Intuitions about trading .


Well-Known Member
one of my belief - all candles are manipulated - I study hourly candle fr my mcx trades .. I found that 1st 10 min and last 5-7 min of candle often trade against trend .


Well-Known Member
My intution is very simple. and works out... if i trade against my friends position, i will make extradinary profit

i will earn more lakhs per month


if we trade against newbie trader method, we will always make profit
the money of d world is equaly distributd equaly among all ..den smtime down d years..d rich wil b more richer n d poor wil b more poorer.2 think abt making money is a state of 1 trades d oposite even if u feel 2 bcoz ur subconcious mind was never wired 2 make it believe d way u u can .
I don’t think that the emotional element and intuition can be fully taken away from a trader while trading. Intuitions vary from person to person and that is what gives you an edge over the other traders in the market. With experience and the amount of research you do, this intuition gets stronger and better.
As for me, the main advantage of trading by intuition is the speed of decision making. Guided by intuition, I spend several times less time and effort to analyze the situation. Of course, this is not always an advantage, because if a trader is a beginner, intuition can deceive him. But for me, intuitive solutions are a great way to save time without losing efficiency.
The second advantage is that I become more confident when listening to my intuition. Although the analysis and application of successful strategies can give a positive result on their own, when an intuitive solution supports them, a trader learns to really feel the market.
As for me, the main advantage of trading by intuition is the speed of decision making.
The second advantage is that I become more confident when listening to my intuition.
Well, I don’t really think trading on intuition can be good. Okay, it saves time, but trading based only on intuition, don’t you think you can go wrong most of the times?
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