AmiBroker formula Language

Can anybody guide me how to Draw Hi and Lows for the period of 1st of every month to 18th of every month. Appreciate any help . I have progressed moderately in writing AFLs but this date function still eludes me.
Sector in ami

Can anybody guide me how to Draw Hi and Lows for the period of 1st of every month to 18th of every month. Appreciate any help . I have progressed moderately in writing AFLs but this date function still eludes me.
hi all
In your data have many stock of company
I want to made sector in ami.
but i don't,
can i have you,
thank all

I am a newbe in computer programming and AFL is making me mad. I will be very greatful if anybody can write the AFL scan for me as per following condition

when SMA=2 cross EMA=8
Vol of min 500,000

Many thanks

I am a newbe in computer programming and AFL is making me mad. I will be very greatful if anybody can write the AFL scan for me as per following condition

when SMA=2 cross EMA=8
Vol of min 500,000

Many thanks

Buy=Cross(MA(C,2),MA(C,8)) and V>=500000;

You can modify that to complete exploration also.
Hope this helps.
AFL for generating buy/sell signal using Stochastics(slow/fast)

Hi all, can any one give me the AFL prog. for generating buy and sell signal while using automatic analysis in Amibroker, with respect to Stochastics, thanks in advance.......with warm regards
Can anyone make this code better:

SECTION_BEGIN("ZigZag Retracement");
function GetXSupport(Lo, Percentage, Back)
 return ((BarCount - 1) - LastValue(TroughBars(Lo, Percentage,Back)));
function GetYSupport(Lo, Percentage, Back)
 return (LastValue(Trough(Lo, Percentage, back)));

function GetXResistance(Hi, Percentage, Back)
 return ((BarCount - 1) -LastValue(PeakBars(Hi, Percentage, Back)));
function GetYResistance(Hi, Percentage, Back)
 return (LastValue(Peak(Hi, Percentage, Back)));

Per = Param("Period", 5.9618, .1, 20, .001);
Period = Param("Look back", 10, 1, BarCount-1);
ShowRet = ParamToggle("Show Retracement values", "No|Yes",1);
Price = ParamList("Price to follow:", "Close|High|Low", 0);
if(Price=="Close") ZigP = Zig(C, per);
else if(Price=="High") ZigP = Zig(H, per);
else ZigP = Zig(L, per);

Plot(C, "", IIf(O>=C, colorDarkRed, colorDarkGreen), ParamStyle("Price
Plot(ZigP, "Zig", colorGold, styleThick);

xs1 = GetXSupport(ZigP, .01, 1);
xr1 = GetXResistance(ZigP, .01, 1);
ys1 = GetYSupport(ZigP, .01, 1);
yr1 = GetYResistance(ZigP, .01, 1);

if(xs1 < xr1)
	x = LineArray(xs1, ys1, BarCount - 1, LastValue(ZigP));
	Down = (yr1 - LastValue(ZigP)) / (yr1 - ys1);
	DnBars = BarCount - 1 - xr1;
	Plot(x, "", colorRed, styleDots);
	PlotText(StrFormat("%.3f (%.0f)", Down, DnBars), (xs1 + BarCount -1)/2,
(ys1+LastValue(ZigP))/2, colorWhite);
	x = LineArray(xr1, yr1, BarCount - 1, LastValue(ZigP));
	Up = (LastValue(ZigP) - ys1) / (yr1 - ys1);
	UpBars = BarCount - 1 - xs1;
	Plot(x, "", colorRed, styleDots);
	PlotText(StrFormat("%.3f (%.0f)", Up, UpBars), (xr1 + BarCount -1)/2,
(yr1+LastValue(ZigP))/2, colorWhite);
Plot( 1, "", IIf( xs1 > xr1, colorGreen,
colorRed),styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );
for(i=2; i<=Period+1; i++)
	xs0 = GetXSupport(ZigP, .01, i);
	xs1 = GetXSupport(ZigP, .01, i-1);
	ys0 = GetYSupport(ZigP, .01, i);
	ys1 = GetYSupport(ZigP, .01, i-1);

	xr0 = GetXResistance(ZigP, .01, i);
	xr1 = GetXResistance(ZigP, .01, i-1);
	yr0 = GetYResistance(ZigP, .01, i);
	yr1 = GetYResistance(ZigP, .01, i-1);

	xs = LineArray(xs0, ys0, xs1, ys1, 0);
	Plot(xs, "", colorGold, styleLine|styleDashed);
	xr = LineArray(xr0, yr0, xr1, yr1, 0);
	Plot(xr, "",  colorGold, styleLine|styleDashed);
	if(xs1 < xr1)
		Up = (yr1 - ys1) / (yr0 - ys1);
		Down = (yr0 - ys1) / (yr0 - ys0);
		UpBars = xr1 - xs1;
		DnBars = xs1 - xr0;
		Up = (yr1 - ys0) / (yr0 - ys0);
		Down = (yr1 - ys1) / (yr1 - ys0);
		UpBars = xr1 - xs0;
		DnBars = xs1 - xr1;
	PlotText(StrFormat("%.3f (%.0f)", Up, UpBars), (xr1 + xr0)/2, (yr1+yr0)/2,
	PlotText(StrFormat("%.3f (%.0f)", Down, DnBars), (xs1 + xs0)/2, (ys1+ys0)/2,
	//Plot(LineArray(xs0, ys0, BarCount-1, ys0), "", colorGreen, styleDashed);
	//Plot(LineArray(xr0, yr0, BarCount-1, yr0), "", colorRed, styleDashed);


str = StrFormat("   (Bars to END=%.0f)\n", BarCount - 1 - BarIndex());
Title =FullName()+" ("+Name()+") - "+Date()+" - Open: "+O+", Hi: "+H+", Lo:
"+L+", Close: "+C+StrFormat(" (%.2f  %.2f%%)", C-Ref(C, -1),
SelectedValue(ROC(C, 1)))+str;
WriteIf(1, "\nNote Fibonacci numbers:\nPrimary numbers: 0.618, 0.786, 1.27 and
WriteIf(1, "Secondary numbers: 0.382, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 2.24, 2.618 and

So that it looks like this:

At the moment the code above just shows some retracements not all like Ensign does. :(
Can anyone pls tell how to put "minvalue" function in the afl or can makes changes afl so that it does not shows negative value.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Unnamed 5");
i = 2;

if (Interval()<inDaily)

i=MA( Volume , 2 );

f=(2 * i);

g=(f - Volume);

w=(Volume - g);

newvol= w;

Plot(newvol,"New Volume",ParamColor("Color",colorBlueGrey),styleHistogram|styleThick);



Well-Known Member
Can someone help me how to get Real Time quotes for the Amibroker? I have just installed it in my system. I am trading intraday in Nifty f n o with Indiainfoline TT. Thanks in advance.


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