Best Option Strategy


Now if you ask for: Which is best over an amount of trades? It all depends on how you manage those trades and how you choosed them. What does it help to say this and that is best when the one who takes it for granted will make wrong decissions, even if the one who told him this makes good money with it.

If you think you need some kind of guidance about this topic, you should follow this: In general and even by trading options on futures, you will do good with spreads, as you not will run all the time with full risk. So you will do call and put credit spreads in any way if you have less time, and you will do short strategies and leg in strategies when you have full time and take a bit more risk. If you really understand what you do, and you understand it really in dept and have the real education on it with a systematic approach, learned from a mentor which is a master on it, want to trade option strategies and not only nakeds, we then trade synthetic positions in an advanced way like market makers do. Such stuff you will not get for free in any forum nor over the net.

If you favor selling over period and if you own the share, your solution is simply Covered Call to start with. Acccording to market moves, you convert it into a Covered Call Collar.

Guess you have now enough understanding from where you will catch up and move on.​
"we then trade synthetic positions in an advanced way like market makers do. Such stuff you will not get for free in any forum nor over the net."

So how does one go about it? Are there any specific paid courses one can take or attend any seminars?

Curious question though: How did you find your mentor? Is your current knowledge his help or did he lay the foundation and you went about reading any thing and everything?

My mentor layed the foundation and helped me to a certain point and the rest I had to do by my self. But the foundation of all further knowledge was and is the market makers way of doing it from the perspective of market makers. So I first had this part of education and knowledge in deep, even before all the rest. As the topic is so huge and diverse in any direction, a professional option strategy mentor trader can help, but work by our selfs is essential to understand the topic in all his aspects. Of course: The interest and the will and patient has to be there to go into the topic in such intensity.

About courses: Best you work in a broker house or in a place of market makers to learn about it in such intensity. If this not is possible as for most, at least your mentor should come from such a place. Mentors you can find over the net, so ask about there past and let them prove it to you.

In my case: I did not search for my main mentor even I have visited seminars from others and have been in contact with other mentors, instead meet him once in a meeting and in a discussion he mentioned about how he makes his living from. The topic occured as I at that time was already involved in financial markets activity. But options was some thing new and so I really got very curious about it and that was the start of all.​

My mentor layed the foundation and helped me to a certain point and the rest I had to do by my self. But the foundation of all further knowledge was and is the market makers way of doing it from the perspective of market makers. So I first had this part of education and knowledge in deep, even before all the rest. As the topic is so huge and diverse in any direction, a professional option strategy mentor trader can help, but work by our selfs is essential to understand the topic in all his aspects. Of course: The interest and the will and patient has to be there to go into the topic in such intensity.

About courses: Best you work in a broker house or in a place of market makers to learn about it in such intensity. If this not is possible as for most, at least your mentor should come from such a place. Mentors you can find over the net, so ask about there past and let them prove it to you.

In my case: I did not search for my main mentor even I have visited seminars from others and have been in contact with other mentors, instead meet him once in a meeting and in a discussion he mentioned about how he makes his living from. The topic occured as I at that time was already involved in financial markets activity. But options was some thing new and so I really got very curious about it and that was the start of all.​
Thanks Dan.:thumb:

Here some thing to get an idea about "How Market Makers" do trade options. Was cleaning up my old "Speed Dials" in Mozilla and saw this under many other saved links. Thought you may love to go for it as some ideas how market makers trade are discussed in the book.

Trading Options as a Professional