Wisdom Capital Requests PM Intervention Against Impugned Peak Margin Circular

Wisdom Capital

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2013
Hello Traders,
As you all are well aware that the recent impugned SEBI circular, dated 20th July, 2020, has taken a toll on all of us and that we, at Wisdom Capital, have challenged it in the court by filing a writ petition as well. The legal process is underway and we hope to get the unjust law revoked in the interest of entire trading community. We have made another concerted effort to raise our voice firmly. We have written to the Prime Minister (seelink https://epaper.financialexpress.com/2991465/Delhi/February-12-2021#page/3/1), asking for his intervention in this matter at the earliest.
While we are confident that we will win the case in the court, we have started making efforts to create awareness about the impugned SEBI circular in the trader community. You will appreciate that we have firmly put forward our point with a perspective to safeguard your interests. A number of worried traders have been calling us to inquire about increasing margin limits, but we have been failing to comply on account the restrictions put in place by the SEBI circular. In order to serve you better by providing the leverages as earlier times, we are talking to a lot of people in the industry, trying to create awareness, fighting a legal battle, and, more recently, have written to the Prime Minster and other top authorities. Our hope is that the Prime Minister intervenes, provides us an audience, and, asks the regulator to withhold/revoke the matter until further notice.
Do share your views & please come forward with more suggestions; Wisdom Capital is always working for the welfare of the community. Stay United !
WhatsApp Image 2021-02-18 at 10.41.36.jpeg


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