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Part 5 of 11

Secret Societies

The Round Table

The "Round Table" is supposed to have been the brain child of Cecil Rhodes the wealthy mining tycoon in South Africa, whose initial steps to wealth were funded by the Rothschilds.

Professor Quigley's book written in 1949 but only published in 1981 "The Anglo-American Establishment" details the creation of a secret society thus:

.."one wintry afternoon 1891 three men were engaged in earnest conversation in London and organising a secret society that for fifty years would be one of the most important forces in the formulation and execution of British imperial and foreign policy."

At the time it was established the British Empire was dominant and the secret society aimed to maintain its control over the world.

Involved with Cecil Rhodes were William T. Stead, and Reginald Brett, with the addition later of a fourth member, Alfred Milner.

Quoting again from Professor Quigley's book, the aim of the Round Table :

"... was to unite the world, and above all the English-speaking world, in a federal structure around Britain....the goal could best be achieved by a secret band of men ..... This band should pursue its goal by secret political and economic influence behind the scenes and by control of journalistic, educational and propaganda agencies."

Upon the death of Rhodes in 1902, Alfred Milner took over leadership of the Round Table and the fortune left in Cecil Rhodes' will set up the Rhodes' Scholarships, which allowed selected students from all over the world to study at Oxford University. These students would each have impressed upon his mind in the most susceptible period of his life the dream of the founder - one-world government. One of these students was Bill Clinton.


The Inquiry

The man credited with its creation was "Colonel" House. He was familiar with the Round Table and its leader, Alfred Milner, and, together with Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter, (?), House went to his protege, Woodrow Wilson, with the idea of setting up an intelligence agency for foreign affairs. This was set up in the winter of 1918 under the name of the "Inquiry".

At first it was established in the New York Public Library, but during the winter of 1918 it moved to offices in the American Geographical Society where House built up an organisation of approximately 100 scholars who gathered information and discussed the future state of the world after the defeat of the Kaiser. They were a group of intellectuals committed to the concept of globalism, removal of all economic barriers between nations and the creation of a general association of nations.

Walter Lippmann (?) was in charge of recruitment. Among the Inquiry researchers was Allan Dulles, the future head of the C.I.A.

Meantime, Alfred Milner sought out Anglophile Americans, such as George Louis Beer(?) who would soon be involved in the creation of an American version of the Round Table totally independent of the Milner group. Its influence would eventually dwarf that of its British counterpart and would be linked with other secret groups such as the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission.


The Council of Foreign Relations - the CFR

Elihu Root had been Secretary of State under Theodore Roosevelt and had been the recipient of the 1912 Nobel Peace Prize. In June 1918 he was the head of a select group of New York financiers and international lawyers, calling itself the Council on Foreign Relations.

Root led his small delegation to the Peace Conference at Versailles where they operated alongside Edward House's Inquiry Group in advising President Woodrow Wilson.

While the Round Table were there as advisers to David Lloyd George.

The charter of the League of Nations was signed by President Wilson on behalf of the US Government on January 10th 1920. Wilson's hopes for a one-world government were about to come true with he himself taking the position of President of the World.

However, the Senate refused to ratify the treaty. The League of Nations and further attempts to ratify its charter became the main issue in the 1920 presidential election. The power of "Colonel" House and the Inquiry suffered an early failure.

Since April 1919 the Council on Foreign Relations had dwindled to almost nothing, it became dormant until February 1921 when the Inquiry approached it with view to a merger. The academics had plenty of new ideas, but no finance and it seemed a sensible move to combine with a group of Wall Street financiers. On the 20th July 1921 the Inquiry was absorbed into the new Council on Foreign Relations.

After leaving Versailles, the British for their part, had set up the Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House.

In 1928, one year before the Wall Street crash, the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR, liquidated most of its investment portfolio and purchased a five-storey townhouse at 45 East 65th Street, next door to the home of the governor of New York, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

It emerged from the second World War a far bigger organisation and in the same way as the Inquiry after the first World War its role in the creation of a "new world order" was similar.

At the founding of the United Nations in 1945, forty-seven of the US delegates were CFR members, including Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, John Foster Dulles, Nelson Rockefeller, Adlai Stevenson and the man who held the first position as Chairman of the United Nations, Alger Hiss.

Eisenhower, (a protege of Bernard Baruch ) and Nixon were the first CFR members to be elected president and vice-president in 1952. The defeated Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson was also a fellow member.


The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission was established on July 23 1972 by David Rockefeller and was exactly the same breed as the CFR. All the eight founding members of the American side of the triangle were CFR members. Its aims were to bring together the three industrial engines of the world economy:the US, Europe and Japan.

Trilateral critic Senator Barry Goldwater quoted its promotional literature in his own book "With no apologies":

"Close trilateral cooperation in keeping the peace in managing the world economy, in fostering economic redevelopment and alleviating world poverty will improve the chances of a smooth and peaceful evolution of the global system".

He then gave his own interpretation :

" What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political government of the nation states involved. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the world."

Whereas the Bilderberg Group was a US/Europe alliance, the Trilateral Commission was merely adding another region of the world economy. In this case the Far East sector represented by Japan.

During the Florida primary on March 17th 1980, the candidate Ronald Reagan was asked whether he would include any Trilateral Commission members in his cabinet. He was neither a Trilaterist nor a member of the CFR and he replied:"I think there is an elite in this country and they are the ones who run an elitist government."

When Reagan eventually entered the White House he appointed 12 members of the Trilateral Commission into his administration, six of whom were also members of the CFR. As a sign of the true state of secret group influence there were another 64 appointees who were only members of the CFR.

A former member of the CFR, Rear Admiral Chester Ward, USN (Retired) exposed the sinister intentions of the Council in the "Review of the News":

"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups has one objective in common. They want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignity and national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR ... comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily they want the world banking monopoly from whatever government ends up in control of global government... "

Who are the members of this modern secret society? A recent breakdown of the 4,200 membership reveals 31% come from the corporate sector, 25% from academia, 15% from charities, 13% from government, 8% from law , 6% from the media and 2% from other professions.

CFR members are on the boards of the following sample of corporations: Citicorp, J. P. Morgan Chase, Boeing, Conoco, Disney, IBM, Exxon Mobil, Dow Jones, Viacom/CBS, Time Warner, Carlyle Group, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse First Boston, Chevron Texaco, Lockheed Martin, Haliburton, Washington Post/Newsweek.


Bilderberg Group

In February 1957 a hush-hush conference took place at St. Simon's Island in the same area as the 1908 plot for establishing the Federal Reserve Bank in the US.

A summary of the proceedings was entered by Senator Wiley and it referred to the "preservation of peace under the auspices of NATO", which said nothing. The composition of the gathering was revealing.

No Republican congressman was permitted to attend. Wiley was accompanied by Fulbright, both of the US Foreign Affairs Committee. Sulzberger of the New York Times and the somewhat mysterious Gabriel Hauge, said by the Wall Street Journal to be "the expert who tells Ike what to think". George Kennan, former ambassador to Russia, representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

A Supreme Court Judge, believed to be Felix Frankfurter,(?) (the patron of Dean Acheson and Alger Hiss), also Lord Kilmuir, (in spite of the name, no Scot), who as Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe was one of the prosecutors at Nuremberg.

Another person present was Joseph Retinger, Polish Charge d'Affaires to Russia in 1941 (little is known about Retinger who was a very mysterious person indeed and almost certainly no more than an agent) and many other representatives of international corporations and financial houses. The chairman was Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, the front for a powerful secret society.

The one common denominator of interest among them was they were all promoters of internationalism.

The Sunday Times reported in October 1957 that financiers and businessmen from Britain, the United States, Canada and 13 other western nations held private talks at Fiuggi in Italy on the European free trade and the common market projects. There were 60 delegates.

This secret gathering was the mysterious Bilderberg group and probably was merely a continuation of work undertaken by other bodies in Chatham House.

All this may seem innocuous in a body that does not attempt to reach conclusions or recommend policies. However, quite a lot of money is required to fly 60 delegates all over the world for an annual conference. Who finds that money and why? Who delegates the delegates?

The question could be asked is the Bilderberg Group an instrument of the Grand Orient Masonry?


The G8

In May 2005 work began on a 5-mile mesh security fence around the famous Gleneagles hotel where the G8 summit was to take place. The cordon was aimed at preventing unauthorised access to the hotel and its grounds

The G8 is an organisation of what is described as leading industrialised countries - and Russia. Originally known as the G6, its members: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and US, met for the first time at Rambouillet in France in 1975. Similar to the Bilderberg Group, the idea was for them to meet in a different location every year where members could discuss "global challenges". The G8 summits have become better known for their security operations rather than for the measures that follow from them.

The 2001 summit in Genoa was a low point when street fighting with anti-globalisation protesters led to the death of a young man at the hands of the police. As a consequence they have hidden behind increasingly elaborate stockades. If ever there was an illustration of the lack of dialogue between the leaders and the led the G8 summit exemplifies it.


Well-Known Member
Part 6a of 11 (Breakdown of Social Order Through Crime [6a], Drugs [6b] & Porn [6c])

Who controls Crime?​

Certainly not the police. Crime is nothing new, but what is new, is the concentration of criminal activity worldwide in the hands of one particular group.

All Jewish fortunes have been based on crime of one sort or another dating back to before the Rothschilds right up to the present day.

The Jewish businessman, Joseph Seligman, created the infamous "Black Friday"stock market crash in the late 1800s.

In 1885 the French-based project to build the Panama Canal collapsed, once again Seligman was involved with a Paris-based Jewish financier Jacques de Reinach.

Leon Weiss was implicated in Huey Long's corrupt political machine in early 20th century.

In 1908 according to the Jerusalem Post "Jews were 25 percent of the four million residents in New York City but 50% of the prison population."

A number of modern "respectable" Jewish fortunes were founded on links to the underworld in the Prohibition era. The Seagram's alcohol fortune (Bronfman family) had a distribution deal for his liquor with mobster Meyer Lansky.

The Chicago-based Pritzker family also had links with organised crime.

In 1999 the Daily Mail highlighted the Kray twins, Ronnie and Reggie , who lorded it over London's underworld through their networks of thugs and thieves, until their imprisonment in the 1960s.

