Daily market Views

Aug 9, 2010

Morning everyone.. bad US data.. and dollar weakened as per expectation.. euro was held at botom of teh range given on Friday at 1.3160 and rallie dmassivelly after teh data.. expect bidding to contnue.. range expect 1.3240-1.3340 fro teh day.. keep buying dips..

GBp.. same story contnues.. but dips.. expect to play in range of 1.5900-1.6000.. break of 1.6 shud propel it towards 1.6150..

USd/JPy.. fell closer towards 85.00.. a psychological level and with lots of options strikes below it.. some support is expected at these levels.. but styay short for eventual break below it.. range expect 85.00-85.60/...

INR.. achieved target of 45.98 and came back up hugely on back of importer demand and short covering.. range expect 45.98-46.25 for teh day.. break on eitehr side.. and expect a 20-25 paisa move in that direction.. biased to sell upticks..

Nifty.. long as of friday.. with s/l at mentioned..

happy hunting.. :thumb:

Mondays were created by god as a punishment to mankind...
Nifty.. firts target achived.. part t/ped at 5485.. holding rest for 5535.. stop loss now moved at cost of 5435 :thumb:

INR friday o/n part t/ped/. holding rest short.. will hold short today o/n as well
10 Aug 2010

morning... cut my rupee shorts at opening.. and have gone long now.. will add to usd/inr longs on dips to 46.23.. first target 46.35. nest 46.44.. s/l 46.15..

Nifty holding longs with s/l at 5445..

11 Aug 2010

Morning everyone..

US markets down as per expectation.. but indian ones showing lot of resilience.. still expecting a drop to 5400 before anotehr rally beigins.. staying short at 5460 from yesterday.. t/p 5420.. s/l 5485

Rupee expect range for teh day 46.35-46.55.. will short at 46.49 and 53. woth s/l at 46.58. .target 46.38

good day
11 Aug 2010

Stops triggerred in Rupee.. but made money in Nifty.. 5420 target achieved..

fresh tardes. .buy rupee at 46.5300 target 46.6500 s/l 46.48

Nifty.. short again at 5440... s/l 5475.. for expecting US markets will crash bigtime tonight

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