currency - dollar rupee tips

book ful profit @ 46.20:clap:
I don't understand this. When someone places a stop loss order and the price reaches and crosses the s/l price then the trade is closed at that price immediately. If I wait to book profit at my t/p then what is the use of s/l price? Plz explain what do you mean by s/l price. Do you not place s/l order at the time of entry?

This info will be beneficial for those who trade or want to trade your calls/tips.
:clap: :clap:

Why do you criticize him... the idea is simple, to get a broker who does not honor your stop loses and take profits... that's all
Thankfully I have a broker who seldom honors my sl and tp, and thankfully I am trading all the calls from gaikvad, so even though as you said the prices goes beyond his stop loses, somehow i take profit when the price bounces back. stop criticizing and start searching for such good brokers, when you have such good signal providers what makes you still skeptical and cynical smarty :)

Thank you

I don't understand this. When someone places a stop loss order and the price reaches and crosses the s/l price then the trade is closed at that price immediately. If I wait to book profit at my t/p then what is the use of s/l price? Plz explain what do you mean by s/l price. Do you not place s/l order at the time of entry?

This info will be beneficial for those who trade or want to trade your calls/tips.

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