Israeli Nachum Ben David lists 91 cases of assassinations committed by Jews in Palestine/Israel from 1882 to 1988.Aside from Jewish gangster murders there are the assassinations carried out by Jews under the auspices of Russian communism.

It was the Jews not the Italians who created what was later called the Mafia. In the 1920s the Italians began to replace the Jews in the New York organised crime industry but as late as 1940 the Lepke Buchalter , also known as Murder Incorporated, still held a prominent position.

The Jews were the first ones to realise the link between organised crime and organised politics . They led the way in corrupting the police and city councils. They realised the value of gang syndicate cartels and were monopolists of the highest order.

In London the Jews have always been involved in assorted criminal activities. They committed petty thievery, forgery and illegal distilling of liquor. Some went to Eastern Europe and convinced young girls that jobs and bachelors awaited them in England, only to ship them off to Indian or Argentian white slave markets.

The Jackson Vanick Law, a bill pushed heavily by the American Jewish lobby which allowed "Russian" immigrants ease of entry into the United States, presented a chance for the KGB to dump its hard core criminals into the United States. One of these, Marat Balagula, acted as a mob functionary for the KGB who set him up as head of the largest food co-op in the Ukraine.

He became a major Jewish crime figure and acting in collusion with the Zionist agencies and the women's group, Hadassah, purchased a restaurant in Brooklyn, which became of real power in the area.

This criminal operation was multi-national in scope. They had a fleet of massive oil tankers. All owned by Jews loyal to the Mob. Balagula created a massive Mafia empire leading from North Africa to Saudi Arabia to Venezuela to Brooklyn. They developed an infra structure within the oil trade that made them invincible.

Yuri Brokhin was another Jewish mobster from the USSR. Both he and Balangula were able to transfer their wealth to America via Zionist and "charitable" Jewish organisations .

A major connection between American politics and the Jewish mafia is the rabbi Ronald Greenwald who was a major player in the Richard Nixon campaign of 1972, and was given the post as adviser to Nixon on the "Jewish poverty" programme. Undoubtedly Nixon owed Greenwald.

Greenwald was also instrumental in protecting Marc Rich, a billionaire Jewish investor with mob ties who was a major player in the Clinton administration

While Jewish mafia investors all but took over Las Vegas.

George W. Bush's professed mentor, Natan Charansky, has long and deep ties to organised crime. The Congress, State Department and the CIA all have lengthy dossiers on Charansky who acted as a bridge between the Republican Party and Jewish thugs.

Charansky, knowing his power, simply refused to sever ties with organised crime, infusing the Jewish Mafia into the highest echelons of the Bush administration.

Jewish Mafia influence plays a vital part in the price of oil whereby the Mafia act as go-between Mossad and the Arab oil-producing kingdom.

On April 28th 2002 a military helicopter went down in the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia. On board was a major Russian dignitary General Alexander Lebed, governor of the region. Lebed was pronounced dead at the scene. Almost immediately the international (Jewish) press blamed "heavy fog".

However every member of the Russian military knew that the death of Lebed was no accident but another hit by the international Jewish mafia, an organisation that has taken control over much of Russia's economy.

The fact that the Jewish Mafia, often misnamed the "Russian" Mafia, was capable of completely covering its tracks while everyone (in Russia) was convinced of their complicity, is proof of its power.

This Mafia is without exception Jewish. The unique situation in the former USSR and the fact that Jews predominated in the Soviet bureaucracy provides the clue to the rise of the Jewish Mafia.

The king-pin in this morass is a Ukrainian Jew, born in 1946, named Semion Mogilevich who traffics in nuclear materials, drugs, precious gems and stolen art and controls everything that goes on in Moscow's International airport.

He bought a bankrupt airline in a former Asian Sovietic Republic for millions of dollars in cash so that he could haul heroin out of the " golden triangle".

His first operations were based in Israel where he fleeced Jewish refugees from Russia. He then acquired Hungarian citizenship. He controls the brothels in Israel, where Ukrainian and Russian girls are forced into slavery. This is legal in Israel if the girls are non-Jews.

Mogilevich controls the vodka trade in Russia and Central Europe, but despite all this his name is little known and never appears on any report in the Press or television in Israel, the Ukraine or the United States. Proof of the power of the Zionist controlled media and their relentless drive to suppress all investigation into Jewish crime.

He has created a massive global communications network and employs hundreds to run his financial empire. He has penetrated every stock exchange and controls much of the trading therein.

He was also the mastermind of the largest money laundering scheme in US history, washing 7 billion dollars through the Bank of New York, which is a major branch of the Federal Reserve and his bank of choice.

He controls the military equipment being manufactured in Hungary. He has his own army, mechanised infantry, etc. NATO has said that he is a threat to the stability of Europe although his name still remains little known.

He has agents in the intelligence agencies of all European countries, which means he may never be prosecuted. German television reported that the German Intelligence Service, the BND, had entered into secret negotiations with Mogilevich, whereby the latter would supply information on his rivals in Russia. He has a similar arrangement with French Intelligence. He has close connections with Mossad which destroyed his criminal file, which means he is immune from prosecution and travels freely.

He controls the black market from Central Europe to Russia. He has a Rockefeller connection. His main economic adviser, Igor Fisherman, was a consultant to Chase Manhattan.

The state of Israel is a major factor in the rise in power of the Jewish Mafia, Jewish drug dealers, child porn pushers and slave traders. The CIA has commented that there is no major "Russian" Mob figure that does not carry an Israeli passport but the Israeli state refuses to take any action against the gangsters. The power of the Jewish gangs is wielded more ruthlessly than any other criminal gang. All of whom are free from prosecution in Israel. Israel does not consider these to be crimes so long as the victims are non-Jews and the Israeli state will not extradite its citizens to non-Jewish countries.


Well-Known Member
Part 6b of 11 (Breakdown Social Order Through Drugs)

Who Controls Drugs?​


In the four Andean countries where coca bushes grow and where coca leaves have been part of the life of the people for centuries illegal cocaine has become a dominant feature of economic and political life.

The coca bush resembles a western european blackthorn growing about six foot high. The bushes were cultivated and the leaves widely chewed by Andean Indians for two millenia before the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century.

It is not going too far to say that the pre-Andean civilisation would have been unsustainable at that elevation without the use of coca leaves. Unique amongst most civilisations the Incas habitually used a drug which was of course the coca leaf which formed a central feature of pre-Inca Ameri-Indian life in classical times.

To the Inca coca was the most important of all the plants available to them at the time and to those who had the right to chew coca leaves developed an extraordinary ability to survive a shortage of oxygen that would disable other people.

Coca leaves not only appeased hunger, prevented drowsiness, increased acuity and decreased muscular exertion but masticating coca leaves increased the pulse rate.

The result of the mines of Potosi was to pour cheap silver into Europe in great quantities. The increase in monetary silver and gold (gold in this case from the east) financed the post Renaissance trade expansion which made much of northwest Europe a boom area for merchants and consumers.

As with coca, unrefined opium was used for a millenium and chewed and smoked and is and was mildly addictive. Opium was concentrated as laudanum in 1670s and became morphia in 1817. The consequences of the refining was that it attracted and ruined consumers who would otherwise have led happy and useful lives if only crude opium had been available.

The European for no other reason than for capital gain ruined the peaceful use of the coca leaf and the opium poppy and turned benevolent natural plants into a source of dangerous modern drugs.

The yield of concentrated unrefined alkaloids distilled from an infusion of the coca leaves is about l per cent of the dry matter of the harvested leaves, which yield nearly two tons per hectare. The refining process will yield about l5 kilograms per hectare per annum of 100 per cent concentrate pure powdered cocaine.

Cocaine was first used as a local anthaesthetic a century ago. The plant Erythroxylon was then called by its Indian name Cuca and the concentrate cocaine was not in wide use.

There were however, a few cocaine users who were experimenting. One of these was Sigmund Freud in 1884 who, when he was twenty eight, first used the drug on himself then on his patients and his claim that it was non-addictive had important consequences. He proceeded to take cocaine for three years from 1884 - 1887 and supplied it to patients, fellow doctors and students at Vienna University.

In 1885 a German authority on morphine addiction, Erlenmeyer, first identified the use of the drug as dangerous and as addictive as heroin.

One of the indications of cocaine abuse is "formication ", i.e. the sensation of ants crawling under the skin. Significantly Sigmund Freud had at the end of his life in 1938 in London an irritation on his wrists which he scratched continuously.

Cocaine became for all practical purposes illegal in the United States after the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914, but by mistake cocaine - for socio -political not chemical reasons - was placed in the same category as opium and its derivatives morphine and heroin and most other countries continued the illusion that opium and cocaine had similar effects.

Jewish Involvement In Drugs

It should come as no surprise that a great many of the drug money launderers and drug rings worldwide are run by Rabbis and religious Jews, (i.e. Talmudic Jews) because it is the Talmud itself that teaches that wrongdoing against a Gentile is no crime.

In Mishna Sanhedryn 57 it says:

"Thou shalt not do injury to your neighbour, but it is not said, 'Thou shalt not do injury to a goy.'"​

"A jew may rob a goy - that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him." (Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 28, Art. 3 and 4.)

"All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general." (Schultchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat).​

Today's drug dealing is probably the world's most profitable crime. Profit margins range from 200% for cocaine to 1,200% for heroin. The Columbia International Drug cartel, Kali, which monopolises the trade in Los Angeles and Miami is estimated to distribute 80% of the world's cocaine and a third of its heroin.

Little known and little publicised in America is the fact that the so-called "Russian" Mafia is in reality Jewish and orthodox religious and Israeli business networks linked to drug cartels have been instrumental in maintaining the United States's drug problem. Many of these criminals are particularly pious Jews and a number of orthodox Jewish religious institutions have been used for the laundering of literally hundreds of millions of dollars in drug money.

An important foundation of the old opium trade was the Jewish Sassoon family. Born into a Sephardic Jewish family in Baghdad, Iraq, they set up the Sassoon Company in India in 1833. At that time about one-fifth of all opium brought into China was shipped in the Sassoon fleet.

Another Jewish family connected with the opium trade were the Delanos, ancestors of Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt.

The first major American drug dealer was probably Arnold Rothstein. In the mid-nineteenth century, when the government started to ban certain narcotics, drugs were smuggled in from Europe and the Far East.

