button:( )

Since It Is 15 Min TF, In The Last Minute Or Little Before You Will Have A Good Idea If The Ongoing Bar Is Going To Be A Red Bar Or Not.

Happy & Safer Trading

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