Hi Friends
Had a discussion with ST da regarding success of day traders,less than 3% of total trading population are consistent day traders.
This thread is dedicated to identify the challenges and problems faced in day trading with respect to trading Method ,Psychological Problems and many other dilemma's that lead to such a low success rate.
Idea is to compile the day to day trading challenges and problems in trading that lead to failures of day traders so that they can be learnt and improved in future.
Kindly post your daily problem that leads to failure in trading.....The problems will then be discussed and solved with senior traders
Day Traders loose bcoz
CAPITAL - Not having sufficient capital to trade.
This is important because of psychological confidence it gives to one in trading.
Time is against the day traders.
Meaning - Cut your losses short and let your profit run is the basic thumb rule of successful trading.But Day traders are forced to close their position with in the day.
Only 30% of time Market trends
All the systems (Mechanical,Indicator based trading systems are trend following systems).
In order to make money there has to be sufficient movement in price.But
70% of the markets remain in sideways only 30% of the time it trends.
70% of the after noon trend continues the next day morning session.
And either the next day gaps in the direction of the trend or makes swift move in the same direction and opportunity is invariably missed by day traders.
So following a trend following system whose basic principle of cut your losses short and let your profits run is violated.
Trading against the Trend
Day Traders take all the trades long/short ignoring the main trend and counter trend trades most likely will end up in losses.Or counter trend trade needs to be exited at the first line of support/resistance aggressively.
Transaction costs
Transaction costs and slippages eat profits.
Ignoring the price structure of higher Time Frame
Not having understanding of market structure and Higher Time Frame decision points.
Not waiting for low risk opportunities/SET UP.But keep chasing the price in anticipation of a great move.
8.Not understanding the importance of Trade Management and EXIT strategy.
Not moving the stops to breakeven and allowing a profit trade in to loss trade.
Not knowing when the markets has moved to sideways zone / no trade zone.
Not having entry/exit plan for
1) high momentum V reversals
2) Price shocks - sudden wide range candle
3) Or any other special conditions.
Trading PLAN - Not having a detailed written Trading plan.
When it comes to trading plan keep it detailed and elaborate.Not Simple.
And update when ever new situation/market conditions/challenges encountered.
Over expectation in profit returns and over confidence in oneself.
And hence not exiting even market reversal signs.
Risk per trade rule - Just blindly following some 2% risk per trade rule or imagining the benefits of compounding with out having a system and trading plan.
Money management with out a proven system/Trading Plan/TA knowledge is a sure way for disaster.
Have sufficient capital and risk just 0.5% of capital per trade - all these are personal choices.No rigid rule depends on the psychological comfort level and financial back up of a trader.
Not having practice
Trading can be developed gradually over years of screen experience and before that attempting to trade all signals/opportunities is one main reason why traders fail.
The reason for fear is
1.Less capital and trading believing in ones TA and trading skills bcoz of greed.And deep down one knows that trading is a probability game.
2.Over leverage.
3.Not determining the risk before entering a trade.
Not placing stop loss
17.Psychological difficulty in Accepting losses
In trading one cannot be always right and even series of small losses[loosing streak] are un avoidable.Learn to accept them as business costs and move on.
18.Hope - Not following the system/plan violating discipline but to hope the markets to reverse in ones direction.
To start with a proper system and waiting for low risk good trade set up opportunity and less risk per trade in the direction of main trend one is most likely to succeed in day trading.