Beginning with Rothstein American Jewish underworld figures became prominently involved in smuggling and distributing opium and opiates in the United States using Jewish religious institutions such as the Yeshivas and synagogues to launder the drug money.

US Federal Agents have identified "the Cocaine Triangle" as : Columbian drug barons, Israeli money launderers and Jewish Mafiosos. A look at the list of indictments shows the enormous involvement of the Israelis in the field.

The CIA's involvement in the Drug trade goes way back (keeping in mind who exactly controls the CIA, i.e. the Israeli Mossad) .

In 1947 - 1951 in France the CIA arms, money and disinformation enabled the criminal "Corsican" syndicate in Marseilles, undoubtedly Jewish, to wrestle control of labour unions from the Communist party. The "Corsicans" then turned Marseilles into the heroin capital of the western world.

In the early 1950s in south-east Asia, the nationalist Chinese army, organised by the CIA to wage war against communist China, became the opium barons of the Golden Triangle, i.e. Burma, Thailand, and Laos, the world's largest source of opium and heroin.

Air America, the CIA's principal air line, flew the drugs all over south-east Asia.

1950s - early 1970s - Indo-China. During US military involvement in Laos and other parts of Indo-China, Air America flew opium throughout the area. A laboratory built at CIA headquarters in northern Laos was used to refine heroin.

After a decade of american military intervention, South-east Asia had become the source of 70% of the world's illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials for America's booming heroin market.

1973 - 1980 - Australia : The Nugan Hand Bank of Sydney was a CIA bank in all but name with branches in Saudi Arabia, Europe, South-East Asia, South America and the United States. Nugan Hand bank financed drug trafficking, money laundering and international arms deals. In 1980 the bank collapsed.

1970 - 1980s - Panama. For more than a decade Panamanian strong man, Manuel Noriega, was a highly-paid CIA asset and collaborator, heavily involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. The US government turned against Noriega, invading Panama in December 1989. Ironically drug trafficking increased after the American invasion.

1980 - Central America - interwoven operations linking the CIA, the Contras and the cocaine cartels.

In 1989 a three-year investigation stated:

"There was substantial evidence of drug smuggling through the war zone on the part of individual Contra suppliers throughout the region. Senior US policy makers were not immune to the idea that drug money was the perfect solution to funding the Contras.

1980 to early 1990s - Afghanistan : the CIA supported the Mujahedeen and engaged heavily in drug trafficking. The Agency's principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar one of the leading drug lords and a leading heroin refiner. The CIA supplied trucks and mules that carried arms to Afghanistan which were used to transport opium to laboratories on the Afghan/Pakistan border.

mid 1980s - early 1990s : Haiti. The CIA turned a blind eye to their clients' drug trafficking. The trade aided and abetted by some of Haitian military and political leaders.

The FBI and other police agencies in America recognise the threat posed by the "Organizatsiya", or "Russian" Mafia as the media insists on calling it, to prevent mention of its Jewish nature, in money laundering, drugs, gambling, slave trade, child prostitution, illegal weapons dealing, organised car theft, insurance fraud, securities frauds, etc., in all of which they are involved. Very little is being done to stop them. They all carry Israeli passports and catch the next plane to Israel if they are in danger of arrest, where they are safe from extradition.

The most substantial shield for this Jewish Mafia is corruption. A politician in their pockets has very little worry that he will ever see a headline in any Jewish newspaper accusing him of taking bribes." (unless of course he steps out of line).​


Well-Known Member
Part 6c of 11 (Breakdown Of Social Order Through Porn)

The Jews and Pornography​

Not only are the Jews controllers of drug cartels, organised crime and money laundering, but also naturally of porn.

A report from Tel Aviv of August 22nd reads:

"Despite the diplomatic ice reigning between the respective governments, Israeli erotic sites are reaping enormous success amongst the Internet surfers of the Arab countries. 'We notice on our servers that thousands of users live in Muslim states with which we don't even have diplomatic relations.' Nir Shahar, who manages one of the most visited Israeli websites with erotic content, told an Israeli journalist, 'up to 10% of the daily context of the porn portals in Hebrew, come from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iraq.'

Some owners have decided to raise the wave of success, opening an Arab version on the websites and registering in this way an immediate surge of clicks. Others like Nir Shahar believe the expense for translation is needless 'the videos and photos we offer do not need much explanation'"​

On July 5th Reuter's News Agency (Jewish) reported a child prostitution ring operated in Brazil for Israeli diplomats was run by Arie Scher, Israel's consul in Rio de Janeiro, who of course was whisked out of Brazil by the Israeli government before he could be questioned. Clearly the Israeli Government not only tolerates forced prostitution and white slavery but encourages it.

One of the child prostitutes was questioned by Brazilian police and led them to the home of a Hebrew language teacher in Rio, Georges Schteinburg.

In 1925 in VOl 1 of Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote:

"The relation of Jews to prostitution and even more to the white slave traffic could be studied in Vienna as perhaps in no other city of western Europe with the possible exception of the southern French ports. If you walked at night through the streets and alleys of Leopoldstadt (the Jewish district) at every step you witnessed proceedings which remain concealed from the majority of the German people."​

Again, this time a more recent comment:

"In Russia for example traffickers prey on orphanages. In a typical scenario a trafficker will pay an orphanage director approximately $12,000 to take a group of children on a 'field trip' to the local McDonald's. Groups of children will then leave the orphanage with the trafficker and never be seen or heard of again."​

These were the words of New Jersey's congressman, Christopher Smith, introducing a bill into the House of Representatives. The Bill, designated HR3244, is the Trafficking Victims Protection Act 2000. He, of course, did not dare to identify the slave traders who abduct Russian girls but they are the members of the "Organizatsiya", the Jewish-organised crime syndicate referred to as the "Russian" Mafia.

According to Amnesty International in 2000:

"Although official statistics are not available, it is widely believed that in the past few years thousands of women including some girls from the former Soviet Union countries have been trafficked to Israel to work in the sex industry."​

Under Israeli laws these women are illegal aliens. They are in Israel without work permits or with false documents which makes them particularly vulnerable to human rights abuses in the hands of traffickers, pimps and others.

Women are trafficked and literally bought and sold for large sums of money, often in auctions where they are purchased by the highest bidder. Some are held in debt bondage where they are forced to work to pay off large sums of money. Some are kidnapped against their will, others are lured to Israel under false pretences.

Traffickers and pimps earn $50,000 to $100,000 a year from each prostituted woman, resulting in a $450,000,000 sex industry.

Russian women are bought and sold by pimps for prices ranging from $5000 to $20,000.

Chicago's Jewish community expressed shock and dismay about the arrest of a former synagogue cantor and his wife in connection with a prostitution ring.

A former associate rabbi at Temple Beth-El in Boca Raton was arrested on nine charges of child pornography in 2001.

The CIA and the Israeli Intelligence, Mossad, have infiltrated Muslim organisations, such as Hamas in Palestine, Hizbullah in Lebanon and the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) in Indonesia says an Indonesian expert. It is obvious the CIA and Mossad assisted by the Australian Special Action Police and MI5 are all working together towards undermining Muslim organisations in an attempt to weaken the Muslims globally.


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Part 7a of 11 (Corporate Control) (7b Walmart) (7c United Fruit Company)

Corporate Control

Statistics published in 2000 reveal that, of the world's 100 largest economic entities, 51 were corporations and only 49 countries. Furthermore, the world's top 200 corporations accounted for over 25 per cent of economic activity on the globe while employing less than one per cent of its work force.

National governments have lost their grip on the reins of world power. In addition the combined sales of those same top 200 corporations surpassed the combined economies of 182 countries. Yet, far from improving the working conditions of the countries over which they hold such influence, the top 200 have been net job destroyers in recent years.

Between 1980 and 1992 the 500 biggest corporations in the US saw their assets rise by 227%. Over the same period the number of people they employed fell by 28%.

In the 1970s in the last flowering of political thinking in the west, no corporation wanted to be seen as wielding too much power, but the rise to power of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher changed all that. In the 1980s greed was good and conscience was for wimps.

Britain's Tory government put forward an aggressive policy of privatising publicly owned industries. These new privatised companies were supposedly "freed" by the liberal economic mantra that prevailed in the period. In fact something much more sinister was taking place.

Powerful corporations are now wielding an unprecedented influence over the countries in which they operate. In 2002 the combined tobacco revenues of the world's three biggest tobacco companies: Japan Tobacco, Philip Morris/Altria and BAT, was a sum larger that the combined gross domestic product of 27 developing countries.

Poor countries when offered jobs, revenue, exports and foreign exchange are unable to turn down such a package and when multi-national companies extend loans to small farmers for fertiliser and insecticides they trap them into a cycle of debt.

Many Bush loyalists are also associated with Philip Morris, such as Carl Rove (?). Carl Rove was one of the many Bush appointees with stock in the Company which caused the biggest corporate scandal, Enron. When George Bush was sworn into office as the 43rd President of the United States on January 20th 2001, Carl Rove was in the process of selling between $100,000 and $250,000 of his share holding in Enron.

The connection between the Bush administration and corporate corruption goes far back. Enron and its executives were the single largest contributors to the Texas Governor George W. Bush's election campaign. Enron boss Kenneth Lay was also a member of the "pioneers" - i.e. one of those who raised $100,000 for the election campaign.

Yet in February 2005 the disgraced energy firm found itself once again in the spotlight. The Enron bankruptcy scandal was the biggest corporate scandal of recent times. Indeed it was the largest corporate bankruptcy in history. When it finally crashed it was one of the ten largest companies in America, famous for selling everything while owning nothing.

Any thought that these corporate shocks would push America into a new era of rectitude was destined for disillusionment.

Several boardroom scandals emerged such as AOL Time-Warner, Merck, Bristol-Myers, Squibb, Taico International, chief executive, Dennis Kozlowski.

Then as all British football fans know, Chelsea FC's new owner, Roman Abramovitch is the second richest man in the former Soviet Republic, thanks to his ownership of Sibneft and Russian Aluminium. His wealth is dwarfed only by Mikhail Khodorkovsky , owner of the Yukos group. (now in gaol for fraud).

