Trading With CrossOver And BB

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Well-Known Member

This For Intraday Has Been Adapted From My Daily System, So You Need Not Worry....

If Doing Stock Futures, Monitor It For A Few Days To See The Behaviour & If Doing Futures On Daily That Is OK, Cause Most Of The Fresh BUY Triggers, Work Very Well.

Happy & Safer Trading


Hi Savant,

I am following this methof of trading for some days now. I follow the Nifty charts. Being a professional working full time out of an office it becomes impossible to monitor min / hourly charts.

Do you suugest appying this to daily / EOD charts?

Should I change the paramerts for the SMA and Bollinger if I apply on daily charts?

How safe do you think is it to apply on trading the F&O segment?

I am sure there are others who face similar issues. Your suggestions will help us all.

Thanks! ( As I still do not have a thank you button:( )


Well-Known Member
Once On Phone Call SavantJi Told Me That 'He Is Smart And He Will Catch Method Very Soon.' Looks Like You'r Proving It.


Today's Trade:

Savant, Prasad and Doc....comments awaited!

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