Watching multiple stocks

If I like to watch around 8 stocks for intraday trading, How can I track them easily? I think for one amibroker we can have 4 stocks as highlighted below. How can I watch out other 4 scripts? Do I need to launch another AMI? But it is not working out. Any thoughts?
If I like to watch around 8 stocks for intraday trading, How can I track them easily? I think for one amibroker we can have 4 stocks as highlighted below. How can I watch out other 4 scripts? Do I need to launch another AMI? But it is not working out. Any thoughts?
You can have as many as you wish. Just open as many charts as you wish and can handle on your screen. If you have two or more monitors then detach the charts and move them to the other monitors.


Well-Known Member

Below AFL does what you want, just define a watchlist of stocks in the parameters.

//FIle: Multi-Chart
//January 10, 2008

// GFX Drawing Example

function GetMonth( MonthNumber )
switch (MonthNumber) {
case 2 :
result = "Feb";
break ;
case 3 :
result = "Mar";
break ;
case 4 :
result = "Apr";
break ;
case 5 :
result = "May";
break ;
case 6 :
result = "Jun";
break ;
case 7 :
result = "Jul";
break ;
case 8 :
result = "Aug";
break ;
case 9 :
result = "Sep";
break ;
case 10 :
result = "Oct";
break ;
case 11 :
result = "Nov";
break ;
case 12 :
result = "Dec";
break ;

return result;

GfxSetOverlayMode( 2 );

String = "" ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 200 ; x++ )
WList = CategoryGetName( categoryWatchlist, x );
if (WList != "" )
String = String + WList +"," ;
WatchList = ParamList ( "Watch List", String );
for ( x = 0 ; x < 200 ; x++ )
sym = StrExtract ( String, x );
if (sym == WatchList)
listNum = x ;

Page = Param ( "Page #", 0 , 0 , 12 , 1 );
ChartsWiNum = Param ( "# Charts Wide", 3 , 1 , 4 , 1 );
ChartsHiNum = Param ( "# Charts High", 3 , 1 , 4 , 1 );
Bars =Param ( "Number Of Bars", 195 , 50 , 250 , 1 ) ;
lDays =Param ( "Long MA", 200 , 50 , 250 , 1 ) ;
sDays =Param ( "Short MA", 50 , 5 , 100 , 1 ) ;
vDays =Param ( "Volume MA", 50 , 5 , 100 , 1 ) ;
ChartMargin = 5 ;
DateMargin = 10 ;
DataMargin = 20 ;
NumCharts = ChartsWiNum * ChartsHiNum ;
ScreenHeight = Status ( "pxheight" ) ;
SceernWidth = Status ( "pxwidth" ) ;
ChartHeight = ScreenHeight / ChartsHiNum -2 ;
Width = SceernWidth / ChartsWiNum - 2 ;
BarChartHeight= (0.75 ) * ChartHeight - DataMargin;
VolChartHeight = ChartHeight - BarChartHeight - DataMargin*2 ;
NumberPriceLevels = BarChartHeight / 25 ;
BarChartWidth= Width - 45 ;
BarWidth = (BarChartWidth - ChartMargin * 3 ) / Bars ;
LastBar = BarCount ;
FirstBar = LastBar - Bars;
_N (list = CategoryGetSymbols( categoryWatchlist, listnum ));
printf ( "Watch List Name\n");
WL = CategoryGetName( categoryWatchlist, listnum );
SymbolNum = Page * NumCharts;

for ( x = 0 ; x < ChartsHiNum ; x++ )
for ( i = 0 ; i < ChartsWiNum ; i++ )
notDone = True;
sym = StrExtract ( list, SymbolNum );
if (sym != "" )
x1 = Width * i + 5 ;
y1 = ChartHeight * x + 5 ;
x2 = Width * (i + 1 );
y2 = ChartHeight * (x + 1 )-DateMargin;
GfxSelectPen ( colorBlack );
GfxRectangle ( x1, y1, x2, y2 );

SetForeign (sym);

EMAShort= EMA (C,sDays);
EMALong= EMA (C,lDays);
EMAVol= EMA (V,vDays);

