Creating a trading system from scratch

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Its a framework for strategies which enter and exit at specified time periods with stop loss included. So you can make a strategy on your own based on volume or delivery or anything

I think support and resistance go well with the framework. But pairs trading require a different approach, working on it :up:
    Title: Intraday Technical Strategies
    Description: This is a long short strategy based on Fibonacci support and resistance.
        Goes with the momentum for levels break-outs, else buys near support and sells
        near resistance if confirmed by ADX
    Style tags: momentum and mean reversion
    Asset class: Equities, Futures, ETFs and Currencies
    Dataset: NSE Daily or NSE Minute
import talib as ta
import numpy as np
import bisect

# Zipline
from import commission, slippage
from zipline.api import(    symbol,

def initialize(context):
        A function to define things to do at the start of the strategy
    # universe selection
    context.securities = [symbol('NIFTY-I'),symbol('BANKNIFTY-I')]
    # define strategy parameters
    context.params = {'indicator_lookback':375,
    # variable to control trading frequency
    context.bar_count = 0

    # variables to track signals and target portfolio
    context.signals = dict((security,0) for security in context.securities)
    context.target_position = dict((security,0) for security in context.securities)

    # set trading cost and slippage to zero
    set_commission(commission.PerShare(cost=0.002, min_trade_cost=0.0))

def handle_data(context, data):
        A function to define things to do at every bar
    context.bar_count = context.bar_count + 1
    if context.bar_count < context.params['trade_freq']:
    # time to trade, call the strategy function
    context.bar_count = 0
    run_strategy(context, data)

def run_strategy(context, data):
        A function to define core strategy steps
    generate_signals(context, data)
    generate_target_position(context, data)
    rebalance(context, data)

def rebalance(context,data):
        A function to rebalance - all execution logic goes here
    for security in context.securities:
        order_target_percent(security, context.target_position[security])

def generate_target_position(context, data):
        A function to define target portfolio
    num_secs = len(context.securities)
    weight = round(1.0/num_secs,2)*context.params['leverage']
    for security in context.securities:
        if context.signals[security] > context.params['buy_signal_threshold']:
            context.target_position[security] = weight
        elif context.signals[security] < context.params['sell_signal_threshold']:
            context.target_position[security] = -weight
            context.target_position[security] = 0
def generate_signals(context, data):
        A function to define define the signal generation
    price_data = data.history(context.securities, ['open','high','low','close'],
        context.params['indicator_lookback'], context.params['indicator_freq'])

    for security in context.securities:
        px = price_data.minor_xs(security)
        context.signals[security] = signal_function(px, context.params,

def signal_function(px, params, last_signal):
        The main trading logic goes here, called by generate_signals above
    lower, upper = fibonacci_support(px.close.values)
    ind2 = adx(px, params['ADX_period'])

    if lower == -1:
        return -1
    elif upper == -1:
        return 1
    elif upper > 0.02 and lower > 0 and upper/lower > 3 and ind2 < 20:
        return -1
    elif lower > 0.02 and upper > 0 and lower/upper > 3 and ind2 < 20:
        return 1
        return last_signal

def sma(px, lookback):
    sig = ta.SMA(px, timeperiod=lookback)
    return sig[-1]

def ema(px, lookback):
    sig = ta.EMA(px, timeperiod=lookback)
    return sig[-1]

def rsi(px, lookback):
    sig = ta.RSI(px, timeperiod=lookback)
    return sig[-1]

def bollinger_band(px, lookback):
    upper, mid, lower = ta.BBANDS(px, timeperiod=lookback)
    return upper[-1], mid[-1], lower[-1]

def macd(px, lookback):
    macd_val, macdsignal, macdhist = ta.MACD(px)
    return macd_val[-1], macdsignal[-1], macdhist[-1]

def doji(px):
    sig = ta.CDLDOJI(, px.high.values, px.low.values, px.close.values)
    return sig[-1]

def roc(px, lookback):
    signal = ta.ROC(px, timeperiod=lookback)
    return signal[-1]

def adx(px, lookback):
    signal = ta.ADX(px.high.values, px.low.values, px.close.values, timeperiod=lookback)
    return signal[-1]

def fibonacci_support(px):
    def fibonacci_levels(px):
        return [min(px) + l*(max(px) - min(px)) for l in [0,0.236,0.382,0.5,0.618,1]]

    def find_interval(x, val):
        return (-1 if val < x[0] else 99) if val < x[0] or val > x[-1] \
            else  max(bisect.bisect_left(x,val)-1,0)

    last_price = px[-1]
    lower_dist = upper_dist = 0
    sups = fibonacci_levels(px[:-1])
    idx = find_interval(sups, last_price)

    if idx==-1:
        lower_dist = -1
        upper_dist = round(100.0*(sups[0]/last_price-1),2)
    elif idx==99:
        lower_dist = round(100.0*(last_price/sups[-1]-1),2)
        upper_dist = -1
        lower_dist = round(100.0*(last_price/sups[idx]-1),2)
        upper_dist = round(100.0*(sups[idx+1]/last_price-1),2)

    return lower_dist,upper_dist


Well-Known Member
Dear vinit,
How you downloaded this code?am unable to download it /save it as ipby file...its saving as text file which unable to use ....


Well-Known Member
Market is very volatile with very large range..Vijay bhai.... Stop hit ho jaaye vahi achha hai.... capital would be there to take another trade


Well-Known Member
Market is very volatile with very large range..Vijay bhai.... Stop hit ho jaaye vahi achha hai.... capital would be there to take another trade
Stop to made for hit ...I know :)....just posted it only this method rarely hits all trades

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