
  1. 1

    Amibroker Optimization Result - Factors & Analysis

    Some of us have done the optimization analysis of our AFL's in Amibroker to get the best out of them, using the collective wisdom of the internet forums to choose the correct time periods, smoothing factors, OB-OS combinations etc. The big question is how do you right values from the...
  2. madhavareddy1203

    Need AFL : for this Strategy

    Hi, Im looking for afl with explorer for below strategy. After 3 yrs researching on amibroker afls i came to conclusion that there is no afl which give success rate above 60%. and i have stopped searching for new afls. im tired. Still some people searching for Holygrails and above 90% success...
  3. A

    AFL - colored bars

    Hi Members, I am trying to code an AFL where the following conditions meet. 1. If close is Greater than previous bar's open - Green Bar 2. If close if Lower than previous bar's open - Red Bar (Attached image) I tried much but could not work it out. Please help with your inputs...
  4. A

    AFL correction - help needed

    Hi All, Below afl plots a straight line which is not extended to the extreme right of the chart. Please help me doing corrections so that the marked line is extended to the extreme right and plots only for current day. I have attached the image. _SECTION_BEGIN("Price"); _N(Title =...
  5. S

    afl help needed...

    hello senior members, i am seeking help for coding, signals. Say, a specific condition is applied for, buy=xyz; short=abc; i need coding for sell and cover. condition for sell is, sell=buyprice+0.25%of buyprice cover=sellprice-0.25%of sellprice hopefully waiting for...
  6. A

    AFL code to find stock swhich are in uptrend or downtrend

    Dear All, I am looking for AFL code which will scan through the list of stocks and identify which stocks are in continuous uptrend or downtrend for 7 or more number of days. If the days are selectable, that will be more helpful. For example, I want to find which are the stocks that are...
  7. N

    Help needed with AFL and Backtesting

    Hi Friends, Hi have been following traderji from many days, but its my first thread here I recently began working on afl codes, i combined the codes of Supertrend by and SAR by PV Raja Can anybody help me in optimising and Backtesting it Thank You
  8. M

    Need AFL from code

    Hello, I'm using below code in nest trader and it is showing good result for trading. I want to have an AFL so that I can use it in Amibroker. BUY = EMA(CLOSE, 5) > SMA (CLOSE, 20) AND RSI (CLOSE, 21) < 40 SELL = EMA(CLOSE, 5) < SMA (CLOSE, 20) AND RSI (CLOSE, 21) > 60 BUY EXIT = RSI...
  9. M

    Need AFL as per defined logic

    Hello, I'm using below codes in Nest trader system and I want to create AFL using this code so that i can use it in Amibroker. Nest trader Code : BUY = EMA(CLOSE, 5) > SMA (CLOSE, 20) AND RSI (CLOSE, 21) < 40 SELL = EMA(CLOSE, 5) < SMA (CLOSE, 20) AND RSI (CLOSE, 21) > 60 BUY EXIT =...
  10. M

    Need AFL from specified logics

    Hello, Can someone from you please help me in creating AFL as per below logic ? BUY = EMA(CLOSE, 5) > SMA (CLOSE, 20) AND RSI (CLOSE, 21) < 40 SELL = EMA(CLOSE, 5) < SMA (CLOSE, 20) AND RSI (CLOSE, 21) > 60 BUY EXIT = RSI (CLOSE, 21) > 80 SELL EXIT = RSI (CLOSE, 21) < 30
  11. madhavareddy1203

    Prvious candles

    Hi guys, I want to see previous 3 candles high and low. want to display everytime on my chart. Can anyone suggest how to change this code. GfxTextOut("1.Open - "+O+" High - "+H+" Low - "+L+" Close - "+C, Hor+400, Ver+10 ); GfxTextOut("2.Open - "+O+" High - "+H+" Low - "+L+" Close - "+C...
  12. A

    AFL changes -- please help

    Hi Seniors, Please help me make changes to the below afl. I am looking for (image attached): 1. The latest pivots encircled in Yellow color plot as hard lines. 2. The previous to latest encircled in Green color plotted as dashed lines. Please help. To my understanding these pivots...
  13. A

    Understanding the chart/indicators

    Dear Friends, Im new to this forum and its good to see lots of helping hands here. Im looking for some help to understand the indicators and the signals on the afl that I use. Apart from the buy sell signal there are few more information that is available in this chart. Can any one help me...
  14. Cubt

    Nifty Positional Trading - Super Trend Indicator

    Guys, with regards to my old thread about Swing Trading system for Nifty, there were many major flaws hence decided to quit that system and continue with my old system that am familiar with. I have back tested it with 6 years of data from 2008 to 2013 October. System Methodology: Using Super...
  15. Cubt

    Nifty Swing Trading System - Back tested - Highly Profitable Results

    I have back tested a Swing Trading system for Nifty. I have back tested it with 4 years of data from 2008 to 2011. As I do not have historical data for the remaining periods I couldn't test further. The results are amazing. I have been using this system since one month now and total no of...
  16. E

    Change Active Ticker from AFL in Amibroker

    Hi, I have an AFL script that iterates through scrips in a watchlist and does charting and buy/sell calls. When processing each symbol, i make a call setForeign(symbol). This changes the price arrays, but the barcount is the same for all the symbols (I know there is different amount of...
  17. A

    AFL for SH's MArket Correction Prediction Strategy

    Hi All, This AFL is for the method/principles stated by TradeWithHunter in the following post as per the link SH's MArket Correction Prediction Strategy The code has an exploration also with it.Happy Trading Guys :clap::thumb: Here is the code.I am using Ami 5.3 plus versions...
  18. J

    Need AFL help

    Hi Seniors, I want to plot lines in such a way that the lines show up on: 1. 5% of High-Low added to yesterdays high. eg: High=500 Low=450 High-Low=50 5% of 50=2.5 Line should plot at 500+2.5= 502.5 Same way second line 2.5 below 450 450-2.5= 447.5 I tried much but am not good...
  19. L

    conversion of AMI AFL to MT4 file

    Dear all, kindly help me in converting an amibroker afl file in to MT4 indicator file. Here goes the Formula _SECTION_BEGIN("Chart Settings"); SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer Panel",colorBlack))...
  20. J

    Need AFL help: Plotting lines.

    Hello Senior Members, I tried my all efforts but could not succeed. Please help me to plot lines on the values for the strings that I have highlighted in RED color. Many Thanks to all. _____________________________________________________________ _SECTION_BEGIN("Setup"); //required...