D = Day ();
M = Month ();
Y = Year ();

priceHigh = 0 ;
VolHigh = 0 ;
priceMin = 1000000 ;
for ( z = FirstBar; z < LastBar ; z++ )
Vol = V[z];
BarH = H[z];
BarL = L[z];
if ( Vol > VolHigh )
VolHigh = Vol;
if ( BarH > priceHigh )
priceHigh = BarH;
if ( BarL < priceMin )
priceMin = BarL;

LOpen = O[LastBar- 1];
LHigh = H[LastBar- 1];
LLow = L[LastBar- 1];
LClose = C[LastBar- 1];
LVol = V[LastBar- 1];
GfxSelectFont ( "Tahoma" , 8 );
GfxSetTextColor (colorBlack);
GfxTextOut (sym + " O: " +LOpen + " H: " +LHigh + " L: " +LLow + " C: " +LClose + " Vol: " +LVol/ 1000000 + " M", x1+5 , y1+2 );

VolRatio = VolChartHeight / VolHigh ;
Range = priceHigh - priceMin;
Ratio = BarChartHeight / Range ;
PriceLineLevel = Range / NumberPriceLevels;
yHi=(((priceHigh - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
GfxTextOut ( WriteVal (priceHigh, 1.2 ), x1 + BarChartWidth, yHi -8 );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLightGrey );
GfxMoveTo ( x1 , yHi );
GfxLineTo ( x1 + BarChartWidth -5 , yHi );
for ( z = 0 ; z < NumberPriceLevels- 1 ; z++ )
PriceLevel = PriceLineLevel*z + priceMin;

yHi=(((PriceLevel - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
GfxTextOut ( WriteVal (PriceLevel, 1.2 ), x1 + BarChartWidth, yHi -8 );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLightGrey );
GfxMoveTo ( x1 , yHi );
GfxLineTo ( x1 + BarChartWidth -5 , yHi );

HighestLast = 0 ;
w = 1 ;
sEMAlast = EMAShort[FirstBar];
lEMAlast = EMALong[FirstBar];
vEMAlast = EMAVol[FirstBar];
for ( z = FirstBar; z < LastBar ; z++ )
BarH = H[z];
BarL = L[z];
BarO = O[z];
BarC = C[z];
Vol = V[z];
sEMA = EMAShort[z];
lEMA = EMALong[z];
vEMA = EMAVol[z];
BarDay = D[z];
BarMonth = M[z];
BarYear = Y[z];

yO = (((BarO - priceMin )* Ratio)- BarChartHeight ) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
yC = (((BarC - priceMin )* Ratio)- BarChartHeight ) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
yHi = (((BarH - priceMin )* Ratio)- BarChartHeight ) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
yLo = (((BarL - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin ;
ysEMAlast = (((sEMAlast - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
ysEMA = (((sEMA - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
ylEMAlast = (((lEMAlast - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
ylEMA = (((lEMA - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
vHi = y2 - (Vol * VolRatio) ;
yvEMAlast = y2 - (vEMAlast * VolRatio) ;
yvEMA = y2 - (vEMA * VolRatio) ;

if ( BarH > HighestLast )
HighestLast = BarH;
GfxSelectPen ( colorBlue );

GfxSelectPen ( colorRed );
// Plot bar
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , yHi );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yLo );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin -1 , yO );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yO );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin +1 , yC );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yC );
if ( BarO > BarC)
GfxSelectPen ( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLime );
// Plot Volume
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , vHi );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y2 );

// Plot Price and Volume EMAs
GfxSelectPen ( colorLime );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * (w -1 ) + x1 + ChartMargin , ysEMAlast );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, ysEMA );
GfxSelectPen ( colorDarkRed );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * (w -1 ) + x1 + ChartMargin , ylEMAlast );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, ylEMA );
GfxSelectPen ( colorBlack );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * (w -1 ) + x1 + ChartMargin , yvEMAlast );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yvEMA );

sEMAlast = sEMA ;
lEMAlast = lEMA ;
vEMAlast = vEMA ;

GfxSelectFont ( "Tahoma" , 7 );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLightGrey );

// Draw vertical month separator and X-axis labels
if (BarDay== 1 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 2 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 3 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 4 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 5 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 - VolChartHeight );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;
if (BarDay== 6 |BarDay== 7 |BarDay== 8 |BarDay== 9 |BarDay== 10 )
notDone = True;

RestorePriceArrays ();
we can open any no of stocks in single screen. But my requirement in single screen we should have 4 stocks and in another screen another 4 stocks... But should be done in one monitor
Sorry .. it is working fine. thank you


Below AFL does what you want, just define a watchlist of stocks in the parameters.

