G4 echnique

pls aanybody knows about damodaran's G4 technique trading? Im receiving lot of messages about his classes. Is it worth to attend the class or can anybody share some knowledge abt those who attend the class already?


Well-Known Member
No use. This is the feedback from Investors who has attended the programme.
Could you please elaborate a bit more....... like.....
What aspects of TA is he covering? What is G4?
The charges?
Duration of the class? etc.,

I assume you've received this as a feedback from those who attended the class.

Babu Kothandaraman
G4-Golden4 techniques...:clapping:
I attended the class in June of 2010...fees Rs.4000/-...i was new to market time dat time...these techniques helped me to know more abt market and even more abt its sentiments...he(Damo sir) believe market moves with traders sentiment...
The 4 techniques
1.open,High,low concept
2.open vs close concept
3.!% concept
Some said in a forum these r complete ****, i disagree...these concept should be used with perfect discipline...u can't just except the market to award u without effort...go to cls...its sure worth 4000 bucks....
I am giving and explorer formula. It works well but the problem is that it only shows Mutual Funds. What's wrong in it? I am a DSE trader in bangladesh.

function T3(price,periods)
s = 0.84;
return ti3;

TrueRangeHigh=Max( Ref(Close,-1), High );
TrueRangeLow=Min( Ref(Close,-1), Low );
WAD = Cum(IIf(C > Ref(C,-1),C-TrueRangeLow, IIf(C < Ref(C,-1),C-TrueRangeHigh,0)));
wadup = WAD > EMA (WAD,20);
waddn = WAD < EMA (WAd,20);
wadbl = Cross(WAD, EMA(WAD,20));
wadbr = Cross(EMA(WAD,20), WAD);
wad_status= WriteIf(wadup, "Bullish Zone", WriteIf(waddn, "Bearish Zone", WriteIf(wadbl, "Bullish Cross", WriteIf(wadbr, "Bearish Cross", "Zilch"))));
wad_Col=IIf(wadup OR wadbl, colorGreen, IIf(waddn OR wadbr, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Trend Strength
up = ADX(10) > 20;
down = ADX(10) < 20;
choppy = ADX(10) < PDI(10) AND ADX(10) < MDI(10);
adx_status= WriteIf(up, "Strong Trend", WriteIf(down, "Weak Trend", WriteIf( choppy, "Choppy", "Zilch")));
adx_Col=IIf(up, colorGreen, IIf(down, colorRed, IIf(Choppy, colorPink, colorLightGrey)));

// Coppock
upt=IIf(ck>0 AND ROC(ck,1)>0,ck,0);
ups=IIf(ck>0 AND ROC(ck,1)<0,ck,0);
downs=IIf(ck<0 AND ROC(ck,1)>0,ck,0);
down=IIf(ck<0 AND ROC(ck,1)<0,ck,0);
cop_status= WriteIf(upt, "Uptrend", WriteIf(ups, "Uptrend Sidways", WriteIf(downs, "Downtrend Sideways", WriteIf(down, "Downtrend", "Zilch"))));
cop_Col=IIf(upt, colorDarkGreen, IIf(ups, colorGreen, IIf(downs, colorOrange, IIf(down, colorRed, colorLightGrey))));

//Initial Buy Signal
Ibuy = Cross(RSI(14), EMA(RSI(14),9));
Isell = Cross(EMA(RSI(14),9), RSI(14));
Ibuy = ExRem(Ibuy, ISell);
Isell = ExRem(ISell, Ibuy);
BlRSI = RSI(14) > EMA(RSI(14),9);
BrRSI = RSI(14) < EMA(RSI(14),9);
Ibuy_status= WriteIf(Ibuy, "Buy Warning", WriteIf(Isell, "Sell Warning", WriteIf(BlRSI, "Bullish Zone", WriteIf(BrRSI, "Breaish Zone", "Zilch"))));
I_Col=IIf(Ibuy OR BlRSI, colorGreen, IIf(Isell OR BrRSI, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//BB Breakout
bbk2 = Cross(RSI(14),30) AND
RSI(14) > Ref(RSI(14),-1);
bbk_status= WriteIf(bbk2, "Break RSI", "Zilch" );
bbk_Col=IIf(bbk2, colorGreen, colorLightGrey);

