Best way of day trading - 2652 theory of trading

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Well-Known Member
Hi Sohan,

Dhiraj has put lot of hard work into 2652 method

and made many of us happy.

Atleast you should have contacted you Dhiraj in this matter

rather than feeling SORRY.
Last edited:
so much of confusion here ?

prof askd a student,
''if u dial 001 then what will happen?''
student:''police jeep will come in reverse gear' :D
hi ,
first just read the above post which was posted on 11th dec .
7 days after i had posted my thread , reading this once i thought that i should delete the thread .
but kept thinking that somebody might find it useful and earn from it .
i didnt wanted to prove anything , this method was designed by me , which was earning good for me , i just posted thinking that there will be one more dhiraj who must have lost money in this crazy world of share market and will be surfing net for getting something profitable .
if this had got no reponse also than i t would not have effected me the slightest .
ther were many post that where criticising , but i kept the post and knew ther will be some wise people who will test and then come to post their feedback .
and thanks sunil for that ,that followed the change in here .
sunil a person of such high reputation giving a green signal made everybody crazy .( ther were some members who were using it before all this , specially bandlab , sachin also i think )
personally thank sunil , not for promoting this but making me learn how it can be useful in futures and how i can earn without more with this .
the back testing results last week made more noise . there were posts after posts .
sunil too was surprised with the number of posts per day , so was i .
ther were some fear by many members that this might be misused commercially , that this might go in hands of manipulators and all things .
but now what happened today was shocking .
a person was caught doing a thing and he admitted , his mistake is forgiven
but what about those who are not caught .there will be more people whoe must have started using it comercially .
i hope sunil remembers that once i had written to him that i fear that people do sell tips using this.
i had recieved so many private messgs saying that we must move it to some safe place .
personally i cant comment whether there can be maiplutaion or such things .
but yes as per one of the member who wrote to me saying that if a market mover knows about this then he can make such two orders to trigger stop loss and this will definatley let many down .
definately it will not effect dhiraj , i have more two methods with me under backtesting .
today i had sent a message to sohan saying that i need his help for that .

any how there was no wonder in 2652 method , it was a simple system using the right factors and with right money management system with tight stopp loss and tight targets .
personally i am a mechanical engineer , i payed rs 2000 for a 10 hours course in panajim , goa by a gentlemen from mumbai for share market study
in the whole study i only grasped that in share market we must buy for a low price and sell for a high price .
i started in jan 2008 and with the fall of market i also came down .in august 2008 i stopped trading and only surfed net for all technical studies , various forums like trade2win, traderslaboratory , many sites and many more thing .
but last i concentrated on how a days range can be used for trading the next day and from there started testing of a method using various factors .
it took me two months to come up with this method .
i paper traded it live sitting in front of markets , then got it into cash with small amount then found it profitable and then posted it here .
i was very eager to post here , my first post here was that" how can i post a new thread " i think sunil had read this first post of mine .
then i posted it here ,and now its here today .
the thread will remain i will definately not delete it .
hope this will be helpful for a new dhiraj or a new jhaveri who had lost lost money in this crazy world and will be surfing net for something profitable .
it took me two hours for typing my first post with all the ideas in my mind
and this post took two hours and fourty minutes for writing because i had not thought of writing this .
so this will be my last post on this thread .





Well-Known Member
I just posted it 2-3 days back.
and that too i deleted today.
Do you think by me posting this link at one place in a community like orkut that too in reply segment, this theory will get leaked.
If you all are very serious about this theory being leaked, then tell Google that it do not parse the webpages.
Visit this link
its posted in some other forum as well.
Goto Search for 2652 theory of trade. See the results.
I just posted it 2-3 days back. and that too i deleted.
I am again sorry.
But i think you cannot stop more that 1 lac members of using this theory as this is now public.
But once again, be assured from my side it wont be posted anywhere from my side.
If along with dhiraj and sunil any one more person says me that i m banned from here, i will not post anything here.
But trust me just by posting some website link in an orkut forum that too in reply segment of some community will not leak this.
Be practical, this theory is already posted here anyone without creating even a user id here can see this theory.
So, i dont think that i made some huge mistake. I agree i made some mistake unknowingly and thanks to the person who posted that here too early.
I deleted that link from orkut.
virgoan_29 its a request to you to please check that post in orkut and confirm here that it has been deleted.
Guys once again, its already public.
Dont worry. Believe in GOD, this thoery will live long and benefit all of us.
Just imagine if Dhiraj would have not shared it.
Since we all are now benfiting from this its obvious to worry to loose this theory.
Hi Sohan,

I know a little bit of ORCUT and do not know anything about REPLY SEGMENT.
Once a thing is discussed OPENLY ,it can not become secret.

The full credit goes to TRADERJI ,Dhiraj and others who refined it.
If anyone outside Traderji is befitted even better by TWEAKING it ,will
they post back to .I doubt it.Let it be with us and any
further refinements be posted here.

Remember you are one of the active members in developement of this
Dear Bandlab2, Sorry I couldn't Understand your word. I explained this trade details after Market hours, So Wats th problem it ? what do you mean by Actual Numbers? FACTOR VALUES (or) BUY, SELL, TARGET, SAR and SL Values ?
Hi V.V, i don't think you got the point, you see, as a precautionary measure, we are trying to avoid giving out actual number, like the buy rate, sell rate, etc, this is avoid the details of thread falling into wrong hands. I hope you will understand.


