sandipromade, please tell me the way to get service from Amibroker and explain the traiffs and how to download the service.
Renuchetty, if you just want the analysis of afls and no saving of data then you can download the trial version of amibroker from the site and do the experimentation. Trial version can implemet the afls and trend indicators very efficiently, just can not save the datas. Intraday analysis via third party software works efficiently.
On the other hand, if you want to save the datas' then you have to go for the licensed version. Just google for the indian cos selling
Amibroker and you will get the infos.
The official website of
Amibroker have the tariff structure.
The choice is yours. In beginning if you want to minimise your cost then go for the trial version.
thanx and happy trading