Daily market Views

23 Aug 2010

Morning ppl..

all markets are almost constant as they were on Friday.. not much movement..

Expect Euro to retrace once back to 1.2750.. would like to go short there for 1.2650.. s/l 1.2825

Rupee.. expect a range bound trading session of 46.58-72 for the day.,. not much movement is expected though..

Good day..
24 Aug 2010

Morning everyone.. Euro fell as per expecetd and first target of 1.2650 has achieved.. however on longer term charts.. seeing teh pair crashing further.. will update with chart in a while..

I expect Nifty/BSe to has reached top in the near term ad expect them to start correctuing.. however it may not happen big time in th emonth of August.. hence .. am sitting SHort September contarcts.. at CMP.. target 5300.. S/l 5685..

Sell GBp and Sell JPY.. targets.. 1.5200 and 83.8500..

Rupee.. stay long.. buy dips.. target 47.50 over time.. s/l 46.45..

Happy Hunting..


Well-Known Member

I have been reading a lot about the Indian Markets being opened to retail investors soon. What repercussions do you think it will have on the USD/INR ? More floating pair or still some iron grip of RBI ? Also, your overall market impact analysis?

24 Aug 2010

Morning everyone.. Euro fell as per expecetd and first target of 1.2650 has achieved.. however on longer term charts.. seeing teh pair crashing further.. will update with chart in a while..

I expect Nifty/BSe to has reached top in the near term ad expect them to start correctuing.. however it may not happen big time in th emonth of August.. hence .. am sitting SHort September contarcts.. at CMP.. target 5300.. S/l 5685..

Sell GBp and Sell JPY.. targets.. 1.5200 and 83.8500..

Rupee.. stay long.. buy dips.. target 47.50 over time.. s/l 46.45..

Happy Hunting..

Attached is the daily chart of Euro.. seeing a head & shoulder formation on charts.. ideally.. we should see a retracement back to neckline of 1.2750 once.. if 1.2765-80 levels holds.. target for head & shoulder is 1.2200..

Strat trade..

Shorted yesterday at 1.2720.. added today at 1.2662.. will add more shorts if 1.2750 seen.. stop loss for entire position at 1.2930.. target 1.2200..
25 Aug 2010

Morning.. Euro was held off yesterday at 1.2605.. which is 50% retracement from Jun lows to 6 Aug highs.. a small restracement took the pair to 1.2720.. where it exactly retested teh neckline of Head and shoulder and have fallen again.. contnuing strat short in Euro.. (short at 1.2690 average.. add shorts at 1.2745. s/l 1.2925. target 1.2200).. for intraday trades.. short 1.2675. target 1.2615.. s/l 1.2725.. will add euro shorts if 1.2600 breaks convincingly..

JPY.. long held view for last one month has finally paid off.. JPY crashed thru 85.00 yetserday with market paying no attention to Japanese central bank.. will like to add short on every upticks... one intervention by central bankers can be expecetd there.. but they will give us better levels to short..

Rupee.. expect buying dips to contnue.. Nifty at 5500, Dow at 10000 and S&P at 1050.. all at crucial levels as [per me.. expect them to hower around current levels for a day or two.. but soon expecting to crash them on downside.. stay short equities.. stay long USD.. Rupee stay today's range 46.82-97 for OTC.. 46.97 breaks.. add longs..

Holding Strat pos in INR.. long at 46.74.. target 48.02..

happy hunting


Well-Known Member
Hello there Guys,
And thank you very much ritwijmahant for this thread.
I am sure bro you won't mind if i post my chart here on a trade i'm taking.
I have been looking at another setup on 4 hr
Here is the trade.
Grade b pin bar will give atleast 32 pips.
Limit buy order .9654,sell stop 0.9629 sell limit 0.9990.
See chart below.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,
The Target for Cad/Chf reached.
Check the live feed to see it better.
It made easy 27 pips in 1.5 hours.
Happy Pipping
Last edited:
26 Aug 2010

Morning ppl..

Rupee held off the range given yeterday of 46.82-97.. looks like a nice channel break out today opening.. expecting range for teh time being of 46.70/46.85...
Intraday trades.. buy 46.72.. s/l 46.67.. target 46.81.. OR Sell 46.83.. s/l 46.88.. target 46.72.. OTC spot levels.. contnuing my strat Longs for USd/INR

as per yesterday's call.. US markets , despite lousy economic data, found techinical levels too hard to breach.. however.. a downside break is on cards soon.. contnuing to stay short Nifty futures..

Euro.. inability to breakl 1.2600 on second day will provide a bit more upside to EURo. expect uptick to bring it to 1.2750.. add short positions tehre again.. range for teh day.. 1.2650/1.2740..

JPY.. sqr at teh moment.. wait for uptick over 85.00.. mayb towards 85.50 to go short,..

happy hunting..
27 Aug 2010

Pretty thin and range bound session yesterday across teh board.. but US equities have finalliy closed below the support levels mentioned in earlier updates.. however.. today wud ba crucial day witH US GDP release due. teh number will set up tone for teh next month. Weekly close below 10000 for Dow and 1050 for S&P if happens wud b crucial..

expect anotehr range bound trading session today as well.. same views contnues.. all gungho for stronger USD and weaker equties..
holding Nifty short, USd/INR long and Eur/USd short..

Ranges for teh day.

Euro 1.2675/1.2740
GBP 1.5450-1.5540
JPY 84.20/84.70
INR 46.78/46.92

However.. watch out for equity markets "sustained" break on down side... BSE 18140 and Nifty 5450.. if breaks downside of that in hourly charts.. add to Nifty Shorts and USd/INR longs..

Will post updates..


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