Not only are the world's largest corporations cutting back workers, their CEOs often benefit financially from the job cuts. Nine of a total of 59 of the global top 200 U.S. firms, laid off at least 3,000 workers in 1995 i.e.: AT&T, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Belsouth, Kemart, Chase Manhatten, GTE, Mobil and Texaco.

As the New York newspaper "Village Voice" reported on May 5th, 2003, "The main instrument of the US in Iraq, is not the Pentagon, the US Agency for International Development or the Army Corp of Engineers but the Bechtel Group. The giant engineering outfit won a contract worth up to $680 million which gave the company a leading role in rebuilding Iraq. A job which some estimate may end up costing about $100 billion.

Bechtel may be a powerful organisation, but it has powerful friends both within and outside the government. Riley Bechtel, (?) the company's chairman is on the President's Export Council. Both Reagan's Secretary of Defence Caspar Weinberger and Reagan's Secretary of State, George Schultz (?) were from Bechtel. Schultz is currently a Director.

The war threw out challenges for both Halliburton and Bechtel. On April 4th, 2005, "Forbes" magazine's Peter Elkind, reported that federal prosecutors were investigating how Halliburton had sidestepped US sanctions against doing business with Iran.

According to the website, on June 11th 2004 the US Department of Justice opened an investigation into an alleged $180 million bribe by Halliburton during Cheney's period as CEO to the government of Nigeria in exchange for a contract to build a $4 billion natural gas plant. In addition the FBI began to investigate the army's $7 billion fire-fighting contract for Iraqi oil wells.

In Britain too,scandals have emerged that have dented investor confidence, such as the "Arms to Iraq" cover-up, in which British weapons contractors were taken to court for trying to smuggle arms out of the country with the government's tacit approval.

One farcical incident was the great "Dome" fiasco, which was meant to see in the new year and the new millenium. Tony Blair's government had invested hugely in the Dome and the Dome Minister Peter Mandelsson had been marketing it as one of the refining images of the first term of the Blair government.

Further, according to BBC news, five bio-technology companies: Aventis, Dow, DuPont, Mitsui, Monsanto and Syngenta, between them own 69% of the patents granted on rice, wheat, maize, soya and sorghum. These staple crops account for almost three-quarters of the world's food supply.

Does big business rule the world? Certainly globalisation is becoming the engine that keeps the world turning. In June 2005 the UK-based New Economics Foundation reported that "four out of ten of Britain's high streets were 'clone towns' made up of chain stores with no regional or local identity... The individuality of high street shops has been replaced by a monochrome strip of global and national chains." Many towns have become somewhere that could easily be mistaken for dozens of bland town centres across the country. Nevertheless as long as the cash tills at Boots, W.H. Smith and Gap are still ringing the bosses won't fear for their jobs.

Large companies, the legal requirement for which, in Britain at least, is to maximise shareholding value and profit, are forging close alliances with, and attempting to influence, the government, whose duty is to protect the interest of the population generally.

British writer George Monbiot cites a company sponsorship of a fringe-meeting at the 2004 Labour Conference Tesco sponsored the delegates inaugural drinks party while the financial company Bloomberg meanwhile picked up the drinks bill for what was called an internal reception.

Monbiot also shows how "the provision of roads and hospitals in Britain has been deliberately tailored to meet corporate demands rather than public needs." He argues that "planning permission for urban regeneration projects has been offered to the highest bidder and that supermarkets ruthlessly suppress competition and control their markets." He also discussed the corporate take-over of Britain's universities and the resulting distortions of the research and teaching agendas.

To quote from "Corporation Nation" written by Charles Derber, a professor of sociology at Boston College:

"Corporate ascendancy refers to the rise of a new weakened form of democracy in which the powers of average Americans are being transferred to vast institutions with diminishing public accountability. With the government increasingly unresponsive to popular opinion and corporations almost entirely unaccountable to the public, corporations have begun acquiring new public powers and acting as unelected partners with governments."​

John Pilger's TV documentary "The New Rulers of the World" claimed to tell the amazing story of how globalisation began. It began in Indonesia with a blood bath. Historians had already accepted that Suharto rose to power in the mid-1960s with a blood bath, but what was less known was the role of international capital. Says Pilger "The film describes how in the wake of the Suharto seizure of power, which was backed by the United States and Britain and some of the most powerful capitalists in the world, the likes of David Rockefeller... convened a secret meeting in Geneva in 1967 when Suharto's ministers sat across the table from Rockefeller and various other representatives of the Carnegie Foundation and the great banks of the United States. Here the whole of the Indonesian economy was redesigned in a week".

The above is only a skimming off of what is a very dirty barrel.

Whether or not 9/11 is accepted for what is what purported to be, i.e. a "terrorist" attack, or whether it is considered as a disaster whose occurence was condoned if no actually aided by the Bush menagerie, one thing it did do was the creation of an atmosphere of intimidation.

The Media

A further result of September 11 and the consequent atmosphere it engendered that prevented balanced reporting, also drew attention to the shrinking media market.

In 1983 fifty corporations owned most of the US media operation. By 1992 this had shrunk to below 24. In September 1999, CBS was bought by Viacom, therefore by 2001 it was six, by 2004 the number stood at five: Warner, Disney, Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom.

Never has so much power been concentrated in so few hands.

Whenever a newspaper or a magazine is read, or a TV or radio station is turned on, the information supplied is controlled by only a few hands.

The first and quickest players to capitalise on the trend to globalisation were American media organisations such as Time Warner and CNN, when Viacom took over CBS in September 1999, Sumner Redstone , Viacom's chief executive, made no effort to conceal his jubilation: "The creation of this formidable new Media giant marks a new era of explosive growth domestically and around the world. Our future is without limit".

Bertelsmann whose CEO is Thomas Middelhoff said: "I am an American with a German passport. We are not foreign. We're international".

Once it was considered unacceptable for a media company to be owned in a different country from that in which it broadcast, but such sentimental talk is outdated. Bertelsmann owns 15% of the US book publishing and music markets.

In brief the global media market is now divided up between seven multi-national corporations: AOL-Time Warner, Sony, News Corporation, Viacom, Vivendi and Bertelsmann. Only three could really be called US-based firms, between them they own the entire Hollywood studio system and all the US television networks, bar one. Add to that the world of book and magazine production, all, or most, of the global TV market and a vast chunk of European terrestial TV - a truly vast network of control.

So who benefits from these global media players? Lawrence K. Grossman was president of NBC news from 1984 to 1988 commented:"Where news used to be a major centrepiece of a broadcast operation, it is now very minor and relatively insignificant in terms of the balance sheet of Time Warner .... News is just a small player in those companies, so the whole set of priorities and focus becomes very different.... While you get many more channels you can tune into, what is happening now is you get fewer and fewer news-gathering operations. They are all feeding off the same syndicated news-reporting services."

The quality of the news is also compromised by the new practice of embedding, where a news reporter who works for one side in an armed struggle is protected by the army. The drawback of this in terms of journalistic neutrality or integrity is that they are dependent upon the army for all their stories and cannot go off on their own.

The Media has an enormous influence together with a proven ability to shape our attitudes and perceptions. Over the past two decades there has been a trend towards entertainment rather than dealing with difficult or challenging issues. Issues like the future of Medicaid in the US or the state of hospitals in the UK have been ignored or swept under the carpet. The tabloid formula peddled by TV has been adopted by the printed Media. Television now sets the agenda from Europe to North America, reducing newspapers and magazines to the role of commentators on whichever minor celebrities are parading themselves on the small screen. Society's loss is a sense of proportion. Everything these days is about having fun.

The Internet of course is no exception. The recent deal by Google with the owner of, i.e. Rupert Murdoch of News Corporation could be only the beginning.

And it hasn't taken long! From their disclaimer, Google has been taken to task for featuring sites that highlight Jewish control.

No group, political, religious, or ethnic, should consider itself beyond criticism.

The best method to combat false or unfair judgment is surely to supply proof to the contrary.

Any other method, surreptitious or otherwise, to muzzle information is a challenge to freedom of the Press and also a contravention of Article 19 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man adopted by the Assembly General of UNO in Paris on the 10th December, 1948, which stipulates:

"every individual has the right of freedom of opinion and expression, which implies the right not to be harassed for his opinions nor for searching for or receiving and publicising, without consideration of frontier, information and ideas by whatever means of expression there may be."​

Africa - The Next Target

As anticipated Africa is in the sights of the world capitalists be they politicians, industrialists or drug cartels.

Guinea-Bissau - the fifth poorest country in the world now has the distinction of being the continent's first "narco-state" and has become the hub of a flow of cocaine from South America into Europe. In the 19th century Europe's hunger for slaves devastated West Africa. Two hundred years later its growing appetite for cocaine could do the same.

The street value for the drugs trafficked far exceeds gross national product. A quarter of all cocaine consumed in Western Europe is trafficked through West Africa, according to UNOCD, for a local wholesale value of $l.8 billion and a retail value of 10 times that in Europe.

Nigerian drug gangs have always been an energetic presence on the global trafficking scene.

It appears South Africa is now deemed ready to fall like a ripe plum into corporate hands.

During 2007 a little cavalcade of corporate personalities came visiting. Bill Gates, Microsoft, then Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia followed by Sir Anthony O'Reilly the major shareholder of Heinz, who is the CEO of Independent News and Media, the owners of the Cape Argus and sister titles in Ireland, India, Britain, Australia and New Zealand. The News and Media International Advisory Board formed 13 years ago to provide intellectual guidance for their global operations, comprises leading political and business figures from around the world.

O'Reilly, not surprisingly as an ex-customer of Kissinger's economic "know-how", is a great protagonist of "Free Trade" and the need to open the doors to foreign capital. During his visit he drew attention to the Irish model of growth and expanding prosperity. He noted that 90% of Irish exports to-day were in the hands of companies that did not exist 15 years ago, and are all imported. They include Microsoft, Google , all the major pharmaceutical companies and a host of ancillaries ranging from the producers of Botox to Viagra.

According to him the net inflow of capital is perhaps the best bell-weather of what the world thinks and that's the path to follow so that all processes of empowerment to ensure that the economy is more democratically allied, etc., etc., (the familiar mantra of the globalising fraternity.)

