
Did Bollinger Bands help you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 239 77.9%
  • No

    Votes: 68 22.1%

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Well-Known Member
EOD=28.7.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

Hello Columbus,
Hope you are doing great. Is there any difference in BB piercing the red and green candles with 45 degree and 90 degree? I think while piercing in 45, there seems to be more success. Did you happen to observe? Thank you



Well-Known Member
EOD=29.7.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
Hello Columbus,
Hope you are doing great. Is there any difference in BB piercing the red and green candles with 45 degree and 90 degree? I think while piercing in 45, there seems to be more success. Did you happen to observe? Thank you

Dear Bala,

Very different to answer.What if ,you are in trend? You like a 90 degree pierce.
No doubt 45 degree ,pierce is SAFE.It indicates small candles and narrow band width.
On EOD chart ,approach of candle towards a band ,even sometimes takes months.
On Intraday chart 3 or 4 such approaches can be expected.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Columbus. Here what I am trying to ask...
On Day chart candles approaching the bands is quite frequent, may be 3~4
such occurrences in a day.I think you have attaches 3-day and Daily chart.
For fun-sake ,I named this kind of daily chart as PENGUINS,from the shape.


Well-Known Member
EOD=1.8.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+MAROON) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Maroon colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.


Well-Known Member
EOD=2.8.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

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