//Price Smoothing
TBuy = Cross (T3(C,3), T3(C,5));
TSell = Cross (T3(C,5), T3(C,3));
TBuy = ExRem(TBuy, TSell);
TSell = ExRem(TSell, TBuy);
Tbuy_status= WriteIf(TBuy, "Buy", WriteIf(TSell, "Sell", "Zilch"));
T_Col=IIf(TBuy, colorGreen, IIf(TSell, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Guppy MMA
P1 = EMA(C,3);
P2 = EMA(C,5);
P3 = EMA(C,8);
P4 = EMA(C,10);
P5 = EMA(C,12);
P6 = EMA(C,15);
P7 = EMA(C,30);
P8 = EMA(C,35);
P9 = EMA(C,40);
P10 = EMA(C,45);
P11 = EMA(C,50);
P12 = EMA(C,55);
P13 = EMA(C,60);
GBuy = Cross (P1,P8);
GSell = Cross(P8,P1);
GBuy = ExRem(GBuy, GSell);
GSell = ExRem(GSell, GBuy);
Gbuy_status= WriteIf(GBuy, "Buy", WriteIf(GSell, "Sell", "Zilch"));
G_Col=IIf(GBuy, colorGreen, IIf(GSell, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

MAbuy = Cross(C, EMA(C,9));
MAsell= Cross(EMA(C,9),C);
MAbuy = ExRem(MAbuy, MAsell);
MAsell = ExRem(MAsell, MAbuy);
MA1 = C > EMA(C,9);
MA11 = C < EMA(C,9);
MA_status= WriteIf(MAbuy, "Buy", WriteIf(MAsell, "Sell", WriteIf(MA1, "Bullish", WriteIf(MA11, "Bearish","Zilch"))));
MA_Col=IIf(MAbuy OR MA1, colorGreen, IIf(MAsell OR MA11, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

MA2buy = Cross(C, EMA(C,20));
MA2sell= Cross(EMA(C,20),C);
MA2buy = ExRem(MA2buy, MA2sell);
MA2sell = ExRem(MA2sell, MA2buy);
MA2 = C > EMA(C,20);
MA22 = C < EMA(C,20);
MA2_status= WriteIf(MA2buy, "Buy", WriteIf(MA2sell, "Sell", WriteIf(MA2, "Bullish", WriteIf(MA22, "Bearish","Zilch"))));
MA2_Col=IIf(MA2buy OR MA2, colorGreen, IIf(MA2sell OR MA22, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//EMA-9 x 20
MA3buy = Cross(EMA(C,9), EMA(C,20));
MA3sell= Cross(EMA(C,20),EMA(C,9));
MA3buy = ExRem(MA3buy, MA3sell);
MA3sell = ExRem(MA3sell, MA3buy);
MA3 = EMA(C,9) > EMA(C,20);
MA33 = EMA(C,9) < EMA(C,20);
MA3_status= WriteIf(MA3buy, "Buy", WriteIf(MA3sell, "Sell", WriteIf(MA3, "Bullish", WriteIf(MA33, "Bearish","Zilch"))));
MA3_Col=IIf(MA3buy OR MA3, colorGreen, IIf(MA3sell OR MA33, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Midterm Bullish or Bearish
mBull = C > EMA(C,50);
mBear= C < EMA(C,50);
mt_status= WriteIf(mBull, "Bullish", WriteIf(mBear, "Bearish", "Zilch"));
mt_Col=IIf(mBull, colorGreen, IIf(mbear, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Longterm Bullish or Bearish
Bull = C > EMA(C,200);
Bear= C < EMA(C,200);
lt_status= WriteIf(Bull, "Bullish", WriteIf(Bear, "Bearish", "Zilch"));
lt_Col=IIf(Bull, colorGreen, IIf(bear, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Long-term Price Trend
rc= C > EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);
ac= C > EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);
bl= C > EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
wr= C < EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
ds= C < EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
br= C < EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);

ltp=WriteIf(rc, "RECOVERY", WriteIf(ac, "ACCUMULATION", WriteIf(bl, "BULLISH", WriteIf(wr, "WARNING",WriteIf(ds, "DISTRIBUTION",WriteIf(br, "BEARISH", "Zilch"))))));
ltp_col=IIf( rc, colorBlue, IIf( ac, colorGreen, IIf(bl, colorDarkGreen, IIf(wr, colorOrange, IIf(ds, colorRed, IIf(br, colorDarkRed, colorLightGrey ))))));


//T-3 Delta
T3Day = T3(Close, 3);
T5Day = T3(Close, 5);
Delta = T3Day - T5Day;

// Filter=O<Ref(L,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1)|C>Ref(O,-1)
// AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND Ref(L,-1)<Ref(L,-2) AND Ref(L,-2)<Ref(L,-3)
// AND V>Ref(V,-1) AND V>(MA(Ref(V,-1),5)+(MA(Ref(V,-1),5)*0.3)) AND MA(V,21)>50000;

Filter=MA(V,21)>50000 AND Close < 15;


