Monthly Update for July 2013
With yesterday's expiry I ended my 2nd month of trading. In july series I could not trade all the days. In 1st week I had missed few days, and was hit by loss in other days, 2nd week had a travel plan and I was busy in learning, analysing and fine-tuning my system. Started trading with modified system from 3rd week of July and has traded continuously since then.
1. In the last 2 weeks I have done 35 trades in total, made 126 points and lost 75 points, So a net gain of 51 points.
2. Out of those 35 trades many trades are wrongly taken due to emotion and violation of rules. Majority of the loss is attributed to bad execution skill and have lost few big profits because of early exit.
So ended the July Series in breakeven too. But need to gain 40+ points to end the month in breakeven. Becasue that is the fixed brokerage cost for TSO per month.
Goals for August Series
1. Practice, Practice, Practice. Need to practice more in perfecting entry, timing exit, moving TSL etc.
2. Keep the emotion down, and only act as per the rules, Do not react seeing the market movement.
No If, No but, Just Stick to the Plan
4. Achieving perfection over system execution is not the only thing needed for a trader. Learn to keep your emotion down, instead of being controlled by it.
I am loving it