//FIle: Multi-Chart
//January 10, 2008

// GFX Drawing Example

function GetMonth( MonthNumber )
switch (MonthNumber) {
case 2 :
result = "Feb";
break ;
case 3 :
result = "Mar";
break ;
case 4 :
result = "Apr";
break ;
case 5 :
result = "May";
break ;
case 6 :
result = "Jun";
break ;
case 7 :
result = "Jul";
break ;
case 8 :
result = "Aug";
break ;
case 9 :
result = "Sep";
break ;
case 10 :
result = "Oct";
break ;
case 11 :
result = "Nov";
break ;
case 12 :
result = "Dec";
break ;

return result;

GfxSetOverlayMode( 2 );

String = "" ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < 200 ; x++ )
WList = CategoryGetName( categoryWatchlist, x );
if (WList != "" )
String = String + WList +"," ;
WatchList = ParamList ( "Watch List", String );
for ( x = 0 ; x < 200 ; x++ )
sym = StrExtract ( String, x );
if (sym == WatchList)
listNum = x ;

Page = Param ( "Page #", 0 , 0 , 12 , 1 );
ChartsWiNum = Param ( "# Charts Wide", 3 , 1 , 4 , 1 );
ChartsHiNum = Param ( "# Charts High", 3 , 1 , 4 , 1 );
Bars =Param ( "Number Of Bars", 195 , 50 , 250 , 1 ) ;
lDays =Param ( "Long MA", 200 , 50 , 250 , 1 ) ;
sDays =Param ( "Short MA", 50 , 5 , 100 , 1 ) ;
vDays =Param ( "Volume MA", 50 , 5 , 100 , 1 ) ;
ChartMargin = 5 ;
DateMargin = 10 ;
DataMargin = 20 ;
NumCharts = ChartsWiNum * ChartsHiNum ;
ScreenHeight = Status ( "pxheight" ) ;
SceernWidth = Status ( "pxwidth" ) ;
ChartHeight = ScreenHeight / ChartsHiNum -2 ;
Width = SceernWidth / ChartsWiNum - 2 ;
BarChartHeight= (0.75 ) * ChartHeight - DataMargin;
VolChartHeight = ChartHeight - BarChartHeight - DataMargin*2 ;
NumberPriceLevels = BarChartHeight / 25 ;
BarChartWidth= Width - 45 ;
BarWidth = (BarChartWidth - ChartMargin * 3 ) / Bars ;
LastBar = BarCount ;
FirstBar = LastBar - Bars;
_N (list = CategoryGetSymbols( categoryWatchlist, listnum ));
printf ( "Watch List Name\n");
WL = CategoryGetName( categoryWatchlist, listnum );
SymbolNum = Page * NumCharts;

for ( x = 0 ; x < ChartsHiNum ; x++ )
for ( i = 0 ; i < ChartsWiNum ; i++ )
notDone = True;
sym = StrExtract ( list, SymbolNum );
if (sym != "" )
x1 = Width * i + 5 ;
y1 = ChartHeight * x + 5 ;
x2 = Width * (i + 1 );
y2 = ChartHeight * (x + 1 )-DateMargin;
GfxSelectPen ( colorBlack );
GfxRectangle ( x1, y1, x2, y2 );

SetForeign (sym);

EMAShort= EMA (C,sDays);
EMALong= EMA (C,lDays);
EMAVol= EMA (V,vDays);

D = Day ();
M = Month ();
Y = Year ();

priceHigh = 0 ;
VolHigh = 0 ;
priceMin = 1000000 ;
for ( z = FirstBar; z < LastBar ; z++ )
Vol = V[z];
BarH = H[z];
BarL = L[z];
if ( Vol > VolHigh )
VolHigh = Vol;
if ( BarH > priceHigh )
priceHigh = BarH;
if ( BarL < priceMin )
priceMin = BarL;

