Here is fee schedule from
My analysis is not suitable for lon term investors. (by default you have to pay minimum of 500 Rs. for two months)
Fee Schedule
1. Scheme Charges
Currently we have three schemes in Pricing. Brokerage is charged as a flat fee and there is no brokerage in terms of % on a traded value. Per trade there will be 1paise brokerage, which will be reflected in contract note.
Customer can avail any of the following schemes;
Rs. 500 - here he gets a turnover limit of Rs.1 crore and time span of 2 months, whichever is earlier. He can take maximum delivery of Rs.10 lacs.
Rs. 1350 - here he gets a turnover limit of Rs.3 crore and time span of 6 months, whichever is earlier. He can take maximum delivery of Rs.30 lacs.
Rs. 2500 - here he gets a turnover limit of Rs.6 crore and time span of 12 months, whichever is earlier. He can take maximum delivery of Rs.60 lacs.
There is fungibility from delivery trades to turnover trade i.e. if a customer has taken delivery of Rs.3 lacs only he can do turnover of Rs.97 lacs.
Maximum rollover of limits that will be permissible is Rs.10 crores for turnover trades and Rs.1 crore for delivery trades
2. Charges
Account Opening Charges
One-time account opening charges will be Rs.700 per account. Customer will issue cheque favoring Reliance Money Limited.
Call Center Charges
Customers will be allowed up to 25 free calls per month for any account related purpose.
In case customer places a trade and it gets fully or partially executed he will be charged Rs.12/- per call.
Any service calls beyond 25 free calls in a month will be charged Rs.5 per call.
Assisted Trade Charges
Customer will be charged Rs.12 per executed Order.
Demat Account Charges
There is NO account opening charges for Demat.
Annual Maintenance fees of Rs.50 per annum will be charged to the customer on March 31st. This charge will be waived of if customer gives minimum 5 instructions in a year.
Fee Head DP Charges
1. Annual Services Charges
For Individuals / NRIs / HUFs / Trust
(additional Rs. 100/- p.a. will be levied for clients obtaining to receive transaction statement in physical form.)
Corporates / Others Rs.50/-
2. Transaction Charges
SELL (Market & Off Market)
For instructions given in physical form
For instructions received through Internet/ online trading through Reliance Securities Ltd.
Rs. 25/-
Rs. 12/-
Extra charges for processing of instructions submitted on the execution date (accepted at Clients risk, only for physical instructions) Rs. 10/- per ISIN
3. Dematerlisation
For each request form
Extra for each certificate Rs.20/-
Rs. 2/-
For each certificate
4. Closure of Account Nil
5. Pledge Set Up/Removal/Confirmation /Invocation Rs. 25/-
6. Additional Account Statements Rs.20/- per statement
7. Custody Charges Nil