Anticipatory v/s Reactionary Trading

Is trading your primary source of income? If yes, which style do you follow?

  • Anticipatory Trading

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • Reactionary Trading

    Votes: 20 55.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Traders R Different Breed............u Have To Take Risk.....but Check Risk Is Worth Or Not........a Fighter.........who Knows When To Value In Heroes Death.
Definitely U Have To Develop A Only Makes A Good Bread Earner



Now with this explanation i can somehow understand your threads Logic,becoz till now my understanding is ,i dont anticipate but Only react but here you mean that anticipation urges me to be ready with a contingent plan.Plz correct me if i have misunderstood.



Well-Known Member
Very nice......Thanks Raju/Trader111!

When I am playing pivots,purely reactionary.......When I am playing patterns,am a combination (using the definition above).

So, you mean that if you are "combinationing" then you are not really as sure as when you are reacting. Therefore, you prefer to have a tighter stop. This is what you did for your recent entry in GMR Infra?

So, you mean that if you are "combinationing" then you are not really as sure as when you are reacting. Therefore, you prefer to have a tighter stop. This is what you did for your recent entry in GMR Infra?

Amit,will answer in the other thread......don't want to upset the flow of this thread.



Ashishda, for some it is about a contingent plan, while for others it may be a reason to plunge. Jesse Levermore talks about them often in his 'Reminisence of a Stock Operator'. I read interviews (and met as well) of many traders, and have an idea that most advocate following one's hunches after a certain level of experience.

Actually I want to add more but let us move gradually, without jumping into conclusions.

I have lost Huge money in Anticipating,well there are Gr8 Gr8 traders who could play on Hunches,you me & most of our members are simply mediocore or are just conform to standard ;in respect to playing smaller time frame & in Bull mkt everybody makes Money,plz refrain from Hopes / Hunches ,it will be beneficial for our financial health in the long run.More over we Trade a Set - Up ,we dont trade Hunches.




At least you are Gr8 & far better than me,as most of our members are not upto your caliber & it is never scientific to trade on Hunches hence plz refrain from advocating the same.



Well-Known Member
'A set of If-then scenarios' is to me the best definition of Anticipation - only i'd additionally try to figure out which one is the most likely scenario. The actual trade however still has to be based on some signal - anticipation can only help cutting down on the reaction time (that too if what has been the most likely scenario in my assessment translates into reality* - for all other cases i'd want to be more certain).


* as conveyed by the signal
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OK, back now.
I have lost Huge money in Anticipating
If my words do not suffice, read over CV's various posts where he emphasizes that lack of knowledge is the reason for traders to loose money. I lost too when I started trading but that was not because of some psycho thing but rather that I lacked understanding of market action.

well there are Gr8 Gr8 traders who could play on Hunches
I never really heard about a gr8 trader who could play only on hunches. In my understanding all gr8 traders emphasized having a system- a plan of action.

you me & most of our members are simply mediocore or are just conform to standard
what standard and what's not may be noted. As an analogy I account 80% of my profits to tape reading skills. Tape reading is quite standard for NYSE daytraders. I personally know many traders who trade NSE by the tape, may there are some here too:
but they shy away from posting frequently for technical claims/forecasting in various threads.
in respect to playing smaller time frame & in Bull mkt everybody makes Money,
such type of daytraders fail to survive more that few months.
plz refrain from Hopes / Hunches ,it will be beneficial for our financial health in the long run.
never heard of anyone trading on hopes.

More over we Trade a Set - Up ,we dont trade Hunches.
I too trade a setup, and I know when to play my hunches, though you dont include me in we. I trade moreover in anticipation when I follow the trend, in the anticipation that the trend will continue.

At least you are Gr8 & far better than me,as most of our members are not upto your caliber
seriously Sir, can't understand even a bit of that :eek::confused:
& it is never scientific to trade on Hunches hence plz refrain from advocating the same.
my apologies if I had been advocating on trading on hunches.


OK, back now.

If my words do not suffice, read over CV's various posts where he emphasizes that lack of knowledge is the reason for traders to loose money. I lost too when I started trading but that was not because of some psycho thing but rather that I lacked understanding of market action.

I never really heard about a gr8 trader who could play only on hunches. In my understanding all gr8 traders emphasized having a system- a plan of action.

what standard and what's not may be noted. As an analogy I account 80% of my profits to tape reading skills. Tape reading is quite standard for NYSE daytraders. I personally know many traders who trade NSE by the tape, may there are some here too:
but they shy away from posting frequently for technical claims/forecasting in various threads.

such type of daytraders fail to survive more that few months.

never heard of anyone trading on hopes.

I too trade a setup, and I know when to play my hunches, though you dont include me in we. I trade moreover in anticipation when I follow the trend, in the anticipation that the trend will continue.

seriously Sir, can't understand even a bit of that :eek::confused:

my apologies if I had been advocating on trading on hunches.
Your this statement :=
" my apologies if I had been advocating on trading on hunches"
suffices that you are not advocating trading on Hunches,probably you have understood the intention of my post.
[I too trade a setup, and I know when to play my hunches, though you dont include me in we. I trade moreover in anticipation when I follow the trend, in the anticipation that the trend will continue.

I think if you follow trend it is as per rule and if you go against trend, as per your hunch, it is anticipatory.

If above is correct, it seems you are generally following rules and trading as per trend and only occasionlly, as per your hunches(anticipation).