AddColumn(V, "Volome", 1, IIf(V > Ref(V,-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(((V/EMA(Ref(V,-1),10)))*100, "VolSpike %", 1.2, IIf(V> EMA(Ref(V,-1),10), colorBlue, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(Delta, "Delta",1.2, IIf(delta < 0, colorRed, colorGreen),-1);
AddColumn(C, "Close", 1.2, IIf(C > Ref(C,-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(G,"O Low%",1.2,-1);
AddColumn(F,"C High%",1.2,-1);
AddColumn(RSI(14),"RSI-14",1.2, IIf(RSI(14) > Ref(RSI(14),-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(ADX(10),"ADX-10",1.2,IIf(ADX(10) > Ref(ADX(10),-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddTextColumn(bbk_status, "Breaks", 1.6, colorWhite, bbk_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(Tbuy_status, "T3-Signal", 1.6, colorWhite, T_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(Gbuy_status, "Guppy", 1.6, colorWhite, G_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(MA_status, "EMA-9", 1.6, colorWhite, MA_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(MA2_status, "EMA-20", 1.6, colorWhite, MA2_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(MA3_status, "EMA-9x20", 1.6, colorWhite, MA3_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(Ibuy_status, "RSI signal", 1.6, colorWhite, I_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(adx_status, "Trend", 1.6, colorWhite, adx_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(cop_status, "Coppock", 1.6, colorWhite, cop_Col,-1);
//AddTextColumn(wad_status, "WAD", 1.6, colorWhite, WAD_Col,-1);
//AddTextColumn(mt_status, "EMA-50", 1.6, colorWhite, mt_Col,-1);
//AddTextColumn(lt_status, "EMA-200", 1.6, colorWhite, lt_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(ltp, "Phase", 1.6, colorWhite, ltp_Col,-1);


Well-Known Member
G4-Golden4 techniques...:clapping:
I attended the class in June of 2010...fees Rs.4000/-...i was new to market time dat time...these techniques helped me to know more abt market and even more abt its sentiments...he(Damo sir) believe market moves with traders sentiment...
The 4 techniques
1.open,High,low concept
2.open vs close concept
3.!% concept
Some said in a forum these r complete ****, i disagree...these concept should be used with perfect discipline...u can't just except the market to award u without effort...go to cls...its sure worth 4000 bucks....
If you are satisified, enjoy and trade
Please teach us the G4 techniques..........

G4-Golden4 techniques...:clapping:
I attended the class in June of 2010...fees Rs.4000/-...i was new to market time dat time...these techniques helped me to know more abt market and even more abt its sentiments...he(Damo sir) believe market moves with traders sentiment...
The 4 techniques
1.open,High,low concept
2.open vs close concept
3.!% concept
Some said in a forum these r complete ****, i disagree...these concept should be used with perfect discipline...u can't just except the market to award u without effort...go to cls...its sure worth 4000 bucks....


Well-Known Member
Rakib, wat do u mean wen u say that it "shows" only Mutual Funds!!????

I am giving and explorer formula. It works well but the problem is that it only shows Mutual Funds. What's wrong in it? I am a DSE trader in bangladesh.

function T3(price,periods)
s = 0.84;
return ti3;

TrueRangeHigh=Max( Ref(Close,-1), High );
TrueRangeLow=Min( Ref(Close,-1), Low );
WAD = Cum(IIf(C > Ref(C,-1),C-TrueRangeLow, IIf(C < Ref(C,-1),C-TrueRangeHigh,0)));
wadup = WAD > EMA (WAD,20);
waddn = WAD < EMA (WAd,20);
wadbl = Cross(WAD, EMA(WAD,20));
wadbr = Cross(EMA(WAD,20), WAD);
wad_status= WriteIf(wadup, "Bullish Zone", WriteIf(waddn, "Bearish Zone", WriteIf(wadbl, "Bullish Cross", WriteIf(wadbr, "Bearish Cross", "Zilch"))));
wad_Col=IIf(wadup OR wadbl, colorGreen, IIf(waddn OR wadbr, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Trend Strength
up = ADX(10) > 20;
down = ADX(10) < 20;
choppy = ADX(10) < PDI(10) AND ADX(10) < MDI(10);
adx_status= WriteIf(up, "Strong Trend", WriteIf(down, "Weak Trend", WriteIf( choppy, "Choppy", "Zilch")));
adx_Col=IIf(up, colorGreen, IIf(down, colorRed, IIf(Choppy, colorPink, colorLightGrey)));

