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Dax Devil

Well-Known Member
Hi, amit. Here is one more example of what damage the powerful yet incompetent govt machinary does.

. 'You destroyed Brand Maggi without conclusive evidence'


Latha: We have seen Pepsi and Cadbury emerge from similar kind of problems, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) related problems. What is your sense, how long may Maggi as a brand take to re-emerge and how costly is it or is it possible that brands may even wither away?

A: I would just like to very quickly say, it is very sad in the case of Nestle that obviously the testing process in India is disastrous - you have destroyed a brand before getting any conclusive evidence and the media has also gone into all the wrong conclusions straightaway based on, ‘Oh, Maggi is bad.’ Does everybody know that there is lead in every single product that you eat whether you buy it in the market or whether you buy any packaged product. There is no single packaged product which does not have lead. That is why the government of India has put permissible limits on it. Even if you buy - where does lead come from? Nobody adds lead to a product. It is available on the ground, it comes from the groundwater, it comes from the flour, it comes from everything that is available in India and the question is that you are testing this product, are we using the right testing processes? We jump the gun in India very quickly and I am rising to the defense of Nestle only on the ground that unless proven guilty, it takes hundreds of years to build a brand, everybody in India has destroyed it in one day and that is the most unfortunate part but forget about the cost –if they were to sue the government of India and they are right, then will the government of India give them the money that they would have lost as a consequence of bad testing or are we not bothered? You have a simple thing in India where if you do a survey and say here is the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi is the most popular- everybody immediately starts asking questions: how many people did you interview, did you go all over India, did you do this, is it rural, is it urban, is it young, is it old- nobody is bothered including very single TV channel to say what are we talking about? Where are the these testing done, how come four states have found it right, one state has found it wrong, is it only one factory, is it all the factories, is it all products in India –where are we going with this? You have destroyed the brand already, now of course the poor chaps if they turn out to be right, if I was in their place I would take massive legal action against everyone.


Read more at:http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/you-destroyed-brand-maggi-without-conclusive-evidence_1399836.html?utm_source=ref_article


Well-Known Member
All this started in up the last place on earth to get something this correct. Had lead content be high in Maggie it should big in Maharashtra too. I thing at least in up it was done to extract some bribe out but Nestlé being a multinational must have refused and now look everyone is after Maggie and mind I am not defending Maggie I believe foods like Maggie should be banned but on the pretext of some faulty testing


Well-Known Member
A man only begins to be a man ,when he ceases to whine and revile, and commences to search for the hidden justice which regulates his life -James Allen

There was once a skipper who named his ship after his wife. He had the figurehead of it beautifully carved, just like her, and the hair of it gilt. But his wife was jealous of the ship. “You think more of the figurehead than of me,” she said to him. “No,” he answered, “I think so highly of her because she is like you, yes, because she is you yourself. Is she not gallant, full-bosomed; does she not dance in the waves, like you at our wedding? In a way she is really even kinder to me than you are. She gallops along where I tell her to go, and she lets her long hair hang down freely, while you put yours up under a cap. But she turns her back to me, so that when I want a kiss I come home to Elsinore.”

Now once, when this skipper was trading at Trankebar, he chanced to help an old native king flee traitors in his own country. As they parted, the king gave him two big blue, precious stones, and these he had set into the face of his figurehead, like a pair of eyes to it. When he came home he told his wife of his adventure, and said: “Now she has your blue eyes too.” “You had better give me the stones for a pair of earrings,” said she. “No,” he said again. “I cannot do that, and you would not ask me if you understood.”

Still the wife could not stop fretting about the blue stones, and one day, when her husband was with the skippers’ corporation, she had a glazier of the town take them out, and put two bits of blue glass into the figurehead instead,

and the skipper did not find out, but sailed off to Portugal. But after some time the skipper’s wife found that her eyesight was growing bad, and she could not see to thread a needle. She went to a wise-woman, who gave her ointments and waters, but they did not help her and in the end the old woman shook her head, and told her that this was a rare and incurable disease, and that she was going blind. “Oh, God,” the wife then cried, “that the ship was back in the harbor of Elsinore. Then I should have the glass taken out, and the jewels put back. For did he not say that they were my eyes?” But the ship did not come back. Instead the skipper’s wife had a letter from the Consul of Portugal, who informed her that she had been wrecked, and gone to the bottom with all hands. And it was a very strange thing, the Consul wrote, that in broad daylight she had run straight into a tall rock, rising out of the sea


Well-Known Member
When markets are not doing anything, do the following :

1) Do some deep breathing .

