15% Guaranteed Returns - Buy both Call & Put options Strategy

Hi Cubt

Could you please let us know if you are still practicing this strategy, and if so please also let us know how much successful you are in doing so, as its almost a year now since you got started.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Buying ITM Nifty Options fetches 15% Intraday on some days...what to speak of Month :thumb:
how to calculate right entry point in Long Strangle. and how to calculate call put ratio to determined the volatility.please help us to understand better the point mentioned below.

"An increase in implied volatility, all other things equal, would have a very positive impact on this strategy. Even if the stock price holds steady, a quick rise in implied volatility would push up the value of both options and might allow the investor to close out the position for a profit well before expiration".


Algo Trader
Hi Cubt

Could you please let us know if you are still practicing this strategy, and if so please also let us know how much successful you are in doing so, as its almost a year now since you got started.

Thank you!
No, am trading this strategy anymore. There is lot more to learn to be a successful trader in OPTIONS


Well-Known Member
No, am trading this strategy anymore. There is lot more to learn to be a successful trader in OPTIONS
And can you plz high light what important points u hv learnt with regards to options trading till date ?:)


Algo Trader
And can you plz high light what important points u hv learnt with regards to options trading till date ?:)
If you can earn 1000's trading futures, you can earn lacs trading Options. This is what options taught me initially. But later realized that, you can lose lacs trading Options as well.


Well-Known Member
If you can earn 1000's trading futures, you can earn lacs trading Options. This is what options taught me initially. But later realized that, you can lose lacs trading Options as well.
Well, Options have more leverage and the losses are virtually unlimited for the writers of options, those are basics, I meant what is your experience tactics/strategy wise in options, hope you can share with us:thumb: and as per my experience any correlation in the trading area is just a myth.


Algo Trader
Well, Options have more leverage and the losses are virtually unlimited for the writers of options, those are basics, I meant what is your experience tactics/strategy wise in options, hope you can share with us:thumb: and as per my experience any correlation in the trading area is just a myth.
I do not have much experience in Options. sorry.


Well-Known Member
If you can earn 1000's trading futures, you can earn lacs trading Options. This is what options taught me initially. But later realized that, you can lose lacs trading Options as well.

Leverage and Lagam is inversely proportional!!