supratik said:
Thank you so much Amit.
With all the good work that each one of us are contributing, it is an equal learning scope.
It has always been a pleasure to be in this forum, and the support and enthusiasm, we find in every member has always been appreciated.
Truly Amit, and the versatality in the forum, where we cover from intraday calls, to good short term picks and long term trends, and the nifty movement, and the queries and their answers, every thread is an opprtunity to learn.
Great going everyone. Let us keep it going.
Thanks and Regards
With all the good work that each one of us are contributing, it is an equal learning scope.
It has always been a pleasure to be in this forum, and the support and enthusiasm, we find in every member has always been appreciated.
Truly Amit, and the versatality in the forum, where we cover from intraday calls, to good short term picks and long term trends, and the nifty movement, and the queries and their answers, every thread is an opprtunity to learn.
Great going everyone. Let us keep it going.
Thanks and Regards
Great work....Superb as per your name.
I fully agree with you Traderji is a great place to be,One can find everything here from A.....Z of Trading.Thanks to Traderji and all the members for keeping it going.