2) Get up from your chair, take a walk in your home/office and if at home, dont go into the kitchen to search for something to munch . Walk a few steps up/down the stairs if possible.

3) Listen to some soft music.

4) Chat on TJ :D

Hi, amit. Here is one more example of what damage the powerful yet incompetent govt machinary does.

. 'You destroyed Brand Maggi without conclusive evidence'


Latha: We have seen Pepsi and Cadbury emerge from similar kind of problems, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) related problems. What is your sense, how long may Maggi as a brand take to re-emerge and how costly is it or is it possible that brands may even wither away?

A: I would just like to very quickly say, it is very sad in the case of Nestle that obviously the testing process in India is disastrous - you have destroyed a brand before getting any conclusive evidence and the media has also gone into all the wrong conclusions straightaway based on, ‘Oh, Maggi is bad.’ Does everybody know that there is lead in every single product that you eat whether you buy it in the market or whether you buy any packaged product. There is no single packaged product which does not have lead. That is why the government of India has put permissible limits on it. Even if you buy - where does lead come from? Nobody adds lead to a product. It is available on the ground, it comes from the groundwater, it comes from the flour, it comes from everything that is available in India and the question is that you are testing this product, are we using the right testing processes? We jump the gun in India very quickly and I am rising to the defense of Nestle only on the ground that unless proven guilty, it takes hundreds of years to build a brand, everybody in India has destroyed it in one day and that is the most unfortunate part but forget about the cost –if they were to sue the government of India and they are right, then will the government of India give them the money that they would have lost as a consequence of bad testing or are we not bothered? You have a simple thing in India where if you do a survey and say here is the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi is the most popular- everybody immediately starts asking questions: how many people did you interview, did you go all over India, did you do this, is it rural, is it urban, is it young, is it old- nobody is bothered including very single TV channel to say what are we talking about? Where are the these testing done, how come four states have found it right, one state has found it wrong, is it only one factory, is it all the factories, is it all products in India –where are we going with this? You have destroyed the brand already, now of course the poor chaps if they turn out to be right, if I was in their place I would take massive legal action against everyone.


Read more at:http://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/you-destroyed-brand-maggi-without-conclusive-evidence_1399836.html?utm_source=ref_article
I would say its actually good what is happening and same should happen with various soft drinks, fairness creams, tobacco and alcohol products.
Argument for these brands being presented is -
1. Lead or anything non-permissible found in these things is because its present in everything here in India, so one should not blame these brands but the conditions in India -- so i guess we should clean water or raw materials first then provide them these...isnt it their duty to use clean suitable materials ? and they are being banned because lead content was above permissible limits.
2. When the company got licence from the authorities then the conditions were fine but as soon as something against them was found they are non-competent, dont know what is the right process to test..blah ..blah.. if they doubt their abilities why not file a case against govn authorities ?
3. Facts being presented in above interview are also wrong, lead was present above a permissible level and 3 states have found the sample failing the tests, but the person being interviewed would say anything that will suit his or the interviewer interests.. none of them is responsible in anyway to anyone..only thing is how we can make more money.

One should also check history of Nestle and they will know how much they care for consumers.
Also i am finding that people are becoming more and more stupid, they will believe the catchy heading on the cover but not care to see how their own body is reacting to it. Doesnt eveyone know that processed food is not good for health ? It so salty, made of maida, if you eat it regularly you will get headache n stomach cramps but no.. they wont listen to their body..

And what about responsibility of celebrities ? If Madhuri dikshit gives maggi to her children regularly for breakfast then she is completely right in doing the advertisement but if she doesnt then she also should be put behind bars for lying to people. They think that something isnt right for their children but they dont think about crores that foolishly believe them. Someone should ask salman khan how much thumbs up he drinks in a day...
I wonder why they are only going after the pasta, specially Maggi. I think this should be used as an opportunity to check all the processed foods like Amul Milk, Rooh Afza, various chocolates/toffies, ice creams etc..

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