
Did Bollinger Bands help you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 239 77.9%
  • No

    Votes: 68 22.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
EOD=7.9.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=8.9.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=9.9.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

Whipsaws in store ???


Well-Known Member
In the last 2 occasions we saw WHIPSAWS ,when the market was rangebound.
In JULY-AUG also we saw whipsaws.The day before yesterday saw a bullish
crossover.But yesterday market went down by 100 points.Is it a sign of
another whipsaw?SMA-20 line shows a very striking correlation.An alternating
White-Black lines and only whipsaws mar the rhythm.But it is too early to say
that.Generally Range-bound markets are seen when TOP Bollinger Band is
parallel to LOWER BB.

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Well-Known Member
EOD=12.9.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=13.9.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=14.9.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.



Well-Known Member
EOD=15.9.11 ................7-month NIFTY chart

Basically there are 2 lines in chart , 20-SMA in (WHITE+BLACK) colours
and 10-ema in VIOLET colour.In bullish conditions 20SMA will in White
colour and bearish condition it will be in Black colour.Violet colour line
decides the momentum of market, mostly.

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