Can you make the EA (auto trading) work?


Well-Known Member
I started searching ,testing, tweaking and editing EA from last year ....

It does not wonder me that why EA dont work does not wonder me why they dont produce profit consistently ...

But The One That wonders me is this they produce loss so perfectly while traders work hard to code it to make profits ...

I dont mind if they break even or end at minor loss..But making consistent losses
what the hell is that ???

When EA can make such good loss consistenly than why not profit ...

May be problem lies in programming ....or programming capabiltyies of sofware.??

In one of EA I reversed buy/sell criteria but result ..same loss why ??
should not it produce profit ? when reversed cos earlier it was producing loss...

Some EA coder has made EA which opp. trade of MA crossover ....
That did produce some result better ..but still not good enough..........

I got interest in EA more by negetive trades than the term robot or auto trade or mint money while you sleep ...

It has made me think ...what is there in EA ...which makes it possible to loss consistently ...I have test such EA's which produce 80-90% loss trades

Unfortunately I am not programmer ....I dont know coding..

I want to make possible to make EA which produces 80% winning studing and edting , tweaking Loss making EA ...

I wanna replicate performance of loosing EA ...but in reversed trades...

But How to do it .... I have no idea...we need to find why EA loosing consistently ...what makes it loose ...

As of Now No EA Works ...I have gone though many many forums discussing EA..They produce minimal profits...or heavy loss

People say that no good EA will work in future market condition changes ..Really?... I dont think so there any thing new in market or in any market?
Read Jesse Livermore book ? His technics still applies to all the markets in the world.... Why do they work? who knows why ..but one thing is sure that market dont change much ...All pivots ,high ,low ,trend , choppy .etc etc are there in every market and are all same difference technical point view..

Coming Back to EA ...If EA can shows consistency in loosing than why NOT in winning.............why ?????

There must be something more .....
Which we Dont Know or we ignore ..

There many questions ...but for now this enough
Let see how many are interested in making good EA or Tweaking it or giving Ideas...

Please pour your Idea and thinking.....Into this thread ...

If any EA writer is here to Help and give Info it will be highly appreciated

Just Now I am Back tested one has given whopping 83% loosing trade and 16% wining took 61 trades....with sl 60 tp 190.....
now when I reduce tp thinking it boost profit and reduce loss trades
What it increased the loss while it did increased wining %..
it took 112 trade...5k of loss and 2.6k of profit 2.3k loss..
Every EA coded to work in a set of market conditions. Unfortunately no trend in market last forever! All EAs lose heavy money during trend changes. Whatever the EA may be, you need manual intervention at some point!

Starting point of the EA is very important. Suppose you, start an EA that is based on moving Averages at the end of trend, it will lose money from previous trend's peak till the reversal in that trend is confirmed! But if you start EA just after the trend confirmation you will make money till the trend peaks..and till trend reversal you vl lose some part of it and then start u vl be in net profit after some time!

So, you need to understand your EA first and manually stop/start it to get maximum out of it! If the trend is side ways or market is very volatile many EAs lose money!

For Example I placed an EA in this thread "Forex Robot/Expert Auto Trader" If you test this EA on DAILY Time Frame from1st May 2009 it will give u very good results, if you test this from 1st Jan 2009 it will give bad results! If you manually intervene and start this EA when 13EMA and 34 EMA crossover started (+ve or -ve) it will give you very good results!... as far as I understood...U need to understand your EA and accordingly manual intervention is a must!

ashwani chadha

Well-Known Member
in my view no auto trading works. always make your own mechnical trading system, that will earn for you,firstly back test your system/then modyfy it /then impellent it/then have faith in it


Well-Known Member
in my view no auto trading works. always make your own mechnical trading system, that will earn for you,firstly back test your system/then modyfy it /then impellent it/then have faith in it
I can Agree On That point ....That no Auto trading works...

If it dont works for profit then it shud not work to make losses too ..

I mean when EA can make continoues losses....then why it cannot make profit..??? I have tested several EA's...few of them did manage to make loss on very consistence basis ..and that too good losses...


Well-Known Member
Every EA coded to work in a set of market conditions. Unfortunately no trend in market last forever! All EAs lose heavy money during trend changes. Whatever the EA may be, you need manual intervention at some point!

Starting point of the EA is very important. Suppose you, start an EA that is based on moving Averages at the end of trend, it will lose money from previous trend's peak till the reversal in that trend is confirmed! But if you start EA just after the trend confirmation you will make money till the trend peaks..and till trend reversal you vl lose some part of it and then start u vl be in net profit after some time!

So, you need to understand your EA first and manually stop/start it to get maximum out of it! If the trend is side ways or market is very volatile many EAs lose money!