Well-Known Member
very good post r genius and noble of u to come up with such system in a very short span of time & resources and teach yr invention to others, for the benefit of others.....
God bless u

ps : pls take that comment of sudoku1 in lighter terms...he has continously refreshed/amazed the members on tj with his posts from long time...just that he has got his own way of conveying his feelings / thoughts..


I agree.

I restate that it was the first and last time i posted outside traderji that too just my website url.

In future, i wont post this link outside traderji.
i dont know how much u earn from google adsense but i suppose it will be much less than wht u have earned from this method.its risk free but the amount is less.anyway damage has been done.
dhiraj has posted on other forums , but then he has the right to do so considering that it his his system.
Hello columbus,

You have to place the stop loss for your existing trade only, not for the expected trade.

For buy order, first you place the buy stop loss trigger order. That is if the current nifty value is 2600 and you want to buy at 2625, then place stop loss trigger buy order at 2625 with the limit price as 2635. So if the price touches 2625, your order will be materialised. After you bought it, then place two order. one is stop loss sell order at 2600 and another plain sell order at 2638. If either one materialise, then cancel the other order.
Same way you place the other side order. If your stop loss buy order traded then immediately cancel your stop loss sell order or modify this order as your stop loss order for your buy trade. Hope it will clear your doubts..

Hi uthuman,

Suppose we have TWO orders ,one BUY and one SELL for NIFTY FUTURES
as buy at 2926 with stoploss at 2882 and sell order at 2856 with stop loss at 2889 when the Current Market Price is 2885.

Sharekhan allows to place Stoploss orders above Market price for BUY orders and below market price for SELL orders.

In both the cases we can not place the required orders.Please let me know
how you are placing orders in TradeTiger.Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Dear Bandlab2, Sorry I couldn't Understand your word. I explained this trade details after Market hours, So Wats th problem it ? what do you mean by Actual Numbers? FACTOR VALUES (or) BUY, SELL, TARGET, SAR and SL Values ?
there is no need to give such a detailed numbers even after tading hrs. the idea is to learn and earn. not to spoon-feed and help get-rich-quick type of guys. there are lot of examples on this thread for genuine learners.

if you see flow method, thy neve post actual trae details (with filters) evn after trading hrs. protecting th method is vey important. th less we talk about it , the better. especially giving actual numbers is not ecommended for obvious reasons
hi ,
first just read the above post which was posted on 11th dec .
7 days after i had posted my thread , reading this once i thought that i should delete the thread .
but kept thinking that somebody might find it useful and earn from it .
i didnt wanted to prove anything , this method was designed by me , which was earning good for me , i just posted thinking that there will be one more dhiraj who must have lost money in this crazy world of share market and will be surfing net for getting something profitable .
if this had got no reponse also than i t would not have effected me the slightest .
ther were many post that where criticising , but i kept the post and knew ther will be some wise people who will test and then come to post their feedback .
and thanks sunil for that ,that followed the change in here .
sunil a person of such high reputation giving a green signal made everybody crazy .( ther were some members who were using it before all this , specially bandlab , sachin also i think )
personally thank sunil , not for promoting this but making me learn how it can be useful in futures and how i can earn without more with this .
the back testing results last week made more noise . there were posts after posts .
sunil too was surprised with the number of posts per day , so was i .
ther were some fear by many members that this might be misused commercially , that this might go in hands of manipulators and all things .
but now what happened today was shocking .
a person was caught doing a thing and he admitted , his mistake is forgiven
but what about those who are not caught .there will be more people whoe must have started using it comercially .
i hope sunil remembers that once i had written to him that i fear that people do sell tips using this.
i had recieved so many private messgs saying that we must move it to some safe place .
personally i cant comment whether there can be maiplutaion or such things .
but yes as per one of the member who wrote to me saying that if a market mover knows about this then he can make such two orders to trigger stop loss and this will definatley let many down .
definately it will not effect dhiraj , i have more two methods with me under backtesting .
today i had sent a message to sohan saying that i need his help for that .

any how there was no wonder in 2652 method , it was a simple system using the right factors and with right money management system with tight stopp loss and tight targets .
personally i am a mechanical engineer , i payed rs 2000 for a 10 hours course in panajim , goa by a gentlemen from mumbai for share market study
in the whole study i only grasped that in share market we must buy for a low price and sell for a high price .
i started in jan 2008 and with the fall of market i also came down .in august 2008 i stopped trading and only surfed net for all technical studies , various forums like trade2win, traderslaboratory , many sites and many more thing .
but last i concentrated on how a days range can be used for trading the next day and from there started testing of a method using various factors .
it took me two months to come up with this method .
i paper traded it live sitting in front of markets , then got it into cash with small amount then found it profitable and then posted it here .
i was very eager to post here , my first post here was that" how can i post a new thread " i think sunil had read this first post of mine .
then i posted it here ,and now its here today .
the thread will remain i will definately not delete it .
hope this will be helpful for a new dhiraj or a new jhaveri who had lost lost money in this crazy world and will be surfing net for something profitable .
it took me two hours for typing my first post with all the ideas in my mind
and this post took two hours and fourty minutes for writing because i had not thought of writing this .
so this will be my last post on this thread .



Dhiraj Bhai does this means ur leaving traderji :confused:


Well-Known Member
I agree.

I restate that it was the first and last time i posted outside traderji that too just my website url.

In future, i wont post this link outside traderji.
Dear Sohan,

I think Dhiraj has FINAL say in this matter, And I read in one of the posts
that he excused you.I hope the matter is closed now.
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