// Coppock
upt=IIf(ck>0 AND ROC(ck,1)>0,ck,0);
ups=IIf(ck>0 AND ROC(ck,1)<0,ck,0);
downs=IIf(ck<0 AND ROC(ck,1)>0,ck,0);
down=IIf(ck<0 AND ROC(ck,1)<0,ck,0);
cop_status= WriteIf(upt, "Uptrend", WriteIf(ups, "Uptrend Sidways", WriteIf(downs, "Downtrend Sideways", WriteIf(down, "Downtrend", "Zilch"))));
cop_Col=IIf(upt, colorDarkGreen, IIf(ups, colorGreen, IIf(downs, colorOrange, IIf(down, colorRed, colorLightGrey))));

//Initial Buy Signal
Ibuy = Cross(RSI(14), EMA(RSI(14),9));
Isell = Cross(EMA(RSI(14),9), RSI(14));
Ibuy = ExRem(Ibuy, ISell);
Isell = ExRem(ISell, Ibuy);
BlRSI = RSI(14) > EMA(RSI(14),9);
BrRSI = RSI(14) < EMA(RSI(14),9);
Ibuy_status= WriteIf(Ibuy, "Buy Warning", WriteIf(Isell, "Sell Warning", WriteIf(BlRSI, "Bullish Zone", WriteIf(BrRSI, "Breaish Zone", "Zilch"))));
I_Col=IIf(Ibuy OR BlRSI, colorGreen, IIf(Isell OR BrRSI, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//BB Breakout
bbk2 = Cross(RSI(14),30) AND
RSI(14) > Ref(RSI(14),-1);
bbk_status= WriteIf(bbk2, "Break RSI", "Zilch" );
bbk_Col=IIf(bbk2, colorGreen, colorLightGrey);

//Price Smoothing
TBuy = Cross (T3(C,3), T3(C,5));
TSell = Cross (T3(C,5), T3(C,3));
TBuy = ExRem(TBuy, TSell);
TSell = ExRem(TSell, TBuy);
Tbuy_status= WriteIf(TBuy, "Buy", WriteIf(TSell, "Sell", "Zilch"));
T_Col=IIf(TBuy, colorGreen, IIf(TSell, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Guppy MMA
P1 = EMA(C,3);
P2 = EMA(C,5);
P3 = EMA(C,8);
P4 = EMA(C,10);
P5 = EMA(C,12);
P6 = EMA(C,15);
P7 = EMA(C,30);
P8 = EMA(C,35);
P9 = EMA(C,40);
P10 = EMA(C,45);
P11 = EMA(C,50);
P12 = EMA(C,55);
P13 = EMA(C,60);
GBuy = Cross (P1,P8);
GSell = Cross(P8,P1);
GBuy = ExRem(GBuy, GSell);
GSell = ExRem(GSell, GBuy);
Gbuy_status= WriteIf(GBuy, "Buy", WriteIf(GSell, "Sell", "Zilch"));
G_Col=IIf(GBuy, colorGreen, IIf(GSell, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

MAbuy = Cross(C, EMA(C,9));
MAsell= Cross(EMA(C,9),C);
MAbuy = ExRem(MAbuy, MAsell);
MAsell = ExRem(MAsell, MAbuy);
MA1 = C > EMA(C,9);
MA11 = C < EMA(C,9);
MA_status= WriteIf(MAbuy, "Buy", WriteIf(MAsell, "Sell", WriteIf(MA1, "Bullish", WriteIf(MA11, "Bearish","Zilch"))));
MA_Col=IIf(MAbuy OR MA1, colorGreen, IIf(MAsell OR MA11, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

MA2buy = Cross(C, EMA(C,20));
MA2sell= Cross(EMA(C,20),C);
MA2buy = ExRem(MA2buy, MA2sell);
MA2sell = ExRem(MA2sell, MA2buy);
MA2 = C > EMA(C,20);
MA22 = C < EMA(C,20);
MA2_status= WriteIf(MA2buy, "Buy", WriteIf(MA2sell, "Sell", WriteIf(MA2, "Bullish", WriteIf(MA22, "Bearish","Zilch"))));
MA2_Col=IIf(MA2buy OR MA2, colorGreen, IIf(MA2sell OR MA22, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//EMA-9 x 20
MA3buy = Cross(EMA(C,9), EMA(C,20));
MA3sell= Cross(EMA(C,20),EMA(C,9));
MA3buy = ExRem(MA3buy, MA3sell);
MA3sell = ExRem(MA3sell, MA3buy);
MA3 = EMA(C,9) > EMA(C,20);
MA33 = EMA(C,9) < EMA(C,20);
MA3_status= WriteIf(MA3buy, "Buy", WriteIf(MA3sell, "Sell", WriteIf(MA3, "Bullish", WriteIf(MA33, "Bearish","Zilch"))));
MA3_Col=IIf(MA3buy OR MA3, colorGreen, IIf(MA3sell OR MA33, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Midterm Bullish or Bearish
mBull = C > EMA(C,50);
mBear= C < EMA(C,50);
mt_status= WriteIf(mBull, "Bullish", WriteIf(mBear, "Bearish", "Zilch"));
mt_Col=IIf(mBull, colorGreen, IIf(mbear, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Longterm Bullish or Bearish
Bull = C > EMA(C,200);
Bear= C < EMA(C,200);
lt_status= WriteIf(Bull, "Bullish", WriteIf(Bear, "Bearish", "Zilch"));
lt_Col=IIf(Bull, colorGreen, IIf(bear, colorRed, colorLightGrey));