For Example I placed an EA in this thread "Forex Robot/Expert Auto Trader" If you test this EA on DAILY Time Frame from1st May 2009 it will give u very good results, if you test this from 1st Jan 2009 it will give bad results! If you manually intervene and start this EA when 13EMA and 34 EMA crossover started (+ve or -ve) it will give you very good results!... as far as I understood...U need to understand your EA and accordingly manual intervention is a must!
Certainly understand an EA is required ...if we want to use it and tweak it

we can program into EA when to trade and when to not ....also we can program when it shud start trading like after crossover ...

Many technical strategies we adopt are very old ...gone through many market u said no trend in market last forever...but then who is looking at trend ...with EA we look at particular setup ..when occur we trade it ...thats it...if setup dont occur ..we dont trade ...same we program into if market conditions are changed then setup will not occur so we will not trade at all...same with EA....
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Well-Known Member
Sunny this might sound a bit inflaming but why consider only EAs? As you say "Many technical strategies we adopt are very old" still 95% traders are losers. By your presented logic ..if those 95% take reverse trades aka sell when they think "BUY" they should be winners. What do you say??

There was a thread on TJ abt a guy trying exactly this....I dont remember the name but it dint go too well.


Well-Known Member
Vicky, the logic you presented is still a losing strategy.
First, a market will go up or down. That's a 50% chance, so it would seem if you don't trade the losing way, then you have a 100% chance of making a winning trade. The problem is there are, depended on the market you are trading, there are commissions and / or spreads to pay to pay, so the chances are already greatly reduced.
Add to this the mental aspect. Well, now you are under 50% no matter which way you go.
Moral of the story? Just develop and take the time a sound trading strategy, and you will have the rest of your life to reap the rewards. It does take work, but it is worth it.

Sunny this might sound a bit inflaming but why consider only EAs? As you say "Many technical strategies we adopt are very old" still 95% traders are losers. By your presented logic ..if those 95% take reverse trades aka sell when they think "BUY" they should be winners. What do you say??

There was a thread on TJ abt a guy trying exactly this....I dont remember the name but it dint go too well.


Well-Known Member
Sunny this might sound a bit inflaming but why consider only EAs? As you say "Many technical strategies we adopt are very old" still 95% traders are losers. By your presented logic ..if those 95% take reverse trades aka sell when they think "BUY" they should be winners. What do you say??

There was a thread on TJ abt a guy trying exactly this....I dont remember the name but it dint go too well.
Well there is difference between the 95% people and Loosing EA ..

Out of those 95% people ....many dont have experience to understand technical strategies

they dont have time to devote...

They dont have market understanding....

many want only get rich quick formula..

emotional...indiscipline ....and many more..

If a person gives professional approach towards trading then he wud not loose.. ..So they loose because they dont follow the strategy ..
Tell me out of those 95% how many of them understood and followed anyone strategy????


Well-Known Member
Vicky, the logic you presented is still a losing strategy. First, a market will go up or down. That's a 50% chance, so it would seem if you don't trade the losing way, then you have a 100% chance of making a winning trade. The problem is there are, depended on the market you are trading, there are commissions and / or spreads to pay to pay, so the chances are already greatly reduced.
Add to this the mental aspect. Well, now you are under 50% no matter which way you go.
Moral of the story? Just develop and take the time a sound trading strategy, and you will have the rest of your life to reap the rewards. It does take work, but it is worth it.
4xpip, that is exactly the point. Just remove the mental aspect and you can apply the same to EAs too. Same point I was trying to convey to Sunny.

Well there is difference between the 95% people and Loosing EA ..

Out of those 95% people ....many dont have experience to understand technical strategies

they dont have time to devote...

They dont have market understanding....

many want only get rich quick formula..

emotional...indiscipline ....and many more..

If a person gives professional approach towards trading then he wud not loose.. ..So they loose because they dont follow the strategy ..
Tell me out of those 95% how many of them understood and followed anyone strategy????
Sunny you veered away from the actual statement. It doesnt have anything to do with professional approach, understanding etc. The statement is simply this....if 95% of people lose (to adjust your contention- many not having proper understanding/approach) and they do a reverse trade --- as in buy when they think "SELL" (again based on their limited understanding and non-pro approach) they should win. It is same as your EA contention. Think about this.

This is all from my side as I dont have anymore to add. Best of luck for your EA optimization. :)


Well-Known Member
Vicky, when you move the mental aspect from trading, you remove a very important aspect. Winning trading consists of proper methodology, proper margin management, and proper mind set.

I did ask about the EA in an earlier post, but I definitely do not believe in them. I just like looking into anything new, and study them. Actually, I have never known anyone to trade successfully consistently using an EA. It takes work!

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