It all started to fall in line, the controversy over the building of the 2010 stadium for the Games suddenly fell away, the electricity supplier Eskom unable to cope with rising demand caused rolling blackouts, the rand fell and then (but minus the roll of drums and white charger) who galloped to the rescue? None other than Nicholas Sarkozy, the French President.

Sarkozy on his state visit to South Africa led a delegation of about 40 French corporate executives, most prominently Anne Lauvergeon CEO of Areva. Areva heads a consortium of French and South African companies which has bid to build nuclear 1, a twin reactor nuclear power plant which will start construction later this year.

The French development Agency helped the cause of corporate France by signing an agreement for a 100 million euro loans over twenty years for the partial financing of Eskom's new wind-farm to be built north-west of Vredendal.

Sarkozy undertook to open all defence agreements to public scrutiny. It remains to be seen if this transparency will extend to state-owned French arms companies such as Thales whose local affiliates Thint and Thint Holdings were accused alongside Zuma in the arms deal fiasco.


Well-Known Member
Part 7b of 11 (Corporate Control - Wal-Mart)

Corporate Control


Wal-Mart, founded in 1962,in Arkansas, another of those "friendly" Jewish supermarkets, is the largest company, the largest employer and the 19th largest economy on the planet. It has more than 6,100 stores with 1.6 million employees.

Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart was born in Kingfisher, Oklahoma and somehow avoided World War II by getting a job at a Dupont munitions plant near Tulsa, Oklahoma. There he married Helen Robson, a Jewess, whose family were carpet-bagger bankers after the Civil War.

It has achieved its No. 1 status by mastering the use of international trade agreements, "Buy cheap and Sell dear", which has enabled the company to enter and dominate markets with its stores and to use those suppliers most willing to pick up close shop and scour the planet for the cheap places to make products.

Wal-Mart did not open a store outside the United States until 1991 in Mexico. In 1994 the United States, Mexico and Canada signed the most far-reaching multi-lateral trade and investment agreement of its time (NAFTA).

NAFTA was signed under the promise that it would create jobs and economic benefits across all three NAFTA countries.

Mexico former Foreign Secretary, Jorge Castaneda, observed: "NAFTA was an accord among magnates and potentates. NAFTA was an agreement for the rich and powerful effectively excluding ordinary people. NAFTA eliminated tariffs and other import controls moving between the three countries. This meant that US companies sold products to be assembled in Mexican factories where labour is cheap, environmental protection weak and taxes low.

From 1990 - 2001 the number of these factories across Mexico more than doubled. The shift of so much production to Mexico came at a huge cost to American workers, but in Mexico the dramatic rise of the "maquiladoras" coincided with the near collapse of the farming sector. The elimination of agricultural tariffs and quotas on products such as corn which had accounted for sixty per cent of all Mexican farming, allowed cheap. heavily subsidised US products to flood the Mexican market.

The result is that average real wages in Mexican manufacturing are lower to-day than they were before NAFTA. The minimum wage has declined by 20%.

After the implementation of NAFTA Wal-Mart became the largest retailer in the three countries. The elimination of tariffs made the shipment of products in and out of Mexico tax free. NAFTA also stopped the Mexican government from applying requirements that would force Wal-Mart to partner with a local business to sell products made by Mexican-owned companies or invest a certain amount of its profits locally.

Tim Weiner of the New York Times wrote:

"Wal-Mart's power is changing Mexico in the same way it changed the economic landscape of the United States and with the same formula - cut prices relentlessly, pump up productivity, pay low wages, ban unions, give suppliers the tightest profit margins and sell everything under the sun for less than the guy next door."​

To-day Wal-Mart is the largest private employer in Mexico. It has 683 stores and does more business than the entire tourism industry.

Free trade allows corporations to be fickle in choosing the partners. If they no longer enjoy the benefits of one nation, they can pick up and move on to the next without any thought to commitment. Wal-Mart has mastered this skill.

Because NAFTA makes it illegal for the Mexican government to require any sort of commitment on the part of foreign companies, when things started looking good in China, US producers picked up and moved out. In the last five years alone Wal-Mart has doubled its imports from China and has more than 3000 supplier factories in China and the number is expected to rise, but that doesn't mean that workers in China enjoy job security.

Wal-Mart suppliers are forced by the company to cut costs annually. In order to do so many have closed shops in the United States and moved abroad. The outcome is a global pool of workers and producers pitted against one another in a race to the bottom.

It should be remembered that Hilary Clinton was a member of the Board of Directors of Wal-Mart during that company's battle with the Unions in the 1980s and that her voice was not heard in dissent against the ruthless actions of the company.


Well-Known Member
Part 7c of 11 (Corporate Control - The United Fruit Company)

Corporate Control

The United Fruit Company

United Fruit's business was bananas and from bananas it built an empire. Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama were known as the " banana republics" but United Fruit's reach extended further : to Belize, former British Honduras, Jamaica, Cuba, Colombia and Equador.

Its story began in 1871 when General Guardia in Costa Rica assigned the task of building a railway to Henry Meiggs, with his two nephews Henry Keith and Minor Keith in charge of the actual construction.

The money ran out when the railway had advanced only four miles and in 1873 when the market crashed, Henry Keith went home leaving both the railway and his younger brother stranded.

Other contractors were called in but Minor Keith stayed on and began to plant bananas in the cleared areas by the side of the line. Towards the end of the 1870s President Guardia approached him with the suggestion that he should take over the building of the railway completely. The railroad required freight to survive and bananas fitted the bill.

The death of President Guardia in 1882 put Keith into a key position. He controlled two industries on which the nation's future depended. With the grant of more land than he could possibly use, he set out creating enormous plantations.

Costa Rica's railway reached completion in 1890 and Keith moved into the outlying reaches of Colombia, buying extensive banana land on the Caribbean coast. Colombian business men had already developed a banana zone and had constructed their own railways, but lacked the contacts to build up an international market.

Keith established an informal partnership with Andrew Preston's fruit company in Boston and when the United Fruit Company was established in 1899 it already spread across Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Colombia, Jamaica and the Dominican republic. It was a giant farm of a little less than 250,000 acres or 1,000 square kilometres of which only one third was tilled that controlled three-quarters of the banana market and, by taking over shipping companies and importers, it raised its share of the banana market to between 80/90% - effectively all of it.

Guatamala had been building its own railway using its coffee to pay for it, but when the coffee money ran out, Minor Keith was invited to finish the job. Rather than cash in payment he asked merely for enough land to grow bananas. As in Costa Rica bananas would pay for the railway.

The contract allowed three years for the work but heavy rains dogged the project and under the new contract signed in 1904 United Fruit took full control of the railway on the Atlantic side. This included all rolling stock etc., all of which had been built at national expense. The company had gained huge new banana lands, would pay no taxes, while the government waived all rights to view the company's books. Before long the company would take over the nation's railroad on the Pacific side too.

If Minor Keith and Andrew Preston founded the empire of United Fruit. its fate and development for the next fifty years were in the hands of Sam Zemurray . A Jewish immigrant from Russia who began to buy and sell bananas in New Orleans. Zemurray' s risky investments left him short of cash and soon after United Fruit's formation in 1899 with his sights on Honduras, he proposed that it would buy a 60% stake in his company. Having sold control of his company to United Fruit and not having sufficient cash to pay for United Fruit's share, he remained in the company's debt and in secret partnership.

Minor Keith started with his usual railway for land scheme but Honduras and Nicaragua turned him down. In 1910 United Fruit adopted a different tactic with the arrival of Sam Zemurray in Honduras. Heavily indebted to United Fruit who had sold his company back to him in exchange for an IOU, Zemurray borrowed $ 200,000 and bought expanses of land and claimed the usual tax concessions which were refused not by Honduras but by the bankers J. P. Morgan who were angling for control of the finances of Honduras.

Zemurray then went to Washington with a plan to buy a boat, fill it with assorted mercenaries and crooks and overthrow the Honduran government.

The coup of 1911 was successful and Zemurray got his tax concessions and the go-ahead to develop his lands. Elections were staged to confirm General Manuel Bonilla as President and Zemurray the "Banana Man" was put in charge of national finances. United Fruit denied any involvement and Zemurray presented the company with two large concessions of land and cleared his debts. Having become increasingly concerned about the company's image as the "evil octopus" Zemurray had hired Edward Bernays, the father of public relations and a nephew of Sigmund Freud.

In the late 1920s Bernays achieved fame with his book "Propaganda" and its concern with the "group mind" :

" this did not think but instead had instincts, habits and emotions. The key was for some force to harness them. The force was propaganda or the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses. This process of manipulation was an unseen mechanism of society and those that made use of it were an invisible government and the true ruling power of the country."​

Between the period 1911 to 1928 violent strikes hit United Fruit in its former lands and its response was less than benevolent.

Following the Civil War United Fruit served the function of rebranding slavery. It hired, fired and controlled labour, through its own security forces. It provided basic bunkhouse facilities and had the workers spend their wages at the company store.

Up to that time the banana and the railways had been kept separate in strict legal terms. But with Keith's retirement and the risk of a take-over, it was decided in November 1929 to form a new United Fruit in which Zemurray was the main shareholder. In 1931 during the depression with his fortune beginning to collapse Zemurray travelled to Boston for a shareholders' meeting and having managed to win the support of discontented shareholders he, as major shareholder, took over the company.

But United Fruit's world was going rotten. In the Central American region it claimed a total of 100,000 acres. but two diseases, products of monoculture in enormous plantations had a disastrous effect. As banana cultivation deteriorated the company moved on. The manner of its retreat was disastrous. Jobs, livelihoods and whole communities vanished. It ripped up railway tracks, dismantled bridges and any materials it wanted to keep it loaded on trucks and moved out doing nothing for the people it left behind.

Zemurray found a solution called Bordeaux Mixture that combined copper sulphate, water and lime . Experts cautioned him against the over use but he had it pumped on to the plantations in increasing quantities. Without controlling the disease, the Bordeaux Mixture being pumping on the fruit left a residue in the holds of the banana ships which combined with sea water and rotted the ships from the inside.

Costa Rica showed signs of making a break from banana republicanism and Guatamala leaned towards more radical leaders.

