Charts for the Day

Nifty update:

6081 is a resistance zone, strength only above 6095.
Staying below 6081 zone will invite 6030 on cards.

On higher timeframe a good support on monthly is 5950. Regular readers must have known importance of it.

Momentum down on hourly, as already we got it on 10th itself. when price showing hesitation to survive higher.

Nifty update:
Anticipation on 10th about short term topping sign was a good move. And we refrain from taking longs in that zone.Also few regular readers too spotted divergences but we waited for price action to fail and confirm its move.
As expected nifty under stress and profit booking round the corner. Anyway struggle to cross 6095 and hold 6081 invited sharp selling.

Right now, bulls will try hard to close above 6030-35 levels, if succeeded on, else more selling will be seen.
on downside support zone is 5950-62. Its a 10 point range as many support confluence exists there.

Nifty update:

Nifty on daily short term down, while hourly too down.
Currently a retrace move is going on, and a crucial resistance placed at 6015/ 6040.
until 6040 crossed and sustained this move is susceptible to fall.

On 5min chart crucial levels are marked. Below 5990 weakness resumes. A failed breakout on 6050 is a sign of serious weakness.

Nifty update:

Hi was busy in family function since two days. Ok, right now we are in uptrend on daily and there are signs of divergences started to creep in on daily charts now. But we will see if trend is not over extending as it done on hourly.

Short term - up to sideways ( warrant caution)
Inter term - Up and flattening
Long term - UP

Key levels for today are 6127 / 6100 / 6050
Sustaining below 6127 is first sign of positional weakness. Correction till 6125-27 will be minor in nature.

Short term - Down
Inter term - Up but flattening ( caution to longs)
Long term - Down and more below 6127

So its a clear case of momentum trying to exert last phase of its arsenal, and in the game it need to hold off that zone of 6100-25 to march higher. Else it will be difficult to consolidate at higher levels.

On 5min, first sign of weakness is trading below 6157 levels. And it may correct till 6125 or so. If correction till 6127 is not showing bull strength then it will have 6050 on lower side.
Ab0ve 6180 its a sign of strength.
A interesting reading for the weekend...

Insights Good Chart Readers Can Live
By Jay Norris

Millions of traders rely on charts to generate trade signals and find entry and exit points, but technical analysis must be a strictly disciplined, rule-based study in order to deliver precision results.
Many traders use charts and technical analysis to determine the different patterns and direction in individual markets, to identify the overriding or macro picture, and to time entries and exits for their trades. If you use charts, or are considering using them, the most important thing to realize is that you need to keep your analysis constant from one scenario to the next. How you determine pattern and direction on one time frame in one market is how you should make those measurements in all time frames and in all markets.
Your tools and measurements should always be uniform. While you may favor an exit based on the amount you risked on the trade, your entries should be the same regardless of the market or even the time frame traded. If you favor a trade entry based on a short-term trendline break accompanied by a stochastic cross, then your entry should always be based on those two occurrences.
While we encounter different trading scenarios every day, how we analyze the markets and enter and exit trades never varies because we use the same trading plan every day.
Avoid the Dreaded “Analysis Paralysis”
As a chartist, you need to be very careful about what overlays (i.e. trendlines, retracements, pivots, and indicators) you place on your chart. A confusing chart reflects a confused mind. It is difficult for even the most gifted minds to keep track of more than four or five simultaneous occurrences. Most people quickly lose track around three.
It is very important that you know exactly what each overlay and indicator is, and exactly how to use them, or they are going to confuse you and drag down overall results. It's easy to think that a trading plan is a linear checklist—and it is, to a degree—but in the constant bustle of the markets, there is no time to shift focus away and leisurely run down a checklist.
A clean, orderly chart where they understand everything at a glance is the rule for professionals. I label the different patterns in the market with text and color code all my overlays so they are the same every time. I also never change the market or the time frames on my screens. My eye is trained to go to the same place for the same information in the same market every time.
Never rely on your memory when you can set an alert, or at least make a physical note. In the time you can answer a Skype or your cell phone and have a short conversation, you can miss a trade signal. When trading, you should never let yourself get distracted for longer than a glance. And just as you need to protect yourself from physical interruptions, you need to train your mind to block out distractions.
If you know that you need the market to create a specific occurrence at the close of a candle before you can act, why waste thoughts on trying to anticipate when this might happen or what might happen afterwards? You need to quiet your mind as you observe the market's behavior as it moves from set-up to signal and back again. The more relaxed and at peace you are, the more receptive you will be to what the market is telling you, and believe me, the only way you will succeed as a trader is to have a method that is focused on what the market is doing, not what you think it is going to do!
“No Trigger, No Trade”
Market analysis really becomes an art form when you are so familiar with the mechanics of your method and so experienced at observing a market’s pattern as it unfolds that you start to envision the next market move correctly. This is your trader's intuition, and it occurs not because you are so smart, but because market growth and contraction curves mimic the same proportioned patterns we see all around us in nature and beyond.
Fibonacci’s .618 and Gann’s .625 can be found in everything from sea shells to flowers, to the proportions of a model’s face, to the swirl of a galaxy. Whether we know it or not, certain proportions are pleasing to the eye, and some are frightening to the wallet when we’re caught on the wrong side of them!
Before we start considering proportions and intuition, however, we need to focus on our trading plan and be reminded that the impetus to place a trade must first come from price and the chart, and not from our intuition or opinion.
At Trading University,we like to say “No trigger, no trade." We cannot take action until price gives us that specific set-up and mechanical signal that we have already addressed a hundred times before. We don’t decide it’s time to go long or short the euro, for example; the market itself tells us by way of our trading plan.
Imagine how easy your job as an analyst/trader becomes when you fully realize it's not you making the trading decisions, but the market instead! At the end of a good day or week, don't let your ego get away with taking the credit; remember to thank the market.
Bottom line: We must be aligned with the market’s pattern and direction on the chart and allow that to lead us. Only then may we allow our own experience to contribute.
Nifty update:

