A Strong Trading Mind

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Special Heroes the be t t e r india

What started as a compulsory activity in school changed Sharath Gayakwad’s life and he became the first Indian to win six medals in a multi-disciplinary sport event at the Asian Para-games in Incheon, South Korea, 2014. He broke the record of legendary P.T. Usha who had won five medals at the 1986 Asian Games.

Sharath Gayakwad won four golds in his first nationals. Picture Source: MikeLynch / Wikipedia

In spite of being born with a deformed left hand, Gayakwad was always interested in sports and took up swimming at the age of nine when it was made mandatory in his school as a life-saving skill.


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Well-Known Member
End it now! Do not waste another minute dealing with a toxic, negative, energy-draining person. Some people are wired for negativity. They love being argumentative, combative and abusive. Run for your life as quickly as possible. Life is too short and unpredictable to deal with these emotional vampires. They feed off of stressing you out, raising hell and creating drama for you. The toxic energy will turn your hair gray overnight, cause you to gain weight and rob you of your health. Do not waste valuable time trying to change them. Change yourself and get them out of your life!

Do not say a word; leave all of your belongings if you have to, in the middle of the night. Cut off all communication. Do not take their calls. You have heard all the lies before. They will not change. They do not choose to change. It is who they have decided to be.

Move to another city if you must and start all over again. Your life is worth it. You deserve to have peace of mind, a great relationship and an exciting life. Watch how dramatically your life will change for the better once you get this burden off your back. The air you breathe will become fresh and invigorating. You will feel an infusion of exuberance, energy and love for life. With this stifling, suffocating and controlling person out of your life, get ready to live again and be the person that you have always wanted to be. Live life on your own terms. Control your own destiny. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
“In order to make a success trading in the market, the trader must have definite rules and follow them. The rules given below are based upon my personal experience and anyone who follows them will make a success” -- W.D. Gann. Mr. Gann is reportedly one of the most successful traders of his or our time. These are his rules:

1. Amount of capital to use: Divide your capital into 10 equal parts and never risk more than one-tenth of your capital on any one trade.
2. Use stop loss orders. Always protect a trade when you make it with a stop loss order.
3. Never over trade. This would be violating your capital rules.
4. Never let a profit run into a loss. After you once have a profit, raise your stop loss order so that you will have no loss of capital.
5. Do not buck the trend. Never buy or sell if you are not sure of the trend according to your charts and rules.
6. When in doubt, get out, and don’t get in when in doubt.
7. Trade only in active markets. Keep out of slow, dead ones.
8. Equal distributions of risk. Avoid tying up all your capital in any one counter.
9. Never limit your orders or fix a buying or selling price. Trade at the market.
10. Don’t close your trades without a good reason. Follow up with a stoploss order to protect
your profits.
11. Accumulate a surplus. After you have made a series of successful trades, put some money into a surplus account to be used only in emergency or in times of panic.
12. Never buy or sell just to get a scalping profit.
13. Never average a loss. This is one of the worst mistakes a trader can make.
14. Never get out of the market just because you have lost patience or get into the market because you are anxious from waiting.
15. Avoid taking small profits and big losses.
16. Never cancel a stop loss order after you have placed it at the time you make a trade.
17. Avoid getting in and out of the market too often.
18. Be just as willing to sell short as you are to buy. Let your object be to keep with the trend and make money.
19. Never buy just because the price of a commodity is low or sell short just because the price is high.
20. Be careful about pyramiding at the wrong time. Wait until the commodity is very active and have crossed Resistance Levels before buying more and until it has broken out of the Zone of Distribution before selling more.
21. Select the commodities that show strong uptrend to pyramid on the buying side and the ones that show definite downtrend to sell short.
22. Never hedge. If you are of one commodity and it starts to go down, do not sell another commodity short to hedge it. Get out at the market; take your loss and wait for another opportunity.
23. Never change your position in the market without a good reason. When you make a trade, let it be for some good reason or according to some definite rule; then do not get out without a definite indication of a change of trend.
24. Avoid increasing your trading after a long period of success or a period of profitable trades.
25. Don’t guess when the market is top. Let the market prove it is top. Don’t guess when the market is bottom. Let the market prove it is bottom. By following definite rules, you can do this.
26. Do not follow another man’s advice unless you know that he knows more that you do.
27. Reduce trading after first loss; never increase.
28. Avoid getting in wrong and out wrong; getting in right and out wrong. This is making double mistakes.

Source:Email from a friend


Well-Known Member
Do not waste your time on foolishness or foolish people. Time is the stuff that life is made of and your life is extremely valuable to you, your family and to the world. Guard it at all costs. Life is full of attractive, distracting foolishness which will waste your time and deplete your much-needed energy.

Foolish people do not like to own responsibility for their decisions and never see the impact of their actions and choices on their lives. They will try to recruit you into their madness. They will attempt to convince you to pay their bills, pay their way and solve their problems. They do not listen to anyone ~ even though their life is in shambles.

Let others be satisfied with being spectators, complainers and victims. You are a player on the field of life. You have dreams and goals that you are determined to achieve. You have drive and a desire to make your life matter. There are things that others find very enjoyable which just do not fit who you are. Be focused, relentless and HUNGRY to make your life count. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!


Well-Known Member
Count your blessings. Gratitude is the fuel of resiliency. Train your mind to think of at least one thing for which you are thankful everyday. It is often easy to overlook the small but significant blessings in your life. Look for positive things outside of yourself, because sometimes you can not trust your mind.

When you choose to look at the positives instead of focusing on the negatives, you strengthen your courage and your internal capacity to take on life. Look yourself in the eye and realize that you are ultimately responsible for working your way out of this situation. Give up the desire for things to be easy and deal with circumstances such as you find them. Know that you have the power to live a meaningful and happy life. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown


Well-Known Member
It has been said, "Wherever you find yourself... at some point in time you made an appointment to be there." If this is true in your case, own it. Face it. Get real with yourself. Do not stay in what you know is wrong because you did not listen to the warnings or to your own intuition. Things could have worked out. But they didn't. Do not allow fear or embarrassment of looking stupid to discourage you from doing what you need to do. Be ready to admit that you were wrong or that you made a mistake. Face it and move on. Do not beat yourself up. You did not listen to your first mind or trust your intuition. None of us is perfect.

Get some help to clear your thinking and carve out a new life for yourself. Contrary to popular belief, just because you made a mistake, you do not have to live with it for the rest of your life. You can decide to change it. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Stand up for yourself. Do not waste another day living a life that is not you. It may be a job, a business, a relationship, or a decision that you made. Cut your losses. Life and time are too precious to continue to live a lie. You deserve better and you can do better when you get the courage to do what you know you must. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Les Brown

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