On assuming office in 1952 the Eisenhower administration appointed Jack Peurifoy (?) as ambassador to Guatamala, whose President Arbenz had announced a plan of land reform to break up a number of large land holdings and distribute small areas to landless farmers.

To United Fruit the case for a coup was straightforward. In losing some of its lands it had been subjected to an act of virtual expropriation and theft. The government had used the land's book value -( the company had undervalued the land for years in order to save on its taxes) and now protested that everyone knew that the value of the land declared for tax was not the true one. The Guatamalan government was warned that the US government was assuming responsibility for the company's claim. According to its calculation United Fruit claimed it was being cheated out of $16 million and the State Department sent Guatamala the bill.

In March 1954 having won the battle against the "forces of evil" in Guatamala, the Secretary of State, Dulles instructed the ambassador that United Fruit was to get back its land confiscated by Arbenz.

Generally the company had managed to retreat in time from any attacks on its practices and to rejoin those who controlled society's "unseen mechanisms" as Edward Bernays the company's propaganda adviser had put it, so it came as a shock when the Department of Justice was allowed to go ahead with its anti-trust case against the company.
United Fruit continued to dispute the anti trust case for several years but mainly ran up against Washington's wish to be seen to be behaving in a different way in Latin America..

After Sam Zemurray's death in November 1961, one of the largest share deals on the US Stock Market in 1968 took place when Eli Black a devote Jew with ten generations of rabbis behind him, took over the United Fruit Company and absorbed it into his United Brands Group.

Under his leadership United Fruit appeared to get off to a good start but a little more than five years later in 1975 he threw himself from the forty-fourth floor of the Pan-American Building on New York's Park Avenue.

Business was not thriving. A new banana disease had struck United Fruit's plantations in the early 1970s. Latin America's banana-producing countries had set up a cartel of their own, UTEB, the Union of Banana Exporting Countries.

It appeared also that the famously moral and late departed chief of United Fruit had not been what he seemed. He had bribed members of the military government of Honduras thinking that the inducement of one and a quarter million dollars might encourage them to pull Honduras out of the banana cartel that waged war on United Fruit. This was nothing new but Wall Street was outraged and the company's shares crashed .

In the late 1970s, Eli Black's misdeeds and the case that had been brought against United Fruits' owner, United Brands, had been quietly closed with a token fine of $15,000. United Brands left town and changed its name to Chiquita.

United Fruit fought wars from the Honduran invasion of 1911 to Guatamala in 1954 or had others do battle on its behalf as in Colombia in 1928. Its pursuit of its business interests had huge international repercussions. The attempt to repeat the Guatamalan exercise of 1954 and the thinking behind the idea that Fidel Castro would topple as a result of the Bay of Pigs received a repeat run in the case of Iraq forty years later. The anticipated cheers for the Iraq invasion were also echoes from the US's successful intervention in United Fruit's old Caribbean territory of Grenada in 1983.

United Fruit showed how countries might slip into dependancy on large companies. It worked its way into the fabric of Costa Rican and Guatamala society by invitation because it had the resources that these countries lacked. Like multi-national companies today United Fruit made alliances when and where it could to survive. It sought out malleable elements, politicians with whom it could cut a deal. Its levels of bribery in Honduras during the 1920s did prompt a debate in the US Congress that ended with the conclusion that it was the way business was done in such parts of the world.

United Fruit's practices remain much valued in today's business world though "propaganda" now goes under the title of "public relations".

The banana has for century been a first rate example of packaging . It exudes health in its natural wrapping while being diseased at its roots. A formidable force in the art of political lobbying, the company made sure it was on the " inside" and connected to the top people in government.

What is the role of large US defence contractors in Iraq or the oil companies in Nigeria?

In the 1970s economic theorists concluded it was time for a dramatic change in policy. Costs would have to be cut in state spending on schools, hospitals and other areas of the Welfare State. Such thinking was in line with the theory devised by Professor Milton Friedman, adopted by Margaret Thatcher and put into practice by General Augusto Pinochet in Chile. who turned his country into a laboratory for an exercise into capitalism while the United States and the world therefore went for the full capitalist anarchy option, namely globalisation.


Well-Known Member
Part 8 of 11

Corporate Globalisation

The corporate globalisation agenda which led to the formation of the World Bank and the IMF and dominated Free trade policies for fifty years was masterminded by Harry Dexter White. Rather than the UN's democratic structure where each country had one vote of equal weight, votes at the IMF and World Bank are weighted according to the size of the nation's economy and its financial contribution to the institutions.

Ideas for alternatives to the World Bank and the IMF emerged from the developing world, but rather than support developing countries' demands for a strengthened UN the United States chose to use the World Bank and the IMF to maintain dominant control. and instead offered "soft" loans - i.e. more money at better rates.

The 1970s changed the Bretton Woods institutions. In 1971 President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. Thus eliminating one of the core functions of the IMF (i.e to manage a system of fixed exchange rates based on the US dollar and the gold standard).

Oil became a weapon of war, The influence of Paul Wolfowitz was evident in the "Carter " Doctrine - i.e. the US strategic interest in the Persian Gulf. In 1977 the World Bank began oil and gas exploration projects, and the majority of the World Bank loans were made to nationalised oil companies, forcing countries to change their laws so that US corporations would gain direct access to their oil.

By 1980 the IMF and World Bank no longer supplied funds with relatively few strings attached. Developing countries were in debt to both foreign commercial banks and the lending institutions. The banks wanted their money back, foreign companies wanted access and the developing countries were not in a position to say no.

Corporate Globalisation has successfully restricted the ability of governments and communities all over the world to regulate the activities of multinational corporations. The result is an unprecedented shift in global economic power from countries to corporations.

International Corporations

Chevron, Halliburton, Lockheed Martin and Bechtel represent the three key pillars - oil, war and building which are the infra structure of corporate globalisation.

The president, vice-president and the secretaries of the US Defence, Energy, Treasury and Commerce Departments in the Bush administration were all former corporate CEOs. The secretaries of the US State, Labour, Housing and Urban Development and Transportation Departments were all former corporate executives or directors.

Condoleezza Rice spent ten years on the board of directors of Chevron,( the second largest oil company in the US after Excon Mobil.) Vice President Cheney was CEO and president of the the world's largest oil services company Halliburton. Lockheed Martin had 16 executives and directors of the Bush administration.

In 1962 Halliburton purchased Brown & Root and it functioned as a automonous construction arm, to become one of the largest US construction companies due to its close association with Lyndon Johnson. DIck Cheney was CEO of Halliburton from 1995-2000. In 1998 Halliburton purchased Dresser Industries and brought a connection with the Bush family. Prescott Bush ran W. A. Harriman Company which financed the reorganisation of Dresser Industries in 1920.

Bechtel - Riley Bechtel . Today Bechtel is one of the world's largest purveyors of nuclear power. Bechtel supported Dwight Eisenhower's 1953 bid for presidency and was rewarded in 1954 when he passed the Atomic Energy Act. In 1957 Eisenhower named John McCone head of the Atomic Energy Commission . Twenty years later Bechtel and McCone founded the Bechtel-McCone Corporation. When President Reagan took office in 1981 he appointed Bechtel's president George Schultz secretary of state.


US corporations were vying for Iraqi oil before Iraq existed as a country. Before 1912 however there were obstacles to overcome. The Ottoman Empire ousted after World War I by the "British" (here it is important to realise that Britain is merely a cover name as is "America" for the fingers behind the scene.) American oil companies were given a small stake in the newly established Iraq Petroleum Company of which the "British" owned 50%. In 1932 the British granted Iraq nominal independence but the British government and British companies exercised control over key sectors of the Iraqi economy.

The first American oil company to break the British monopoly was Standard Oil of California (Chevron) when it sruck oil in Bahrain in 1932 then a year later was awarded an exclusive 50-year concession with Saudi Arabia.

Brown & Root and Lockheed began operating in the Middle East on the 1950s.

July 14 1958. Independence in Iraq - General Abdul Karim Qasim upset the West by taking control of Iraq's oil sector. OPEC was created as a counterweight to the hegemony of the world's seven largest oil companies ( by 2001 the seven became four - Excon-Mobil, Chevron, Shell and BP.) Qasim established the new government-owned Iraq National Oil Company.

The CIA joined with the Iraqi Ba'ath Party in a military coup and overthrew Qasim in 1963. according to Roger Morris a White House National Security Council staff member "It was mostly American money and even American involvement on the ground that led to the coup".

In 1973 the US government backed Israel in the Arab-Israeli war and Iraq led a successful full oil embargo against the United States by all the Arab nations of OPEC followed by a second oil crisis in 1979 when a popular revolution in Iran ousted the US-installed government of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and replaced him with Ayatollah Ruhullah Khomeini. In 1979 Iran canceled all its contracts with US oil companies.

The Iran revolution in 1979 meant the loss of an important ally in the Middle East but the Reagan and Bush administration sought to open and increase trade with Iraq, which was one of the wealthiest countries in the Middle East. On September 11 1980 Saddam Hussein invaded Iran. The US was officially neutral throughout the eight years of the war and US business interests played a leading role in opening economic engagement with Iraq. The two groups with the greatest influence were the US Iraq Business Forum and Kissinger Associates . In November 1989 folowing the end of the 1988 Iran-Iraq war a symposium organised by the US Iraq Business Form - founded by Marshall Wiley whose close ally was Dr Henry Kissinger of Kissinger Associates.

A former managing director of Kissinger Associates was L. Paul Bremer who became US administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq.

The Reagan and Bush administration spent nearly a decade secretly arming Iraq and US arms dealers did handsomely as well as other US multinational corporations, Including Bechtel, AT&T, Hewlett Packard, General Motors and Philip Morris

On October 1989 President Bush signed the National Security Directive which made explicit US support for Iraq and began discussions of a $1 billion loan guarantee for Iraq. In the early months of 1990 Saddam Hussein increased his anti US and anti Israel rhetoric and actions. There was however the problem of Iraq's growing debt. Hussein had built the largest military in the world with financial assistance from many nations, including Saudi Arabia. Hussein thought the money was aid in support for the war effort but Saudi Arabia thought otherwise and wanted its money back at the end of the Iran-Iraq war. In mid July Hussein amassed Iraqi troops on the Kuwait border and on August 1 1990 Iraqi forces crossed into Kuwait. One of the schools of thought regarding US action is that Hussein was allowed to invade Kuwait to provide an excuse to remove Hussein from power. The White House did not want to perform this task and ordered the CIA to plan a covert operation to destablise Hussein's regime, strangle the Iraqi economy and remove Hussein.