//Long-term Price Trend
rc= C > EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);
ac= C > EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);
bl= C > EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
wr= C < EMA (C,50) AND C > EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
ds= C < EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) > EMA(C,200);
br= C < EMA (C,50) AND C < EMA(C,200) AND EMA(C,50) < EMA(C,200);

ltp=WriteIf(rc, "RECOVERY", WriteIf(ac, "ACCUMULATION", WriteIf(bl, "BULLISH", WriteIf(wr, "WARNING",WriteIf(ds, "DISTRIBUTION",WriteIf(br, "BEARISH", "Zilch"))))));
ltp_col=IIf( rc, colorBlue, IIf( ac, colorGreen, IIf(bl, colorDarkGreen, IIf(wr, colorOrange, IIf(ds, colorRed, IIf(br, colorDarkRed, colorLightGrey ))))));


//T-3 Delta
T3Day = T3(Close, 3);
T5Day = T3(Close, 5);
Delta = T3Day - T5Day;

// Filter=O<Ref(L,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1)|C>Ref(O,-1)
// AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND Ref(L,-1)<Ref(L,-2) AND Ref(L,-2)<Ref(L,-3)
// AND V>Ref(V,-1) AND V>(MA(Ref(V,-1),5)+(MA(Ref(V,-1),5)*0.3)) AND MA(V,21)>50000;

Filter=MA(V,21)>50000 AND Close < 15;


AddColumn(V, "Volome", 1, IIf(V > Ref(V,-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(((V/EMA(Ref(V,-1),10)))*100, "VolSpike %", 1.2, IIf(V> EMA(Ref(V,-1),10), colorBlue, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(Delta, "Delta",1.2, IIf(delta < 0, colorRed, colorGreen),-1);
AddColumn(C, "Close", 1.2, IIf(C > Ref(C,-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(G,"O Low%",1.2,-1);
AddColumn(F,"C High%",1.2,-1);
AddColumn(RSI(14),"RSI-14",1.2, IIf(RSI(14) > Ref(RSI(14),-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddColumn(ADX(10),"ADX-10",1.2,IIf(ADX(10) > Ref(ADX(10),-1), colorGreen, colorRed),-1);
AddTextColumn(bbk_status, "Breaks", 1.6, colorWhite, bbk_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(Tbuy_status, "T3-Signal", 1.6, colorWhite, T_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(Gbuy_status, "Guppy", 1.6, colorWhite, G_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(MA_status, "EMA-9", 1.6, colorWhite, MA_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(MA2_status, "EMA-20", 1.6, colorWhite, MA2_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(MA3_status, "EMA-9x20", 1.6, colorWhite, MA3_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(Ibuy_status, "RSI signal", 1.6, colorWhite, I_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(adx_status, "Trend", 1.6, colorWhite, adx_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(cop_status, "Coppock", 1.6, colorWhite, cop_Col,-1);
//AddTextColumn(wad_status, "WAD", 1.6, colorWhite, WAD_Col,-1);
//AddTextColumn(mt_status, "EMA-50", 1.6, colorWhite, mt_Col,-1);
//AddTextColumn(lt_status, "EMA-200", 1.6, colorWhite, lt_Col,-1);
AddTextColumn(ltp, "Phase", 1.6, colorWhite, ltp_Col,-1);
G4-Golden4 techniques...:clapping:
I attended the class in June of 2010...fees Rs.4000/-...i was new to market time dat time...these techniques helped me to know more abt market and even more abt its sentiments...he(Damo sir) believe market moves with traders sentiment...
The 4 techniques
1.open,High,low concept
2.open vs close concept
3.!% concept
Some said in a forum these r complete ****, i disagree...these concept should be used with perfect discipline...u can't just except the market to award u without effort...go to cls...its sure worth 4000 bucks....
Hello gopi

I attended this programme. I am new to trading i have some doubts please give me your contact mail details


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