Charts for the Day

Anil'ji MA is droping on volume side there any significance to read this ?
Dear Raviji,

Stock tested highs of march-15 and hovering around there...volumes is below average on this rally...But closely looking at volumes, the reason is mainly high volumes bars of july-2016, still after that the volumes on downbars was not great one. Infact up bars have witnessed good volumes in this uptrend so far.

Till i get a good downbar with high volumes, its still in uptrend...

Asian paints stock in uptrend since may after consolidation for more than a breakout at 900-920 levels and rallied till 1227 thats a 35-36% run...

Stock just landed at 50 SMA on daily charts, looking overextended in short term can see reaction below the support zone of trendline ans 50 SMA...

Closing above 1190-95 is positive for stock...
Vjay ji,

Tracking this one, missed entry yesterday...was a nice breakout with volumes as well...
Stock showing some good sign for long term...

Will try to enter on retest towards 35-35.5 zone...or else let it consolidate here and then on breakout of the same...


Well-Known Member
Vjay ji,

Tracking this one, missed entry yesterday...was a nice breakout with volumes as well...
Stock showing some good sign for long term...

Will try to enter on retest towards 35-35.5 zone...or else let it consolidate here and then on breakout of the same...
Dear anilji,
Where can entry if we followed it yesterday?Looking @lower tf above the trend line?Or @bo?