Hussein needed money and began courting oil companies. Between the first half of 1997 and summer 2000 Halliburton sold more than $73 million in goods and services to Saddam Hussein's regime. In January 1998 a letter from the PNAC (Project for the New American Century) called on President Clinton to use military force to overthrow the regime of Saddam Hussein. Yet for more than a decade, Shultz, Bush the first, Reagan, Baker, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Kissinger, Eagleburger and other US corporate and government CEOs had been supplying Hussein with weapons, money, goods and services.

The US miitary invasion of Iraq which began on March 17 2003 was completed in six weeks. Five days later President Bush named I. Paul Bremer III as presidential envoy to Iraq.

Bremer had worked directly with Henry Kissinger and George Shultz.

The three-year contract between the Bush administration and Bearing Poiint, Inc. laid out the economic agenda for Iraq. The company specified changes in every sector of the Iraqi economy. Constitutional government in Iraq dated back to 1922 and prior to 1990 Iraq had the highest percentage of college educated citizens in the Middle East.

The Bremer Orders provided:

No. 1: the "De-Ba'athification of Iraqi Society;

No, 2: the dissolution of the Iraqi army and intelligence services;

No.12: outlined the "Trade Liberalisation Policy" eliminating all protective barriers against foreign competition:

No, 14:defined "prohibited media activity":

No,17: granted full immunity from Iraqi laws to Coalition military forces and all foreign contracts:

No. 37: replaced Iraq's progressive tax strategy with a flat tax:

No.39: included the privatization of Iraq's state-owned enterprises, 100% foreign ownership of Iraqi businesses.

No.40: opened the Iraqi banking sector to foreign ownership:

All of which allowed the US corporate invasion of Iraq.

The economic policies implemented in Iraq are the same policies that US corporations wish to put in place throughout the Middle East and the world.

US - Middle East Free Trade Coalition.

The National Foreign Trade Council founded in 1914 (NFTC) is the most powerfuil U.S. corporate lobbying association on international trade, and has four hundred member companies including Bechtel, Chevron and Halliburton and Wal-Mart. It joined forces with the Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU) which comprised Chevron, Halliburton, Bechtel and Lockheed Martin, plus the major US oil companies, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase, Coca Cola, Ford, Morot and Estee Lauder and Kissinger forming the US Middle East Free Trade Coalition MEFTA. Robert Zoellick was the principal architect.

When MEFTA process began in May 2003 Saudi Arabia was not a member of the WTO. It had refused to relinquish its control over its own laws particularly those related to foreign corporations and investors. WTO membership also meant opening trade with Israel. However in September 2005 Saudi Arabia transformed its laws in full Bremer Order fashion. and two months later became a member of the WTO.

The Rise of Mercenary Armies:

The growing use of private armies not only subjects target populations to savage warfare but makes it easier for the White House to subvert domestic public opinion and wage wars. Americans are less inclined to oppose a war that is being fought by hired foreign mercenaries, even when their own tax dollars are being squandered to fund it.

"The increasing use of contractors, private forces, or, "mercenaries" makes wars easier to begin and to fight - it just takes money and not the citizenry", said Michael Ratner, of New York's Center for Constitutional Rights.

On June 27, 2004, the day before L. Paul Bremer III, the administrator of the Coalition Provisional authority, left Baghdad, he issued Order 17 that barred the Iraqi government from prosecuting contractor crimes in domestic courts.Therefore the murder of citizens in cold blood in the Nisour area by Blackwater is considered a terrorist action against civilians just like any other terrorist operation. The company does not face any charges.

Stiglitz notes that in 2007 private security guards working for firms like Blackwater and Dyncorp were earning up to $1,222 a day or $445,000 a year. By contrast, an Army sergeant earned $140 to $190 a day in pay and benefits, a total of $51,100 to $69,350 a year.

In his bestseller "Blackwater", Jeremy Scahill writes:

"Its seven-thousand-acre facility in Moyock, N.C., has now become the most sophisticated private military center on the planet and, since mercenaries can work in civvies, they are useful to the Pentagon when it seeks to build a military presence in a country without attracting undue attention."​

Domestic opposition to wars of aggression results in fewer people volunteering to serve in the armed forces. But with private mercenary companies, the pool of potential soldiers available is limited only by the number of men across the globe willing to kill for money. Private mercenary firms like Xe (formerly Blackwater) and DynCorp have raked in fortunes running private armies for the US. They are major donors to the far right of the Republican Party.

To the Pentagonss anger, CIA runs its own killer paramilitary units and drone assassination operations, 90 per cent of whose victims are civilians. How many of the 15 other US intelligence agencies and NATO forces are running their own little illegal private armies? US mercenaries are responsible for a growing number of civilian deaths. Its only a matter of time before all these cowboys begin shooting at one another. Reliable sources in Pakistan report that US-paid mercenaries are staging bombings there and in Afghanistan in an attempt to incite popular anger against Islamic or tribal militants, and draw Pakistans army deep into the fray.

In January 2008, the UN working group on mercenaries found an emerging trend in Latin America of situations of private security companies protecting transnational extractive corporations whose employees are often involved in suppressing the legitimate social protest of communities and human rights and environmental organizations of the areas where these corporations operate. South Africa's Defence Minister, Mosiuoa Lekota, termed mercenaries "the scourge of poor areas of the world, especially Africa. These are killers for hire. They rent out their skills to the highest bidder. Anybody that has money can hire these human beings and turn them into killing machines or cannon fodder."


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Part 9 of 11


Present global trends in political economy suggest that democracy is a fading concept and that the slide into totalitarianism seems inevitable.

The word Globalisation, like terrorism, has almost lost definition . Narayan Murthy, the Indian offshoring pioneer, describes globalisation as: "securing capital from where it is cheapest, talent from where it is available, producing where it is most cost effective and selling where the markets are". That is globalisation in a purely economic sense. But an American soldier charged with bringing democracy to Iraq personifies political globalisation.

Globalisation may be a new word but it describes a phenomenon that has deep roots. It has however a common trait - the dominance of a powerful country or philosophy . Globalisation is global governance without global government Therefore globalisation and progress cannot be separated from war and terrorism This idea dates back to the "Enlightenment" and it is the common misconception that as democratic capitalism spreads, a universal civilisation will come into being and history will come to an end. In other words the developed world has been on a linear path to progress and all the poor world has to do is get on to the bandwagon. Progress however is not inevitable. Many of the most advanced civiisations over millenia have collapsed.

Freedom is at the heart of the debate over globalisation and terrorism. Both sides claim freedom. Western democracy is a members-only club. As for a "free" market this means again freedom for the mighty, slavery for the weak. The growing gap between haves and have-nots is the Achilles' heel of globalisation. The rich prosper through the conventional economics of trade and the accumulation of investment returns. The poor do not partake in this prosperity because they have no money to invest.

By nature a global project cannot be fully accomplished in just one community or one country. Fuelled as it is by the need to suppress any alternative orders and ideas, it has no natural limits and is bound to aim at totally dominating everything and everyone. David Lyon explained in "Theorizing Surveillance" that:

The ultimate feature of the totalitarian domination is the absence of exit, which can be achieved temporarily by closing borders, but permanently only by a truly global reach that would render the very notion of exit meaningless. This in itself justifies questions about the totalitarian potential of globalization.​

He continues:

Is abolition of borders intrinsically (morally) good, because they symbolize barriers that needlessly separate and exclude people, or are they potential lines of resistance, refuge and difference that may save us from the totalitarian abyss?​

"Russia Today " published an article by the Strategic Cultural Fund, in which it stated that:

the current crisis is being used as a mechanism for provoking some deepening social upheavals that would make mankind plunged as it is already into chaos and frightened by the ghost of an all-out violence urge of its own free will that a supranational arbitrator with dictatorial powers intervene into the world affairs.​

It continued:

The events are following the same path as the Great Depression in 1929-1933.....​

However this time it is different as this :

is the final stage in the global control strategy, where a decisive blow should be dealt to the national state sovereignty institution, followed by a transition to a system of private power of transnational elites..... "​

A global police state is forming, as Intelligence activities, trade of war, penitentiary system, and information control are passing into private hands. This is done through so-called outsourcing, a relatively new business phenomenon that consists of trusting certain functions to private firms that act as contractors and relying on individuals outside an organization to solve its internal tasks. Further, the biggest achievements have been made over the last few years in the area of establishing electronic control over peoples identities, carried out under the pretext of counterterrorism. Currently, the FBI is creating the worlds biggest database of biometric indexes (fingerprints, retina scans, face shapes, scar shapes and allocation, speech and gesture patterns, etc.) that now contains 55 million fingerprints.​

At this point a quotation from Protocol 10, paragraph 18 of the Protocols of Zion is relevant:

...the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence - a matter which we shall arrange for - of their rulers, will clamour "Away with them and give us one king over all the Earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders- frontiers; nationalities; religions; State debts...​

Global War

According to Ellen Wood:

Boundless domination of a global economy, and of the multiple states that administer it, requires military action without end... Further, Imperial dominance in a global capitalist economy requires a delicate and contradictory balance between suppressing competition and maintaining conditions in competing economies that generate markets and profit. This is one of the most fundamental contradictions of the new world order.​

Shortly after George Bush Sr. declared a new world order coming into view, in 1991, the US strategic community began setting forth a new strategy for the United States in the world. This first emerged in 1992, with the Defense Planning Guidance. The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behaviour and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy.

The main figure that drafted this policy was the Pentagons Under Secretary for Policy Paul Wolfowitz, who would later become Deputy Secretary of Defence in the George W. Bush administration. Wolfowitz ex-President of the World Bank is also a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and is currently a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute,

Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, former National Security Adviser and key foreign policy architect in Jimmy Carters administration, also wrote a book on American geostrategy. Brzezinski is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group, and has also been a board member of Amnesty International, the Atlantic Council and the National Endowment for Democracy. Currently, he is a trustee and counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), His 1997 book, "The Grand Chessboard" outlined a strategy for America in the world and outlined Russian and China in cooperation with Iran as the most significant coalition that could challenge US hegemony.