LOpen = O[LastBar- 1];
LHigh = H[LastBar- 1];
LLow = L[LastBar- 1];
LClose = C[LastBar- 1];
LVol = V[LastBar- 1];
GfxSelectFont ( "Tahoma" , 8 );
GfxSetTextColor (colorBlack);
GfxTextOut (sym + " O: " +LOpen + " H: " +LHigh + " L: " +LLow + " C: " +LClose + " Vol: " +LVol/ 1000000 + " M", x1+5 , y1+2 );

VolRatio = VolChartHeight / VolHigh ;
Range = priceHigh - priceMin;
Ratio = BarChartHeight / Range ;
PriceLineLevel = Range / NumberPriceLevels;
yHi=(((priceHigh - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
GfxTextOut ( WriteVal (priceHigh, 1.2 ), x1 + BarChartWidth, yHi -8 );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLightGrey );
GfxMoveTo ( x1 , yHi );
GfxLineTo ( x1 + BarChartWidth -5 , yHi );
for ( z = 0 ; z < NumberPriceLevels- 1 ; z++ )
PriceLevel = PriceLineLevel*z + priceMin;

yHi=(((PriceLevel - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
GfxTextOut ( WriteVal (PriceLevel, 1.2 ), x1 + BarChartWidth, yHi -8 );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLightGrey );
GfxMoveTo ( x1 , yHi );
GfxLineTo ( x1 + BarChartWidth -5 , yHi );

HighestLast = 0 ;
w = 1 ;
sEMAlast = EMAShort[FirstBar];
lEMAlast = EMALong[FirstBar];
vEMAlast = EMAVol[FirstBar];
for ( z = FirstBar; z < LastBar ; z++ )
BarH = H[z];
BarL = L[z];
BarO = O[z];
BarC = C[z];
Vol = V[z];
sEMA = EMAShort[z];
lEMA = EMALong[z];
vEMA = EMAVol[z];
BarDay = D[z];
BarMonth = M[z];
BarYear = Y[z];

yO = (((BarO - priceMin )* Ratio)- BarChartHeight ) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
yC = (((BarC - priceMin )* Ratio)- BarChartHeight ) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
yHi = (((BarH - priceMin )* Ratio)- BarChartHeight ) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
yLo = (((BarL - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin ;
ysEMAlast = (((sEMAlast - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
ysEMA = (((sEMA - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
ylEMAlast = (((lEMAlast - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
ylEMA = (((lEMA - priceMin )* Ratio) - BarChartHeight) * -1 + y1 + DataMargin;
vHi = y2 - (Vol * VolRatio) ;
yvEMAlast = y2 - (vEMAlast * VolRatio) ;
yvEMA = y2 - (vEMA * VolRatio) ;

if ( BarH > HighestLast )
HighestLast = BarH;
GfxSelectPen ( colorBlue );

GfxSelectPen ( colorRed );
// Plot bar
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , yHi );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yLo );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin -1 , yO );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yO );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin +1 , yC );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yC );
if ( BarO > BarC)
GfxSelectPen ( colorRed );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLime );
// Plot Volume
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , vHi );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y2 );

// Plot Price and Volume EMAs
GfxSelectPen ( colorLime );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * (w -1 ) + x1 + ChartMargin , ysEMAlast );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, ysEMA );
GfxSelectPen ( colorDarkRed );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * (w -1 ) + x1 + ChartMargin , ylEMAlast );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, ylEMA );
GfxSelectPen ( colorBlack );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * (w -1 ) + x1 + ChartMargin , yvEMAlast );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, yvEMA );

sEMAlast = sEMA ;
lEMAlast = lEMA ;
vEMAlast = vEMA ;

GfxSelectFont ( "Tahoma" , 7 );
GfxSelectPen ( colorLightGrey );

// Draw vertical month separator and X-axis labels
if (BarDay== 1 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 2 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 3 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 4 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;

if (BarDay== 5 & notDone )
if (BarMonth == 1 ) myLabel =WriteVal (BarYear, 1.0 );
else myLabel =GetMonth(BarMonth);
GfxTextOut (myLabel, BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin - 5 , y2 +DateMargin/3 );
GfxMoveTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin , y2 - VolChartHeight );
GfxLineTo ( BarWidth * w + x1 + ChartMargin, y1 + DataMargin );
notDone = False;
if (BarDay== 6 |BarDay== 7 |BarDay== 8 |BarDay== 9 |BarDay== 10 )
notDone = True;

RestorePriceArrays ();

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