Short term - Down
intermediate - flatte to down ( Down if closes below 6150)
Long term - Up but flattening

Short term - Down
Inter - Down
Long term - Down

Failure to test 6180 was a sign of early weakness and it also breached two days low 6146. So its a weakness sign as if now. more it stays below 6140 more probability of testing 6100 level.

Only below 6100 there can be a weakness till 6050 levels.
As weekly is up, until it shows a clear sign of weakness which can come only below 5950 level. So its a up market with correction going on.


sustaining above 6145 will be relief to bulls but comfort only above 6170 levels.

Sorry was busy in family function and coming 15 days are more of hectic for me.

Happy trading/investing...


Well-Known Member
Nifty update:

Short term - Down
intermediate - flatte to down ( Down if closes below 6150)
Long term - Up but flattening

Short term - Down
Inter - Down
Long term - Down

Failure to test 6180 was a sign of early weakness and it also breached two days low 6146. So its a weakness sign as if now. more it stays below 6140 more probability of testing 6100 level.

Only below 6100 there can be a weakness till 6050 levels.
As weekly is up, until it shows a clear sign of weakness which can come only below 5950 level. So its a up market with correction going on.


sustaining above 6145 will be relief to bulls but comfort only above 6170 levels.

Sorry was busy in family function and coming 15 days are more of hectic for me.

Happy trading/investing...
Thanks Anil....could you share your views on sbin.....
Dear sabhlok,

SBI is at very crucial juncture. why...if i see weekly then its sitting on upside breakout which can take it too above 3000 levels. As momentum on weekly is up.

If i switched to daily, then short term is flattening and weakness only below 2355 below closing. Till then its a sideways case.
on upside a closing above 2425 is positive and can take above it swiftly.

A real downtrend only if closes below 2200. Till then we will watch momentum setups.

2364 will be testable today or tomorrow.
Nifty update:

As seen from hourly chart, momentum is forcing nifty to lower levels. With all short, inter and long term are down. As we seen in last post update nifty failed to close above 6150 and it did triggered nifty intermediate down. So we will wait for any long setup till we get a good momentum divergence on hourly.

On daily, short and intermediate is still down, but long term still up, momentum wise.

Crucial levels for weekly is 6000 if closes below it chances of testing 5925 zone. Till tomorrow if breached 5955-60 zone, next crucial support only at 5840-45 zone.
On daily, to limit immediate downfall it need to close above 6060 levels, which seems difficult as of now. So trend will remain flat to down only.

On 5min, first sign of intraday strength will be testing and sustaining above 6000. Next crucial resistance at 6040.