In 2000, the Pentagon released a document called Joint Vision 2020, which outlined a project to achieve what they termed, Full Spectrum Dominance, as the blueprint for the Department of Defense in the future. Full-spectrum dominance" means the ability of U.S. forces, operating alone or with allies, to defeat any adversary and control any situation across the range of military operations.

The so-called "War on Terrorism", a war with invisible enemies and borderless boundaries, a truly global war, marks a major stage in the evolution of the constant war of the American empire. While the US military is being used as a vehicle for surplus imperialism, NATO is expanding its role in the world.

Ivo Daalder, the US representative to NATO, also a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote an article for Foreign Affairs in which he advocated for a global NATO to address the global challenges of the day".

As George Orwell wrote in 1984:

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. .......The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.​

The Evolution of the New World Order

The new system being formed is not one based upon any notion of competition or free markets or socialist morality, but is, instead a system based upon consolidation of power and wealth; thus, the fewer, the better; one government, one central bank, one army, one currency, one authority, one ruler. This is a much more efficient and controllable system, and thus requires a much smaller population or class to run it, as well as a much smaller population to serve it. Also, with such a system, a smaller global population would be ideal for the rulers, for it limits their risk, in terms of revolt, uprising, and revolution, and creates a more malleable and manageable population. In this new capitalist system, the end goal is not profit, but power. In a sense, this is how the whole capitalist system has functioned, as profit has always acted as a means and lever to achieve power. Power itself, was the goal, profit was merely the means of achieving such a goal.

Power alters the psychology of the individual that holds it. It is an extremely lonely condition, in which, once power is achieved, and with no more power to gain, the obsession turns to the preservation of power, and with that, paranoia of losing it. This is why those that assist the powerful in gaining more power are doomed to a fate that is similar or worse than those who fight against such a power. This, ultimately, is why it is futile to join forces with such systems of power, or ally oneself with such powerful figures.

Power is a cancer; it eats away at its host. The greater the power held, the more cancerous it is, the more malignant it becomes. The less power held by individuals, the less chance there is for growth of this cancer, or for it to become malignant. Power must be shared among all people, for the risk carried thus becomes a risk to all, and there is a greater degree of cooperation, support, and there is a more efficient and effective means through which everyone can act as a check against the abuse of power.

Foundations of Global Revolution

Currently, the transnational elite are very aware of the increasing social tensions among the world's majority. As the crisis deepens, tensions will rise, and the chances of revolt and revolution from below greatly increase. Governments everywhere, particularly in the Western industrialized nations are building massive police states to monitor and control populations, and are actively preparing for martial law and military rule in the event of such a situation unfolding.

Robert Cox compared the experiences of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution where :

The basic difference between Russia and Western Europe was in the relative strengths of state and civil society. In Russia, the administrative and coercive apparatus of the state was formidable but proved to be vulnerable, while civil society was undeveloped. A relatively small working class led by a disciplined avant-garde was able to overwhelm the state in a war of movement and met no effective resistance from the rest of civil society."​


In Western Europe, by contrast, civil society, under bourgeois hegemony, was much more fully developed and took manifold forms."​

Shortly following the origins of the capitalist system, central banking emerged. It was through the central banking system that the most powerful figures and individuals in the world were able to consolidate power, controlling both industry and governments. Through central banks, these figures would collapse economies, destroying industry and thus, profits; bankrupt countries and collapse their political structures, destroying a base for the exercise of power; but in doing so, they would consolidate their authority over these governments and industry, wiping out competition and eliminating dissent. It is these individuals who have played the greatest roles in shaping and reshaping the capitalist system, and are the main figures in the current reorganization of world order.

The Bank of International Settlements is in fact the most important financial institution in the world, as it is where the worlds central bankers meet and, in secret, decide monetary policy for the world. Thus central banks have acted as the architects of financial crisis.

This Cartel has usurped global authority and power step by step over many centuries. The Catholic Church which forbade usury but allowed it to be practised by the Jews, handed to them a fantastic weapon. Whether this was done with or without intent is a moot point. Feudalism dominated Europe from the mediaeval period, until slowly replaced by the emergence of capitalism, the Reformation, and the erosion of the power of the Church. After the founding of the Bank of England in 1694 (a private bank controlled by a European group of bankers) Great Britain marched forward on the back of the Industrial Revolution to become the dominant empire. With the French Revolution, these European bankers took over another nation after the establishment of the Bank of France, America through the establishment of the Federal Reserve, followed suit.

Via the establishment of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in Britain and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States, this cartel was able to bring in and centralise the intellectual, academic, strategic, military, economic and political establishments under their influence, to be expanded further by organisations such as the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission.

Centralising and controlling debate and discussion, the cartel used their monetary and financial control - controlling the printing and value of currencies - to stimulate an active consent among the socio-political-economic elite. National elites were forced to consent to the control of the cartel which had in its power to destroy a national economy through monetary policy.

The aim of the cartel was world domination. Bankers command no army, lead no nation, and motivate no people. Thus, it was necessary for the cartel to undertake their ultimate aim of world domination and world government through the slow usurpation of power: control money, buy politicians, own economies, build empires, engineer wars, mold civil society, control their opposition, overtake educational institutions and ultimately, control thought.

As George Orwell wrote:

Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.​

What the Cartel fear is free thought. People must awake from their slumber; their immersion in the consumerist society and its pop culture distractions, and become aware of both the malevolence of world systems and the wonder of life and its potential. Through crisis, comes control; through control, comes power; through power, comes resistance; through resistance, comes thinking; through thinking, comes potential; through potential, comes peace.

How good and how reliable is the news ?

Risk discourages good journalism. A rule that no story is worth dying for quickly becomes a rule that no story is worth risking death for. That's not true. RIsk aversion has no place in foreign correspondence. Risk management does.

To make matters worse there are fewer and fewer journalists going into danger zones. A typical foreign deployment for a British newspaper is one or two in Asia, one in Africa, one in the Middle East, two in the US, one in Europe and one in Moscow. For some reason Latin America is almost entirely ignored.

It's not just the danger. There are sound business reasons for cutting back on foreign correspondents. They are expensive, in terms of flights, hotels and equipment. Then there is also a lack of reader interest.

In a world moving towards globalization, surely more information is needed, not less?


Well-Known Member
10a of 11 (Who Are The Puppeteers? 10b Their Method? 10c And The Plan)

Who Are The Puppeteers?

For those who have, hopefully, got this far and read some of the aforegoing information, there can be no better answer to that question than to quote certain excerpts from "The New Unhappy Lords" by A. K. Chesterton, published by the Candour Publishing Company in 1965.

"....My purpose will have miscarried if at this stage I have not convinced the reasonable reader of the existence of a conspiracy, or perhaps, more accurately, of a continuing policy enforced by a series of conspiracies that involve power groups which may often differ about methods but which direct their thoughts and acts to the attainment of the same broad objective.

As Jewish influences are discernible at all levels, it may be asked how far is it a Jewish conspiracy. Gentiles and Gentile bodies, including entire governments, have been so closely associated with what has occurred that it would be manifestly unfair to describe the plot, or series of plots, as the work of Jews and to leave it at that. But the driving force? That is a different matter.

The vast majority of Jews in the different countries are law-abiding citizens leading respectable lives accepting the social customs of the people amongst whom they dwell and show themselves to be well-disposed and kindly towards their neighbours. In business their codes are not invariably aligned with Gentile codes and their sense of solidarity which is their strength and their weakness gives them a distinct advantage over Gentile competitors.

It is however a fact that a minority of Jews formed the hard core which promoted both the Menshevik and Bolshevik revolutions and have also been prominently identified with communist movements in every other country."​

".....The creation of the state of Israel demonstrated the reality of Jewish power .....

".....There is evidence however that Zionism has ambitions far beyond the creation of a Jewish state in the Levant. David Lilienthal, deviser of the Tennessee Valley project and of the Franco-German steel, iron and coal merger, and at one time chairman of the US Atomic Energy Commission wrote of the Jew that it was his destiny to lead mankind into a universal brotherhood under a World Government.

"The mighty Leviathan is in New York, in New York is to be found the supreme headquarters for the overthrow of the West and the conspiracy to control the world. It is from New York that the master manipulators exercise direct power over finance capitalism. Are these master manipulators and master conspirators Jewish? Because of the power of the purse afforded by the control of credit and by predominant participation in America's most powerful industries and commercial firms and because of the commercial preponderance in the economies of the so-called "Free World", the answer is almost certainly "yes".

"Whether or not "one world" is the secret objective of Zionism, world Jewry is the most powerful single force on earth and it follows that all the major policies which have been ruthlessly pursued through the last several decades must have had the stamp of Jewish approval.

"Indeed commonsense applied to such facts that have come to light must lead to the conclusion that the policies directed against the most cherished Gentile values were incubated by adroit Jewish brains and fulfilled, or carried to the verge of fulfilment, by the dynamism of the Jewish spirit.

"At the same time so many Gentiles are associated with the conspiracy, both directly and through the formation of fronts and agencies, and so many Gentile governments have acquiesced by falling into line with policies inimical to their own national interest that it would be ludicrous to offload on to Jewish shoulders the responsibility or near-destruction of Christendom and the Western world. Nevertheless, it would be equally ludicrous to deny the Jewish part.

"Had we of the Gentile nations stood firm for our own traditions and values instead of cravenly capitulating, the Jews would have had to remain what they ought to be a small sect living contentedly and at peace. That a minority of them have been able to mount such a stupendous drive for world power is not their fault but ours alone and it is we who must put things to rights or perish. The way to put things right is not to engage in hate campaigns, which in any event more often than not play into Jewish hands, but to make a determined stand for our legitimate and distinctive interests."​

Although the book from which this excerpt was taken was published in 1965, it holds good to-day, with the difference that the evidence has become increasingly stronger.

It is no false claim (any honest investigation will confirm the facts) that the majority of big Corporations, all the Media, the IMF, the World Bank and the secret societies are all Jewish controlled. Whether, as the evidence seems to prove, this was a deliberate plan, or an incredible coincidence, is immaterial and does not in any way alter the facts.
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