a great software - WEALTHLAB


Well-Known Member
If you have not heard monte carlo simulator in AB....you can create one or many like that in excel & integrate it with AB...that you cant do it in TS.
Integration of excel worksheets with TS is much easier than with amibroker. If you're using the 8.2 version, file ---> new ---> other active documents ---> microsoft excel. :)

People buys TS for systems more than for third party addons.

Considering functional capabilities of the language... AFL is bit more powerful than easy language. If you would know AFL enough, you wouldnt say its inferior.
Which functional capability are you talking about, which is present in amibroker and not in TS?
Integration of excel worksheets with TS is much easier than with amibroker. If you're using the 8.2 version, file ---> new ---> other active documents ---> microsoft excel. :)
Excel integration of TS is almost nothing compared to AB.
TS does not allow you to import anything from Excel.
(TS have the stategy of safeguarding itself against external data feeds. if it allows excel, people will use it as data feed.) AB do not have such problems.

You can do some real time magics with excel & AB. cant even dream about it with TS.

Which functional capability are you talking about, which is present in amibroker and not in TS?
AB allows you scripting that starts from very basic level.
It starts with ploting basic prices with AFL.

Both the softs allows external scripting....thats why I said none is inferior.

I always like to read your posts....
I am aware of your knowledge..we are just advocating our fav softs...it'll just continue forever. Its better to continue with our work.:)

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